Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Dendritic Cells 101 several organisms infect DCs and/or otherwise compromise DC function and presumably gain a significant survival advantage by doing so. The role of DC in HIV infection and spread is controversial. A number of studies suggest that HIV takes advantage of the antigen-presenting and lymph node-homing properties of DCs. Thus, the initiation of most cases of HIV infection involves passage of the virus through mucous membranes, a process that is enhanced by local tissue damage and inflammation. DCs are believed to be the first cells to interact with HIV at these sites (26), where they can be infected and become latent and/or persistent sources of infectious virus (27,28). When these cells interact with CD4� T-cells, either in the draining lymphoid organs or before migration at sites of inflammation, they can efficiently transfer infection (28–31). Immature DCs in peripheral blood that migrate to mucosal sites have been posited to be the initial targets of HIV-1 infection, preferentially via R5 viruses. Freshly isolated peripheral blood DCs (DC precursors) have the highest number of CCR5 antibody binding sites based on quantitative fluorescenceactivated cell sorting analysis. Downregulation of CCR5 and upregulation of CXCR4 occur with maturation of DCs. Mature cells express more CXCR4 receptors and are more susceptible to HIV R4 infection. However, different strains of HIV are often found in DCs and T-cells purified from the blood of AIDS patients, and there is no close correlation between infection levels in DCs and T-cells (32). These observations indicate that many strains may not be trafficking between DCs and T-cells. Finally, the possibility exists that myeloid and plasmacytoid DC differ in their susceptibility to HIV infection. Despite their putative role in facilitating initial HIV infection, as APCs, DCs play important roles in both innate and acquired immunity to HIV infection. Plasmacytoid DC are important in innate immunity by producing IFN-� upon HIV exposure that partially inhibit viral replication. These cells also induce Thl immunity (33,34). Myeloid DC induce both primary and recall HIV-specific helper T-cell and CTL responses that kill virus-infected target cells (20,35–37). There are controversial reports of defective antigen presentation by DCs to T-cells in HIV-infected patients (38–45). Moreover, as HIVinfected patients progress to AIDS, there is progressive deterioration in the ability to generate functional DCs from precursors in the blood and bone marrow. Nonetheless, CTL epitopes of HIV induce both primary and secondary immune responses (20,35), and such epitopes are candidates for use in vaccines. Exposure of DCs to these epitopes followed by administration of antigen-loaded DCs in vivo can also initiate primary CTL responses (46). DCs loaded with HIV antigens can initiate both CD4� and CD8� Tcell-mediated immune responses, which have the potential to suppress viral load (46,47). DCs also express macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1�, MIP-1�, and RANTES, which could block virus coreceptor expression and protect otherwise susceptible cells from infection (48,49). We have shown that DCs from HIV-infected persons with CD4� T-cells � 400/mm 3 can induce HIV-specific CTLs in vitro (20). Most importantly, in a recent clinical trial, infusion of HIV antigen-pulsed DCs in HIV-infected patients was shown to be safe and immunogenic (see below and ref. 46). DENDRITIC CELLS IN OTHER (NON-HIV) INFECTIONS Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas’ disease, infects humans and animals and induces natural killer (NK) cells, T-cells, and macrophages to secrete cytokines such as IFN-� and tumor necrosis factor-� (TNF-�), which in turn control the disease.

102 Kundu-Raychaudhuri and Engleman However, infection of immature DCs with T. cruzi profoundly inhibits the ability of DCs to produce IL-12 and TNF-�. Moreover, infection of such cells prevents their maturation. Thus, by altering DC function, T. cruzi may escape the host immune responses, leading to persistent infection (50,51). Leishmania major appears to infect both macrophages and DCs. However, DC are the sole source of IL-12 production following infection with Leishmania organisms. The likely explanation for this phenomenon is that whereas both life cycle stages (promastigotes and amastigotes) infect macrophages, only amastigotes can infect DCs and do so without inhibiting IL-12 production by the cells. In contrast, infected macrophages do not produce IL-12 (52). During Toxoplasma gondii infection, host immunity is mediated by CTLs as well as IFN-�, which is induced by IL-12. DCs stimulated with T. gondii tachyzoites or soluble antigens derived from this organism fail to produce IL-12. However, when DCs are cocultured with T-cells from Toxoplasma-seropositive individuals, they produce IL-12. These observations demonstrate that signals from contact between primed lymphocytes and DCs are essential for the induction of immunity to this parasite (53). Several viruses have evolved mechanisms that compromise the ability of DCs to mount an immune defense. DCs infected by measles virus are reported to lose their immunostimulatory functions and become immunosuppressive (54)! Human cytomegalovirus (CMV), a ubiquitous pathogen that is normally benign in healthy individuals, is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised hosts. This virus and its closely related immune murine counterpart employ many diverse strategies to avoid detection by the host immune system. Among these are their ability to interfere with MHC class I and II expression on APCs (55). Both human and murine CMV infect APCs, including macrophages and DCs, downregulate IFN-�, and induce IL-10 production, leading to decreased expression of MHC class I and II, which in turn causes immunosuppression. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is causally associated with cancer of the urogenital tract (56). HPV-associated proliferative skin lesions expressing abundant viral protein can persist for years in immunocompetent subjects, a property that distinguishes HPV infection from that of the lytic RNA viruses. The fact that no antibody to viral capsid proteins is detectable for 6–12 months following infection confirms the idea that HPV infection does not generate a conventional immune response. One mechanism by which this virus may suppress the generation of immunity appears to be related to their infection of Langerhans cells (DCs of the epidermis). Thus, Langherhans cells expressing the E7 protein of papillomavirus have been shown to be poor stimulators of E7specific T-cells. Precisely how HPV inhibits DC function is unknown. Chlamydia trachomatis is a common cause of sexually transmitted diseases and a leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide (57). Host defense against chlamydial infection is mediated by both cellular and humoral immune responses (58). Ex vivo DCs pulsed with killed or live chlamydiae and reinfused into mice have been reported to induce strong protective immunity to vaginal infection (59,60). Similar protective effects have been observed for Borrelia bergdorfei, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Toxoplasma, Leishmania major, and equine herpesvirus. As noted earlier, double-stranded RNA from influenza virus can increase the ability of DCs to process and present antigen. Presumably this is responsible for the observa-

102 Kundu-Raychaudhuri and Engleman<br />

However, infection of immature DCs with T. cruzi profoundly inhibits the ability of<br />

DCs to produce IL-12 and TNF-�. Moreover, infection of such cells prevents their maturation.<br />

Thus, by altering DC function, T. cruzi may escape the host immune responses,<br />

leading to persistent infection (50,51).<br />

Leishmania major appears to infect both macrophages and DCs. However, DC are<br />

the sole source of IL-12 production following infection with Leishmania organisms.<br />

The likely explanation <strong>for</strong> this phenomenon is that whereas both life cycle stages (promastigotes<br />

and amastigotes) infect macrophages, only amastigotes can infect DCs and<br />

do so without inhibiting IL-12 production by the cells. In contrast, infected macrophages<br />

do not produce IL-12 (52).<br />

During Toxoplasma gondii infection, host immunity is mediated by CTLs as well as<br />

IFN-�, which is induced by IL-12. DCs stimulated with T. gondii tachyzoites or soluble<br />

antigens derived from this organism fail to produce IL-12. However, when DCs are<br />

cocultured with T-cells from Toxoplasma-seropositive individuals, they produce IL-12.<br />

These observations demonstrate that signals from contact between primed lymphocytes<br />

and DCs are essential <strong>for</strong> the induction of immunity to this parasite (53).<br />

Several viruses have evolved mechanisms that compromise the ability of DCs to<br />

mount an immune defense. DCs infected by measles virus are reported to lose their<br />

immunostimulatory functions and become immunosuppressive (54)! Human cytomegalovirus<br />

(CMV), a ubiquitous pathogen that is normally benign in healthy individuals,<br />

is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised hosts. This virus<br />

and its closely related immune murine counterpart employ many diverse strategies to<br />

avoid detection by the host immune system. Among these are their ability to interfere<br />

with MHC class I and II expression on APCs (55). Both human and murine CMV<br />

infect APCs, including macrophages and DCs, downregulate IFN-�, and induce IL-10<br />

production, leading to decreased expression of MHC class I and II, which in turn<br />

causes immunosuppression.<br />

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is causally associated with cancer of the urogenital<br />

tract (56). HPV-associated proliferative skin lesions expressing abundant viral protein<br />

can persist <strong>for</strong> years in immunocompetent subjects, a property that distinguishes HPV<br />

infection from that of the lytic RNA viruses. The fact that no antibody to viral capsid<br />

proteins is detectable <strong>for</strong> 6–12 months following infection confirms the idea that HPV<br />

infection does not generate a conventional immune response. One mechanism by<br />

which this virus may suppress the generation of immunity appears to be related to their<br />

infection of Langerhans cells (DCs of the epidermis). Thus, Langherhans cells expressing<br />

the E7 protein of papillomavirus have been shown to be poor stimulators of E7specific<br />

T-cells. Precisely how HPV inhibits DC function is unknown.<br />

Chlamydia trachomatis is a common cause of sexually transmitted diseases and a<br />

leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide (57). Host defense against chlamydial<br />

infection is mediated by both cellular and humoral immune responses (58). Ex<br />

vivo DCs pulsed with killed or live chlamydiae and reinfused into mice have been<br />

reported to induce strong protective immunity to vaginal infection (59,60). Similar protective<br />

effects have been observed <strong>for</strong> Borrelia bergdorfei, lymphocytic choriomeningitis,<br />

Toxoplasma, Leishmania major, and equine herpesvirus.<br />

As noted earlier, double-stranded RNA from influenza virus can increase the ability<br />

of DCs to process and present antigen. Presumably this is responsible <strong>for</strong> the observa-

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