Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Active Immunization for HIV Infection 183 yet fully defined. The release of these factors occurs when the TCR recognizes an infected cell. In fact, these factors are released concurrently with the mobilization of the cell’s cytolytic machinery when an infected cell is recognized (28), and this probably has an important effect on the microenvironment of the infected cell. RANTES, MIP-1� and MIP-1� have been shown to inhibit HIV infection of cells by competing with the virus for chemokine coreceptors present on the cell surface that are necessary for viral entry. Although the exact contribution of each of these two mechanisms toward suppression of HIV infection in vivo is not clear, it is likely that these mechanisms act synergistically to contain cell-to-cell spread of HIV. The identification of HIV-1 epitopic peptides recognized by CTLs is an ongoing process and will be important for evaluation of immune responses generated after therapeutic immunization. Over 50 HLA class I alleles have been identified. Each HLA allele contains a binding groove able to present particular peptides that contain the correct binding motif. However, despite the widespread prevalence of some of these alleles in the general population, not all subjects with a particular HLA type will recognize the identical epitope. For example, the HLA-A2 allele has a prevalence of approximately 45% in the North American Causcasoid population. The SLYNTVATL epitope in p17 is recognized by approximately 70% of HLA-A2 subjects and thus far is one of the most immunodominant epitopes recognized. However, a substantial fraction of subjects don’t recognize this epitope, and other epitopes are less frequently recognized. For example, an HLA-A2-restricted epitope in RT, ILKEPVHGV, is recognized by approximately 30% of HLA-A2 subjects (29–32). The same holds true for other HLA alleles. Even in subjects matched at three HLA class I alleles, considerable variability in recognition of identified CTL epitopes exists (33). This allows for the prospects of measuring the CTL responses to defined epitopes after therapeutic immunization. The fact that subjects do not target all possible CTL epitopes strengthens the rationale of broadening these responses through therapeutic immunization. Over the past few years, newer technologies have been developed that allow for easier measurement of immune responses. Elispot assays have allowed direct enumeration of interferon-� (IFN-�)-producing T-cells (3), and flow cytometric evaluation of these cells is possible via intracellular cytokine staining (34). HLA class I tetramers allow for the direct visualization of CTLs by flow cytometry. These constructs consist of four HLA class I molecules folded around a peptide in their binding groove and bound to streptavidin. These tetramers are labeled with a fluorescent dye and can directly bind CTLs through the TCR complex (35). In cross-sectional analyses, the viral load setpoint in HLA-A2-positive individuals correlates negatively with HLA-A2-tetramer staining (36). A more direct example of the antiviral effect of CTLs has been demonstrated in the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) macaque model. Acutely infected animals that underwent CD8� T-cell depletion were unable to control the initial viremia and had higher viral setpoints (37,38). Therefore, the decrease in virus load and establishment of the steady-state viremia appears to be the result of an active CTL-mediated immune response and not antibody responses, or, as others have proposed, exhaustion of susceptible target cells (39). In a number of viral infections, CD4� T-helper cells have been shown to be critical for the maintenance of functional CTL (reviewed in ref. 6). T-helper cells recognize viral proteins processed in the lysosomes of antigen-presenting cells, and that are

184 Kalams complexed with HLA class II molecules. T-helper epitopes are typically larger than HLA class 1-restricted epitopes, in the 12–17-amino acid range. They are presented via the exogenous antigen pathway and complexed with HLA class II molecules at the cell surface, where they are recognized by CD4� T-cells. It is not known exactly what constitutes help, but it is probably composed of released lymphokines and a series of direct cell-cell interactions. The critical role of T-helper cells in response to chronic viral infection has been firmly demonstrated in animal models. For example, after LCMV infection of mice, an LCMV-specific CTL response develops that controls viremia. However, in the absence of CD4� T-cells, either because of genetic knockout or antibody-mediated depletion, the CTL response cannot be maintained and results in persistent viremia (40–42). In contrast to other infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV), helper responses in HIV-1 infection are typically low or absent in the presence of persistent viremia. Cross-sectional studies of subjects with wide ranges of viral loads have demonstrated a negative correlation between HIV-1 Gag-specific helper responses and viral load (43–46). In addition, helper responses are also positively correlated with the magnitude of HIV-1-specific CTL responses (44), further demonstrating that both responses are likely to be important for immune-mediated control of viral replication. The identification and immunologic characterization of subjects with long-term control of HIV replication demonstrates that immune control of HIV is possible, and these subjects typically have robust HIV-specific CTL and helper responses (47,48). These findings suggest that the combination of strong helper and CTL responses is required for control of viremia during HIV infection. FACTORS LEADING TO LOSS OF CONTROL OF VIREMIA Immune Exhaustion A number of longitudinal studies have demonstrated that CTL responses decline with disease progression (49–52) and that this decline is probably related to the frequent absence of HIV-1-specific helper responses in infected individuals (52). Immune exhaustion, defined as a disappearance of antigen-specific CTL clones, has been postulated to occur because of sustained high-level viremia. Animal models suggested that CTL could expand maximally and then be deleted in the presence of a high viral load (53). Early studies of V� TCR subsets in humans suggested this might also be the case in HIV infection (54). However, more recent studies evaluating antigen-specific CTL clones have demonstrated the persistence of these cells in the face of a high antigen load (55,56). If the defect is not the absence of CTL clones, but rather a lack of function, or a lack of ability to expand in the presence of antigen, these more recent data suggest that efforts to augment these responses could prove beneficial. This inability to maintain CTL function, despite the physical presence of CTL clones, may be related to inadequate T-helper cell function. More recent studies in LCMV infection show that although deletion of CTLs is possible, the persistence of virus can more often be explained by a silenced phenotype of CTLs that are present (as defined by tetramer staining) but unable to secrete IFN-� in response to antigenic stimulation (5,6). Although this hypothesis has not yet been confirmed in the setting of HIV-1-infection, it suggests that efforts to restore helper function may increase CTL function.

184 Kalams<br />

complexed with HLA class II molecules. T-helper epitopes are typically larger than<br />

HLA class 1-restricted epitopes, in the 12–17-amino acid range. They are presented via<br />

the exogenous antigen pathway and complexed with HLA class II molecules at the cell<br />

surface, where they are recognized by CD4� T-cells. It is not known exactly what constitutes<br />

help, but it is probably composed of released lymphokines and a series of direct<br />

cell-cell interactions. The critical role of T-helper cells in response to chronic viral<br />

infection has been firmly demonstrated in animal models. For example, after LCMV<br />

infection of mice, an LCMV-specific CTL response develops that controls viremia.<br />

However, in the absence of CD4� T-cells, either because of genetic knockout or<br />

antibody-mediated depletion, the CTL response cannot be maintained and results in<br />

persistent viremia (40–42). In contrast to other infections such as cytomegalovirus<br />

(CMV), helper responses in HIV-1 infection are typically low or absent in the presence<br />

of persistent viremia.<br />

Cross-sectional studies of subjects with wide ranges of viral loads have demonstrated<br />

a negative correlation between HIV-1 Gag-specific helper responses and viral<br />

load (43–46). In addition, helper responses are also positively correlated with the magnitude<br />

of HIV-1-specific CTL responses (44), further demonstrating that both responses<br />

are likely to be important <strong>for</strong> immune-mediated control of viral replication. The identification<br />

and immunologic characterization of subjects with long-term control of HIV<br />

replication demonstrates that immune control of HIV is possible, and these subjects<br />

typically have robust HIV-specific CTL and helper responses (47,48). These findings<br />

suggest that the combination of strong helper and CTL responses is required <strong>for</strong> control<br />

of viremia during HIV infection.<br />


Immune Exhaustion<br />

A number of longitudinal studies have demonstrated that CTL responses decline<br />

with disease progression (49–52) and that this decline is probably related to the frequent<br />

absence of HIV-1-specific helper responses in infected individuals (52). Immune<br />

exhaustion, defined as a disappearance of antigen-specific CTL clones, has been postulated<br />

to occur because of sustained high-level viremia. Animal models suggested that<br />

CTL could expand maximally and then be deleted in the presence of a high viral load<br />

(53). Early studies of V� TCR subsets in humans suggested this might also be the case<br />

in HIV infection (54). However, more recent studies evaluating antigen-specific CTL<br />

clones have demonstrated the persistence of these cells in the face of a high antigen<br />

load (55,56). If the defect is not the absence of CTL clones, but rather a lack of function,<br />

or a lack of ability to expand in the presence of antigen, these more recent data<br />

suggest that ef<strong>for</strong>ts to augment these responses could prove beneficial.<br />

This inability to maintain CTL function, despite the physical presence of CTL clones,<br />

may be related to inadequate T-helper cell function. More recent studies in LCMV infection<br />

show that although deletion of CTLs is possible, the persistence of virus can more<br />

often be explained by a silenced phenotype of CTLs that are present (as defined by<br />

tetramer staining) but unable to secrete IFN-� in response to antigenic stimulation (5,6).<br />

Although this hypothesis has not yet been confirmed in the setting of HIV-1-infection,<br />

it suggests that ef<strong>for</strong>ts to restore helper function may increase CTL function.

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