Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Dendritic Cells 103 tion that infection with influenza virus results in activation of DCs to such an extent that the cells are capable of activating CD8� T-cells directly, bypassing the usual requirement for CD4� T-cell help (61). CTLs are thought to contribute to hepatitis B virus (HBV) clearance by killing infected hepatocytes and by secreting antiviral cytokines (62). HBV transgenic mice that are immunologically tolerant to HBV-encoded antigens represent a model of chronic HBV infection suitable for use in the development of therapeutic immunization strategies. Using this model, investigators have recently shown that antigen presentation by DCs can break tolerance and trigger an antiviral CTL response (63). In general, bacterial products processed by DCs are presented in the context of MHC class I and II molecules on the cell surface to T-cells. In addition to classical MHC molecules, DC express CD1, a molecule related in structure to MHC molecules that is involved in presenting non-protein antigens to T-cells. In this regard, the presence of CD1� DCs at sites of Mycobacterium leprae infection has been associated with an improved clinical outcome (64). Moreover, recent studies indicate that human DCs can present Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens to CD1-restricted T-cells in vitro (65). Taken together, these results suggest that DCs play a critical role in the induction of protective immunity against a variety of infectious organisms. On the other hand, several organisms have evolved mechanisms to inhibit the ability of DCs and other APCs to process and present antigens, thereby hindering the development of protective immunity. Useful reviews of this topic have appeared (54,66). ONTOGENY AND PHENOTYPIC IDENTIFICATION OF DENDRITIC CELLS The same attributes that make DCs potent APCs make them ideal vehicles to deliver pathogen- or tumor-associated antigens for immunotherapy or prophylaxis. As noted above, antigen-pulsed DCs have been shown to confer protection against infection in numerous animal models. Alternatively, DCs might be used to deliver immunemodulating and antimicrobial cytokines and chemokines such as IL-12, IFN-�, RANTES, and fractalkine to sites of infection or inflammation in vivo (67–72). A potential advantage of this approach is the ability to target the delivery of immunomodulatory products to sites of DC/T-cell engagement where they will exert maximal effects and minimal systemic toxicity. Before considering how this might be accomplished, it is necessary to review our current knowledge of the life cycle of DCs, including the changes in their phenotype that occur with maturation and activation and the molecules that mediate their interactions with T-cells. DC precursors are derived from CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells. These precursors migrate from the bone marrow and circulate in the blood to specific sites in the body, where they mature and act as sentinels for the immune system (73). This trafficking to the tissues is directed by expression on DCs of the chemokine receptors CCR1, CCR5, and CCR6 as well as adhesion molecules such as the CD62P-ligand (74–76). Tissue-resident DCs, including Langerhans cells in the skin, hepatic DCs in portal triads, mucosal DCs and lung DCs, take up, process, and present antigens to T-cells in the context of MHC class I and II molecules. The DCs present in peripheral tissues are efficient at taking up and processing antigen (microbial proteins or apoptotic bodies [77,78]) but not at presenting them to T-cells. Antigen-independent

104 Kundu-Raychaudhuri and Engleman “danger” signals such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), interferon (IFN)-� and -�, IL-1�, and immunostimulatory DNA sequences present in many bacteria are required for DC activation, which is accompanied by dramatically increased expression of MHC class I and II molecules, costimulatory molecules, and other molecules (for example, adhesion molecules) that contribute to DC-mediated T-cell activation (79). Once activated, DCs leave the tissues and migrate via the afferent lymphatics to the T-cell-rich paracortex of the draining lymph nodes, drawn by the chemokines MIP-3� and secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine (SLC) through upregulation of their chemokine receptor CCR7 (80,81). Activated DCs secrete chemokines, e.g., RANTES, that attract naïve and memory T-cells for priming (82). They also secrete IL-7 and IL-12, which induce T-cell proliferation and B-cell differentiation (83,84) and Th1 immune responses, respectively. This stimulatory milieu produced by activated DCs, combined with the presentation of epitopes of antigens associated with MHC class I and class II determinants and the expression of costimulatory and adhesion molecules, results in the generation of potent antigen-specific CD4� and CD8� T-cell responses (85). In humans there remain difficulties in identifying cells of the DC lineage because no specific marker for these cells has been identified. Human myeloid precursors in peripheral blood express CD2, -4, -13, -16, -32 and -33. With DC maturation, these antigens are gradually lost from the cell surface (86). By contrast, MHC antigens, costimulatory molecules, and adhesins increase with maturation. CD83 is expressed on most activated or mature DCs (87), and antibodies to this molecule label such cells preferentially (88). However, CD83 and other markers of mature DCs are absent or only weakly expressed on DC precursors. Therefore, the identification and isolation of such precursors still requires the exclusion of cells bearing lineage markers such as CD3 (T-cell), CD14 (monocyte), CD19, -20, and -24 (B-cell), CD56 (NK cell), and CD15 (granulocyte), as well as inclusion criteria, typically MHC class II expression (89). Committed DC precursors as well as activated DCs also typically express adhesins and costimulatory molecules that although not specific for DCs can aid identification (90,91), including CD11a (leukocyte function-associated antigen [LFA-1]), CD11c, CD50 (intercellular adhesion molecule [ICAM-2]), CD54 (ICAM-1), CD58 (LFA-3), and CD102 (ICAM-3). DCs possess nonspecific antigen uptake receptors although at lower levels than macrophages. Some DC express Fc�R (CD16, CD32) and complement receptors (CD11b, 11c, CD35). CD11c may also act as a receptor for LPS, as DCs lack the classical LPS receptor, CD14, and yet respond to this stimulus. DCs also can take up antigen through mannose receptors, potentially through the receptor recognized by the DEC-205 antibody (92). With activation and migration of DCs from peripheral tissues, antigen uptake activity and the associated antigen receptors of DCs are downregulated. As a result, the main function of these cells switches from antigen uptake to antigen presentation (93). DCs are capable of processing antigen via classical pathways, e.g., breakdown of endogenous antigens in the proteosome followed by transfer of peptide fragments into the MHC class I compartment, and transport of exogenous antigens via endocytic lysosomes into the MHC class II compartment (94). DCs also possess alternative pathways of antigen processing and can route soluble antigen into the MHC class I pathway through a mechanism known as crosspriming (95). DCs may also utilize molecular

104 Kundu-Raychaudhuri and Engleman<br />

“danger” signals such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), interferon (IFN)-� and -�, IL-1�,<br />

and immunostimulatory DNA sequences present in many bacteria are required <strong>for</strong> DC<br />

activation, which is accompanied by dramatically increased expression of MHC class<br />

I and II molecules, costimulatory molecules, and other molecules (<strong>for</strong> example, adhesion<br />

molecules) that contribute to DC-mediated T-cell activation (79). Once activated,<br />

DCs leave the tissues and migrate via the afferent lymphatics to the T-cell-rich paracortex<br />

of the draining lymph nodes, drawn by the chemokines MIP-3� and secondary<br />

lymphoid-tissue chemokine (SLC) through upregulation of their chemokine receptor<br />

CCR7 (80,81). Activated DCs secrete chemokines, e.g., RANTES, that attract naïve<br />

and memory T-cells <strong>for</strong> priming (82). They also secrete IL-7 and IL-12, which induce<br />

T-cell proliferation and B-cell differentiation (83,84) and Th1 immune responses,<br />

respectively. This stimulatory milieu produced by activated DCs, combined with the<br />

presentation of epitopes of antigens associated with MHC class I and class II determinants<br />

and the expression of costimulatory and adhesion molecules, results in the generation<br />

of potent antigen-specific CD4� and CD8� T-cell responses (85).<br />

In humans there remain difficulties in identifying cells of the DC lineage because<br />

no specific marker <strong>for</strong> these cells has been identified. Human myeloid precursors in<br />

peripheral blood express CD2, -4, -13, -16, -32 and -33. With DC maturation, these<br />

antigens are gradually lost from the cell surface (86). By contrast, MHC antigens,<br />

costimulatory molecules, and adhesins increase with maturation. CD83 is expressed<br />

on most activated or mature DCs (87), and antibodies to this molecule label such<br />

cells preferentially (88). However, CD83 and other markers of mature DCs are absent<br />

or only weakly expressed on DC precursors. There<strong>for</strong>e, the identification and isolation<br />

of such precursors still requires the exclusion of cells bearing lineage markers such<br />

as CD3 (T-cell), CD14 (monocyte), CD19, -20, and -24 (B-cell), CD56 (NK cell),<br />

and CD15 (granulocyte), as well as inclusion criteria, typically MHC class II expression<br />

(89).<br />

Committed DC precursors as well as activated DCs also typically express adhesins<br />

and costimulatory molecules that although not specific <strong>for</strong> DCs can aid identification<br />

(90,91), including CD11a (leukocyte function-associated antigen [LFA-1]), CD11c,<br />

CD50 (intercellular adhesion molecule [ICAM-2]), CD54 (ICAM-1), CD58 (LFA-3),<br />

and CD102 (ICAM-3). DCs possess nonspecific antigen uptake receptors although at<br />

lower levels than macrophages. Some DC express Fc�R (CD16, CD32) and complement<br />

receptors (CD11b, 11c, CD35). CD11c may also act as a receptor <strong>for</strong> LPS, as<br />

DCs lack the classical LPS receptor, CD14, and yet respond to this stimulus. DCs also<br />

can take up antigen through mannose receptors, potentially through the receptor recognized<br />

by the DEC-205 antibody (92).<br />

With activation and migration of DCs from peripheral tissues, antigen uptake activity<br />

and the associated antigen receptors of DCs are downregulated. As a result, the<br />

main function of these cells switches from antigen uptake to antigen presentation (93).<br />

DCs are capable of processing antigen via classical pathways, e.g., breakdown of<br />

endogenous antigens in the proteosome followed by transfer of peptide fragments into<br />

the MHC class I compartment, and transport of exogenous antigens via endocytic lysosomes<br />

into the MHC class II compartment (94). DCs also possess alternative pathways<br />

of antigen processing and can route soluble antigen into the MHC class I pathway<br />

through a mechanism known as crosspriming (95). DCs may also utilize molecular

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