News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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CAPrAlNZ!!>MERIMNLEAVES IillrroLPH FW- one sqUare foot ~ be as much as 400<br />

WEATHER OFFICE. - pounds in winds from 200 to 250 miles<br />

per hour.<br />

Captain Don Z. ZilIllllerman,Post Weather ---000-- -~.-,tseH<br />

<strong>Office</strong>r at Randolph Field, Te:ltaS,since .. _ "'j; 9d~<br />

September 20, 1930, left that station DEPARTMENT COMMANDER INSPECTSmANCE)<br />

on J~e 6th for duty ~t the U. S. Mil~- FIELD. -' •cl!i8<br />

tary..Acadenv, We\ltP01nt_, N.Y. . _ • : 1cIH<br />

The !UJndolphF1eld Correspondent In the Panamacanal ZOne, all'Atlabtic<br />

stanes that 1;0 Ca:otain Zinnnermanis due side.Axmy post s , for the past several<br />

full credit for the establishment of weeks, have been preparing for thelinthe<br />

modem weather office unit that is Spection by Major General Van V60rm$<br />

one of the "must see" pqints at the and .hf s staff. This is more'thaiiT.!:<br />

"':VestPoint of the <strong>Air</strong>. II Back in 1936, routine \'lork to someof the organizaJ:<br />

when the then Lieut. Zinnnermanreported tions, but at Frence Field each::SaUadat<br />

Randolph Field, the personnel of the ron is ready to be inspected at i a;/oo,,weather<br />

offi'ce consistea of tlVOenlist~ mentIs not ice.' The individual organi-'<br />

ed men, Privates 1st, Class Treat and ,zation maintains crews that have-been<br />

Spikes. A single weather map was pre- trained to perform their work aseffipared<br />

each dav: Both menwere without ciently and neatly as possible. -Of 1')<br />

traininl; in this hil!h1y teclmical work. these nmlY different squadrons located<br />

Lieut. ZilIllllermanacted as both mstruc- on France Field, the 3rd Bombardmeil.t?<br />

tor and forecaster, and was also in- Squadron is one of the top-notch units.<br />

structor in Meteorology in the Ground Organized since February I, <strong>1940</strong>,' :the<br />

School. Third Bombezdmant:,.!iquadronhas, done><br />

Recently Captain ZilIllllSrman,after . excellent work and lias been one-of-'the<br />

considerabie research and perusal, of outstandin~ units during the mepec><br />

connnercial publications in Meteorology tions by different WarDepartment offiand<br />

related sciences, both .AIilericanand cials. ,;:nr.l<br />

forei@l, compket ed a new contribution General Van Voorhis t inspectioh--ofJ<br />

to the realm of i'lleteorology - the France Field began at 10:00 a.m .• tNJaY<br />

Weather Manual for Pilots. This text 16th, with a review by the officehf'to<br />

ha.i drawn numerous conwliments from the Im,1Sic.ofthe l3~h Infant!]',Ban:d:rbf<br />

ou'~standing met.eorofogkst s throuzhout Fort llilham D. Davt s . The l3udmEiti f9<br />

the nation. ~A connnercial-publisfiing--- took-on the-arr of.a crack 'Infantry<br />

companyhas asked for the rights to 1,Ulit at its best. Lmediately'fb;Ll

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