News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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AIRCORPSTROOPSARRIVEM McCHORD FIEID t,,:blished in the barracks building,<br />

using the large da;y rooms on the ground<br />

MondaY,June 17th, saw the 17th Bom- floor front of the building. The enbardmenbGroup<br />

and the 89th Reconnais- tire barracks are completed and ready<br />

sance airplanes arrive from MarchField, for occupancy., With one of the'firie,st<br />

~ed by Colonel William H.. Crom, yommandkitchens anywhere in the country:B!'j.ll.::,.<br />

lIlg'<strong>Office</strong>r of the Group.. The fust ex mess hall second to none, the comfort<br />

tensive use of the newlanding mat was of the men in the barracks has been-e<br />

madewithout mishap. Curious crowds definitely assured. So well thougl:it"of<br />

were soon swarmingover the field, and are our ownmess set-up andpersonni;ll:,<br />

additional guards were stationed near that a dinner arranged for 2DOmembers<br />

the airplanes to safeguard government of the. TacomaYoungMen's Businessn ,,;,.<br />

property. The :B-17]3airplanes returned League grew to an attendance of-515.:" To<br />

to MarchField, Calif., the following the Mess <strong>Office</strong>r, MNor Morrison; and<br />

da;y with the personnel of the :B-18A' s,. the Mess Sergeant, Tech. S~. Gordon}<br />

in order that they mil!:htmovecars, :Brackett, and the ~xcellent kitcheJ?,,,e<br />

families and househol.d goods from sunny staff lIIllst go credit for not beconnng<br />

southern California to lYIcChordField, involved in an embarrassing situatioIi.<br />

and complete the movementprior to June .' The main runway is completed,"as':well<br />

30th. as the Hangar 1 and 2 aprons . Except<br />

The months of May and June saw for some interior finish work, the-han-<br />

McChordField assume more the .appear- ~s are completed. .. ~ - :!!"'J<br />

ance of a military post and less that 17ith the arrival on June 5th of;offiof<br />

a labor camp. COnstruction in gen- cers and menfrom Hamilton Field, 'and<br />

eral has advanced to a stage where order menfrom Gray Field, Fort Lewis. Wasl).,<br />

began to rise out of chaos and where the 19th <strong>Air</strong> Base Squadron is now-comthe<br />

casual observer is able to form pletely assembled and prepared to take<br />

someidea of what he could eventually over the operation of the post as fast<br />

exp~ct to see. as the var~ous units are released,bY;<br />

Althoul!:hbadly disappointed in not the Construction Q)lartermaster;.').,,~,<br />

having tile' streets surfaced, McChord The present. Base Staff consists of:.:<br />

Field personnel are at least ,e:ladthat Colonel Carlyne H. '.7ash, Commanding<br />

all curbs are in and traffic lanes de- <strong>Office</strong>r; ,L",j<br />

finitely set. But all of that,doesn't Lieut. Colonel Frank W. WI'. igh.t...•..EJtecu-,<br />

reduce the daily diet of'dust-;--.,,~ - .. 'tive e ,<strong>Office</strong>r;.-' '.' . ,. '_''''::!''£ljorThad V. Foster,<strong>Air</strong> Corps"SUpeel'<br />

of the 6th <strong>Air</strong> :Base, to becomeBase ply <strong>Office</strong>r; '. ,.:ri0<br />

Adjutant. 5-3, Public Relations <strong>Office</strong>r Major Raymondjl!orrison Commanding<br />

and Base Operations <strong>Office</strong>r of the 19th <strong>Office</strong>r, Base Hqr-s. and i9th <strong>Air</strong>cBase<br />

<strong>Air</strong> Base. . Squadron; • ., 'lYO<br />

FromK~;r Field, Texas: 1st Lieut, lfi.ajor Harold Guernsey,'QMC.Post(,~o<br />

Paul L. on, to becomeAssistant ~termaster; . '__:,~:t<br />

Post Exchan,e:e <strong>Office</strong>r. Captain Theodore M. :Bolen, Engineer-<br />

FromHamilton Field, Calif.: Captain ing <strong>Office</strong>r'- "10: '<br />

Junius P. Snith, Medical Corps, to be- Lieut. Coionel WoodS. Woolford, Medb<br />

comeAssistant SUrgeonand Flight SUr- 'cal Corps, Po~t Surge0l,l; . - lei<br />

geon. Captam Jun~us P. Sn~th, Medical.Ll<br />

FromHamilton Field, Calif. : 2nd Lt. Corps, Assistant SUrgeonand Flight:s<br />

William H. Cleveland, to become.Acting SUrgeon; . . .:;'O(<br />

Weather <strong>Office</strong>r and Squadron Supply Of- Fust Lieut. Arthur R. Cyr. Ordnance<br />

ficer' of the :BaseHeadquarters and 19th Depar tment , Ordnance <strong>Office</strong>r; , r-.,<br />

<strong>Air</strong> Base Squadron. First Lieut. John A. Hilger, Poli"ce<br />

Somerecent additions of .off'Lcer'per- and Prison <strong>Office</strong>r and Provost Marshall.<br />

sonnel assigned to the:Base inClude the . First Lieut. PaDJ1L. Barton, AssiBtant<br />

followin.'?:: Captain Hansford W. Penning- Post ExclJ?nge <strong>Office</strong>r; ~o.1<br />

ton, lstl.ieut. John A. Hilger 2nd SecondLieut. Charles R. GreeningnAs-<br />

Lieuts. James C. Averill. GUilford R. sistant Public Relations <strong>Office</strong>r and:<br />

Montgomery,Charles R. Greening, Ray- Assistant Police and Prison <strong>Office</strong>.r~l<br />

mondS. Morse. <strong>Air</strong> Corps; 2nd.Lieuts. ---000---'

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