News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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construction. ' The entire affair bad the aspects of a<br />

Pursuit tow tar~~ gllIlIlerytraining dude ranch fiesta. Side by side were<br />

will be given at Eglin Field, Fla., desert miners, cattle ranchers, sol';"" ~<br />

which will begin on April 1, 1941,with diers, city visitors, cowboysan chaps<br />

a class of approximately 55 students and sP\;ll'sI and1?elllltiful girlsiil.rthe~r<br />

every five weeks. ' new sm.lIlIliJ.tlg ,Slllt!l and latest Hollyy~pd<br />

" The West Coast Training Center, with styles. The ,low1ng" of the,cattl,::'in<br />

headquarters at Moffett Field, Calif., the distance. as they grazed on the f?pen<br />

will include that station and an addi- r~, the gJ.ant Joslnla trees tOl7er~<br />

tional field at Stockton. Calif. Train- ~he1r1Veird shapes overhead, the '~"n::ing<br />

at Moffett Field will comnenceon mg sands of the desert held'at bay by<br />

October 19, <strong>1940</strong>. a.few shade trees, a hedge, ~ barb~[I-';<br />

Advancedtraining in the West Coast mre fence and,a few straw'mg lfunches<br />

Training Center will begin at stockton, of grass created a truly mi xture of- the<br />

Calif., about <strong>Dec</strong>ember28, <strong>1940</strong>, in old west, modern days, and the stream"courses<br />

of ten weeks' duration.' The lined army., ' . " '''; -'-:'f~<br />

opemng of thi s schoo~will result. in ,Everycne pr,?nouncedthe event a ~e<br />

approXlmately 865 offlcers and en1J.sted success and wi.shedthe local unit ,-of;"<br />

menand 225 students being stationed at the United states Army <strong>Air</strong> Corpsat~s~<br />

stockton. Const~tion in the amount Muroc:nany more such successful"otgan-1-<br />

Of,slightly over ~800,CXJ() will be re- zation days in years to come.''.:'~,,~ ,<br />

qurred; . ' • ' --000--- '''':;;','i'<br />

---000--- < ""~~<br />


DAY.<br />

"~"},~f~<br />

. . . ~ .I__<br />


Colonel Clarence L. Tinker, the 'Base<br />

Commander,and the officers, of MaCDill<br />

MurocBombingRange, ,l~cated' in th'!l Field, Tampa,Fl.a,.; acted as hosts.t:o;<br />

he~ of. the famo\lsl'lOJaveDesert m the T?ll\PaRotary Club on June 4th!,;?ild<br />

~al1~orma, held Lt s fust annual Organ- the nS1t,?rs were extended'the prlv1lege<br />

1zatlon pay on June 2nd. The,gala af- of pm'tak~g of an average G.!. (goYE\:rn.<br />

f~r was held at a former ~attIe r anch ment issu'!l) dinner; Following,the' me\al,<br />

Wh1c has been taken over oy the ArmY Colonel T1nker dellvered a shor.t,talk,<br />

<strong>Air</strong> Corps alJ-d, remod.,eled;nto .a, d~ser'l;. _ after ..which.the .Rotarians' ,weresho\'!'ll~ :..<br />

spa. for offJ.cers and theu f8ilUlles and throuzh the barracks and other'places,<br />

enl.Lsted personnel. , . . of interest at the newfield: • :,-;.,-~ ,<br />

A cement storage tank for urlgatlon ,_____ .. " "0.:water<br />

w~ remodel'!ldby the. menin their During the past two weeks, the '~ihspare<br />

t Ime and, '!11ththe ai d of the re- istrative section of the 52nd Bombardcreation<br />

fund available, a fine s,V4m- ment Squadronhas reached the stage~o:r<br />

nung"pool resul~ed. 'The newpool 1S smooth-running performance, and,at~e~'"<br />

about 80 feet wJ.deby 150 feet lon~, tion has been turned to the estab1l:sliwith<br />

a depth of 7 feet. The pool. 1S mentof living quarters and a mess:f:o.r<br />

q~te ~ novelty here. in the desert, the maintenance crews at DrewFie~cj.;1;he<br />

Wiuch1S famous for 1ts lack Of,water. temporary center of flight operat1ons<br />

Desert miners and ranchers from sv-r- of the Southeastern <strong>Air</strong> Base. AlthoUgh<br />

rounding catqe .ranches shake theu the runwaysat MacDill Field will not<br />

heads and renum.sce that Uncle Henr;y be ready for use for a few months,'S-2<br />

didn't mention anything about SwiWlDJDgreports that several mosquito squadrons<br />

wols whenhe was in the Army back in have been conducting extensive ni/tht.<br />

18. The pool has already pard for operat ions on the barracks at MacDill<br />

,itself over and over again m rel.aza- Field, with consrderebl.e injury to the<br />

tion for the personnel who are station- enlisted menbased there. '.:;<br />

ed out in the midst of .America's Larg- ----- ',,;l~<br />

est desert, Savs 2nd Lieut. !~ R. With recent increases in enlist'ed:per-<br />

Fennell, CommanCliIlfi <strong>Office</strong>r of the sonnel which have brougllt the 6th Bom-<br />

/{lUI'OC Detachment: There is nothing bardment Squadronto fUll strength',.-the<br />

like a cool swimwhenthe temperature stage has been set for bombingand:gungets<br />

around a hundred and twenty or nery training scheduled to conmencev<br />

more. which it very often does here." shortly. Since facilit ies at Ma.cDiH<br />

, In addition to opening officially Field will not be ready for combatjoper-:<br />

their new swimmingpool, l.iurocperson- at ions for a few months, the crews,of<br />

nel furnished a real.ola. fashi,?ned,. tJ.1isSquadron will operate 'from.Dr~!I<br />

western style bar1?ecuefor theJ.rfr1ends F1eld, 'Tampa,Fla. " ," r f'';r<br />

and visitors, Chief of the barbecue ' Tents have,been erected to "accommowas<br />

Mr. ,;7ierk, famous locally for his dat-e.the enlisted personnel wh6'will.<br />

mastery of the art," ' maintain the planes of this~o~.<br />

, - 2-" V-849'9;-":A., C'.<br />

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