Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Dendritic Cells 105 chaperones such as heat shock proteins (e.g., hsp96) to deliver antigens via the class I pathway (96). Finally, as noted earlier, DCs express the CD1 family of antigens, which appear to play important roles in the presentation of nonprotein antigens to T-cells. As noted above, a number of studies indicate the existence of DC subpopulations. Some controversy remains as to whether these subpopulations represent distinct lineages or cells in different stages of maturation. Regardless of the answer, the possibility that the DC subpopulations differ in their functions has significant implications for DC-based treatment strategies. In humans, the classical “myeloid” DCs, which constitute the majority of circulating DCs and DCs in the periphery, are derived from a committed precursor of granulocyte/monocyte lineage. Myeloid DCs appear in the blood as lymphoid-appearing cells that express high levels of MHC class II antigens and lack most lineage-specific markers. Myeloid DCs can also be derived from several cell types previously thought to be terminally committed. For example, monocytes and committed granulocyte precursors can differentiate into DCs when exposed, in vitro, to appropriate combinations of cytokines including granulocyte/macrophage colonystimulating factor (GM-CSF) and TNF-�, with or without IL-4 (97,98). In addition to myeloid DC, a human DC subpopulation (plasmacytoid DC) expressing high levels of CD123 (IL-3 receptor) and CD4 and lacking the CD11c myeloid DC marker has been described (99). These CD123� precursors require IL-3 for their survival and an activation signal, such as CD40L, for maturation. They reportedly bias CD4� T-cell priming to a Th2 response, in contrast to the classical myeloid CD11c� DC, which induce a Thl biased response (100). However, viral infections predominantly induce a Thl response (101). These CD123 hi DC also play an important role in innate immunity by producing type 1 interferons upon viral exposure (33). Recent reports have appeared describing CD8�� DCs in the lymph nodes and spleen of mice. These DCs appear to bias CD4� T-cell priming to a Th1 response, whereas CD8� negative sign DCs appear to bias toward a Th2 response (102,103). Because CD8 is primarily expressed on a subset of T-cells, these CD8� DC have been postulated to be of lymphoid origin. However, recent studies from our group show clearly that these cells are of myeloid origin and that CD8 is induced on the cells when they migrate from the periphery to lymphoid organs (104). No human CD8� DCs have been described. Human DCs derived from CD10� lymphoid precursors have been reported, although their role is not clearly understood (105,106). METHODS OF DENDRITIC CELL ENRICHMENT Human DC precursors in blood constitute about 1% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (30,107). The low frequency of such DCs and the lack of specific DCs markers have been barriers to the isolation of sufficient numbers of DCs for routine study let alone development of DC vaccines. However, DCs can be enriched from the blood using density-based purification (46). Most DC precursors present in peripheral blood are lymphoid-appearing cells that can be separated from monocytes on the basis of their different buoyant densities. Our group currently uses centrifugation through a solution of Percoll for this purpose. After 24–48 hours of culture, the buoyant density of DC precursors decreases, enabling their separation from lymphocytes by centrifugation through solutions of metrizamide, Nycodenz, or Percoll. Our group has made extensive use of this approach to prepare DCs for clinical trials (46,108).

106 Kundu-Raychaudhuri and Engleman Several other approaches are now being used to generate human DCs. One method utilizes CD34� precursor cells from bone marrow, cord blood, or G-CSF-mobilized peripheral blood, cultured in the presence of exogenous GM-CSF and IL-4 with or without TNF-� (109–112) to generate DCs. DC-like cells can also be generated from CD14� monocytes after culture of these cells in vitro with GM-CSF, IL-4, and TNF-� for 1–2 weeks. Fifty milliliters of whole blood generates over 10 million such DCs, which are capable of inducing strong immune responses in vivo, in mice and in humans (113–117). However, monocyte-derived DCs (sometimes referred to as dendrophages) are phenotypically unstable and tend to revert back to monocytes if not exposed to additional factors following their culture with GM-CSF and IL-4. Flt3-ligand, a bone marrow growth factor, can also be used to increase DC yields by inducing the proliferation of DC progenitors, in vivo (118). Flt3-ligand administration in mice results in preferential mobilization or release of DC precursors from the bone marrow to the periphery and into lymphoid organs (118). Flt3-ligand administration in humans can increase the number of circulating blood DCs by 10–30 fold. These DCs can be harvested using a leukapheresis procedure for ex vivo manipulation and potentially used to prime humans to antigen in vivo. Such an approach would avoid the need for prolonged in vitro culture or repeated leukaphereses. Our group is currently using Flt3-L expanded DCs in clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer. The results to date indicate that large numbers of DCs can be obtained from these patients and that following in vitro manipulation, including antigen pulsing, these cells induce strong antigen-specific immunity when reinfused as a vaccine (119). METHODS OF ANTIGEN DELIVERY TO DENDRITIC CELLS Several approaches have been used to “educate” DCs with target antigens for use in clinical trials. Microbial or tumor-associated proteins, or HLA-restricted epitopes derived from these proteins, have been used extensively (53,115,119,120). The use of immunogenic epitopes relies on the ability to identify peptides that both bind with high affinity to a particular HLA allele and are recognized by antigen-specific T-cells. For purposes of generating antigen-specific, HLA class I-restricted CTLs, peptides that bind to the HLA*A0201 allele are most frequently used because this allele is very common (33–45%) among most ethnic groups. Peptides that bind HLA class II alleles did induce CD4 T-cell responses and are generally more “promiscuous” than class I binding peptides in that they often bind several alleles rather than just one and may therefore induce an immune response in a higher proportion of the population. Although this approach simplifies the production of target antigens to a limited number of peptides and allows the combined use of both HLA class I and II restricted epitopes, for purposes of generating both CTL and T-helper immune responses, selection of patients is limited. Moreover, since there are practical limits to the number of peptides that can be used (they may compete with each other for binding), a number of biologically important epitopes may be missed. By introducing whole protein into DCs, immune responses would potentially be available to multiple alleles rather than single alleles as they are with peptides. In general, however, addition of full-length proteins to DCs would be expected to result in antigen processing only through the HLA class II pathway. This will result in the induction of T-helper immune responses but not CTLs. Although exogenous antigens might gain access to the HLA class I processing pathway, which can lead to stimulation of

Dendritic Cells 105<br />

chaperones such as heat shock proteins (e.g., hsp96) to deliver antigens via the class I<br />

pathway (96). Finally, as noted earlier, DCs express the CD1 family of antigens, which<br />

appear to play important roles in the presentation of nonprotein antigens to T-cells.<br />

As noted above, a number of studies indicate the existence of DC subpopulations.<br />

Some controversy remains as to whether these subpopulations represent distinct lineages<br />

or cells in different stages of maturation. Regardless of the answer, the possibility<br />

that the DC subpopulations differ in their functions has significant implications <strong>for</strong><br />

DC-based treatment strategies. In humans, the classical “myeloid” DCs, which constitute<br />

the majority of circulating DCs and DCs in the periphery, are derived from a committed<br />

precursor of granulocyte/monocyte lineage. Myeloid DCs appear in the blood<br />

as lymphoid-appearing cells that express high levels of MHC class II antigens and lack<br />

most lineage-specific markers. Myeloid DCs can also be derived from several cell<br />

types previously thought to be terminally committed. For example, monocytes and<br />

committed granulocyte precursors can differentiate into DCs when exposed, in vitro,<br />

to appropriate combinations of cytokines including granulocyte/macrophage colonystimulating<br />

factor (GM-CSF) and TNF-�, with or without IL-4 (97,98). In addition to<br />

myeloid DC, a human DC subpopulation (plasmacytoid DC) expressing high levels of<br />

CD123 (IL-3 receptor) and CD4 and lacking the CD11c myeloid DC marker has been<br />

described (99). These CD123� precursors require IL-3 <strong>for</strong> their survival and an activation<br />

signal, such as CD40L, <strong>for</strong> maturation. They reportedly bias CD4� T-cell priming<br />

to a Th2 response, in contrast to the classical myeloid CD11c� DC, which induce<br />

a Thl biased response (100). However, viral infections predominantly induce a Thl<br />

response (101). These CD123 hi DC also play an important role in innate immunity by<br />

producing type 1 interferons upon viral exposure (33).<br />

Recent reports have appeared describing CD8�� DCs in the lymph nodes and<br />

spleen of mice. These DCs appear to bias CD4� T-cell priming to a Th1 response,<br />

whereas CD8� negative sign DCs appear to bias toward a Th2 response (102,103).<br />

Because CD8 is primarily expressed on a subset of T-cells, these CD8� DC have been<br />

postulated to be of lymphoid origin. However, recent studies from our group show<br />

clearly that these cells are of myeloid origin and that CD8 is induced on the cells when<br />

they migrate from the periphery to lymphoid organs (104). No human CD8� DCs have<br />

been described. Human DCs derived from CD10� lymphoid precursors have been<br />

reported, although their role is not clearly understood (105,106).<br />


Human DC precursors in blood constitute about 1% of peripheral blood mononuclear<br />

cells (30,107). The low frequency of such DCs and the lack of specific DCs markers<br />

have been barriers to the isolation of sufficient numbers of DCs <strong>for</strong> routine study<br />

let alone development of DC vaccines. However, DCs can be enriched from the blood<br />

using density-based purification (46). Most DC precursors present in peripheral blood<br />

are lymphoid-appearing cells that can be separated from monocytes on the basis of<br />

their different buoyant densities. Our group currently uses centrifugation through a<br />

solution of Percoll <strong>for</strong> this purpose. After 24–48 hours of culture, the buoyant density<br />

of DC precursors decreases, enabling their separation from lymphocytes by centrifugation<br />

through solutions of metrizamide, Nycodenz, or Percoll. Our group has made<br />

extensive use of this approach to prepare DCs <strong>for</strong> clinical trials (46,108).

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