Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Immunopathogenesis of HIV Disease 155 activation state throughout most of the course of HIV disease. This produces the characteristic reversal of CD4�/CD8� cell ratio. CD8� T-cells suppress HIV replication through CTL activity and through noncytolytic suppressor action. Much of the latter activity is thought to be due to production of the �-chemokines that are the natural ligands for the second receptors utilized by HIV during binding to target cells, although additional suppressor factors also seem to be involved (27). Late in the course of HIV disease, the numbers of circulating CD8� T-cells fall, heralding much more rapid disease progression. Although clinical manifestations of HIV disease may not occur for a decade after infection, HIV replication in lymphoid tissues continues throughout this time. The high mutation rate of the virus leads to steady escape from immunologic containment, as well as development of resistance to antiretroviral drugs. With progression to AIDS, the architecture of the lymphoid tissue collapses, as both T- and B-cell regions involute and the FDC network is disrupted. HIV previously contained in lymphoid tissue is then released, with a sharp increase in plasma viremia. In the absence of potent antiretroviral therapy, any condition that causes an inflammatory immune response is likely to induce increased HIV replication in the infected host. This has been observed with a relatively mild stimulus, such as vaccination, as well as with the more potent stimulus of intercurrent illness, such as influenza. As the disease progresses to AIDS, the opportunistic infections that follow may do the added damage of driving HIV expression by the inflammatory response they provoke, in addition to the harm the infection itself causes. Globally, infection with both HIV and tuberculosis continues to be the most difficult public health problem complicating the HIV epidemic (28). HIV disease progresses much more rapidly in persons infected with tuberculosis, who are also at greater risk of harboring multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Chronic parasitic infections also frequently accompany HIV infection, particularly in Africa. Successful treatment of the parasite disease has been shown to ameliorate the course of the HIV coinfection. Coinfection at the cellular level with herpesviruses and HIV may also directly drive HIV replication, through promotor stimulation. Immune Dysfunctions in HIV Disease AIDS is characterized by the progressive loss of reaction to antigenic stimulation and vulnerability to infection. Response is first lost to recall antigen, next to alloantigen, and finally to mitogen. In pediatric AIDS, failure to resist common bacterial infections is frequently seen, whereas in adults, this is less common, reflecting the adult’s more mature humoral immunity. In both populations, loss of resistance to intracellular parasites, viruses, protozoa, fungi, and mycobacteria demonstrates impaired cell-mediated immunity. Polyclonal B-cell activation contributes to inappropriate antibody production, autoimmune disease, and B-cell lymphomas. The primary target for HIV infection is the activated CD4� T-cell. The central role of this cell type in coordinating both the humoral and cell-mediated immune response means that physical or functional loss of these cells leads to a broad array of immune dysfunctions. B-cells that encounter a matching antigen engulf it, digest it, and display antigen fragments on their surface in complex with MHC molecules. A mature CD4� T-cell with a matching receptor for the antigen and MHC display must next supply lymphokines to allow the B-cell to multiply and mature into antibody-producing

156 Fox plasma cells. Failure of this T-helper cell function leads to loss of humoral response to the antigen against which the T-cell was primed. Similarly, cell-mediated immunity depends on antigen display by an antigen-presenting cell (APC) such as a B-cell, macrophage, or circulating dendritic cell, encounter with a matching receptor on a mobilized T-cell, stimulation of the T-cell by second receptor binding and lymphokines from the APC, and appropriate activation of the T-cell. The activated cell then secretes lymphokines that may attract immune cells (including macrophages, granulocytes, and other lymphocytes), stimulate the growth of T-cells, and induce killer cell activity. Defects in any of these steps leads to failure of all the subsequent responses. Both the number and function of CD4� T-cells is compromised by HIV infection. Many factors seem to contribute to the fall in CD4� T-cell number, including lysis by HIV itself, lysis by HIV-specific CTL, syncytia formation, apoptosis, and reduced rate of T-cell synthesis (29). Sequestration in lymphoid tissue also reduces the number of CD4� T-cells in the peripheral blood. The rate of CD4� T-cell infection is inadequate to account for most of the cell loss, particularly early in HIV disease. Apoptosis seems to contribute significantly to this cell loss, which affects uninfected as well as infected cells. Many auxiliary HIV proteins, such as Nef, Tat, and Vpr, which have regulatory functions in HIV maturation, also appear to contribute to this immune dysfunction (30). Linking of gp120, which is shed by HIV, with CD4 can program cells for apoptosis upon receipt of a second stimulatory signal delivered via the T-cell receptor. Thus cells exposed to soluble HIV proteins, but uninfected by HIV, may undergo apoptosis. This may lead to deletion of clones of memory cells at the moment they are activated by the antigen to which they are programmed to respond. It is not surprising, then, in the constant presence of HIV antigen, that HIV-specific CD4� T-helper cells are rapidly depleted (31). The same mechanism may underlie the loss of response to recall antigens, with accompanying vulnerability to other infectious agents. Binding of HIV-induced proinflammatory cytokines with the apoptosis-inducing CD95 or tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR-1) receptors may also contribute to cell death. The rate of synthesis of T-cells has been shown to be reduced by HIV infection and to increase when HIV replication is suppressed by antiviral drugs (32). The reason for this inhibition of T-cell synthesis is unclear, but it may involve more than one mechanism. The maturation of thymus-derived naive T-cells is probably inhibited by effects of HIV on both thymic epithelial cells and immature thymic precursor cells (33). The extrathymic expansion of T-cells is inhibited by the disruption of cytokine signaling, in particular by the reduced expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and the IL-2 receptor (34). The failure of CD4� T-cell function seems to be due to disruption of the normal cellular and intercellular signaling mechanisms. CD4� T-cell anergy can result from inappropriate signaling after gp120 binding to CD4. Stimulation by superantigen binding nonspecifically to the T-cell receptor may cause the massive overexpansion of T-cell subsets and may also cause deletion of these subsets if they are already primed for apoptosis (35). APC interaction with T-cells may fail, if the proper cytokine signal does not accompany antigen presentation. HIV-infected monocytes/macrophages express decreased MHC class II, CD80/86 costimulatory molecule, and IL-12 and increased IL-10, Fas (CD-95), and Fas ligand (CD-95L). Interaction of such APCs with CD4� T-cells predisposes to T-cell death, either through apoptosis or HIV infection

Immunopathogenesis of HIV Disease 155<br />

activation state throughout most of the course of HIV disease. This produces the characteristic<br />

reversal of CD4�/CD8� cell ratio. CD8� T-cells suppress HIV replication<br />

through CTL activity and through noncytolytic suppressor action. Much of the latter<br />

activity is thought to be due to production of the �-chemokines that are the natural ligands<br />

<strong>for</strong> the second receptors utilized by HIV during binding to target cells, although<br />

additional suppressor factors also seem to be involved (27).<br />

Late in the course of HIV disease, the numbers of circulating CD8� T-cells fall,<br />

heralding much more rapid disease progression. Although clinical manifestations of<br />

HIV disease may not occur <strong>for</strong> a decade after infection, HIV replication in lymphoid<br />

tissues continues throughout this time. The high mutation rate of the virus leads to<br />

steady escape from immunologic containment, as well as development of resistance to<br />

antiretroviral drugs. With progression to AIDS, the architecture of the lymphoid tissue<br />

collapses, as both T- and B-cell regions involute and the FDC network is disrupted.<br />

HIV previously contained in lymphoid tissue is then released, with a sharp increase in<br />

plasma viremia.<br />

In the absence of potent antiretroviral therapy, any condition that causes an inflammatory<br />

immune response is likely to induce increased HIV replication in the infected<br />

host. This has been observed with a relatively mild stimulus, such as vaccination, as well<br />

as with the more potent stimulus of intercurrent illness, such as influenza. As the disease<br />

progresses to AIDS, the opportunistic infections that follow may do the added damage<br />

of driving HIV expression by the inflammatory response they provoke, in addition<br />

to the harm the infection itself causes. Globally, infection with both HIV and tuberculosis<br />

continues to be the most difficult public health problem complicating the HIV<br />

epidemic (28). HIV disease progresses much more rapidly in persons infected with<br />

tuberculosis, who are also at greater risk of harboring multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.<br />

Chronic parasitic infections also frequently accompany HIV infection, particularly in<br />

Africa. Successful treatment of the parasite disease has been shown to ameliorate the<br />

course of the HIV coinfection. Coinfection at the cellular level with herpesviruses and<br />

HIV may also directly drive HIV replication, through promotor stimulation.<br />

Immune Dysfunctions in HIV Disease<br />

AIDS is characterized by the progressive loss of reaction to antigenic stimulation and<br />

vulnerability to infection. Response is first lost to recall antigen, next to alloantigen, and<br />

finally to mitogen. In pediatric AIDS, failure to resist common bacterial infections is<br />

frequently seen, whereas in adults, this is less common, reflecting the adult’s more<br />

mature humoral immunity. In both populations, loss of resistance to intracellular parasites,<br />

viruses, protozoa, fungi, and mycobacteria demonstrates impaired cell-mediated<br />

immunity. Polyclonal B-cell activation contributes to inappropriate antibody production,<br />

autoimmune disease, and B-cell lymphomas.<br />

The primary target <strong>for</strong> HIV infection is the activated CD4� T-cell. The central role<br />

of this cell type in coordinating both the humoral and cell-mediated immune response<br />

means that physical or functional loss of these cells leads to a broad array of immune<br />

dysfunctions. B-cells that encounter a matching antigen engulf it, digest it, and display<br />

antigen fragments on their surface in complex with MHC molecules. A mature CD4�<br />

T-cell with a matching receptor <strong>for</strong> the antigen and MHC display must next supply<br />

lymphokines to allow the B-cell to multiply and mature into antibody-producing

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