News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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Lowry, Leon Lloyd<br />

Elder, James Allen<br />

5<br />

4<br />

Plainview,' TeXas<br />

Wichita Falls, Te<br />

Johnson, Loren Lam<br />

Egan, John L.<br />

Alston, J ack H.<br />

Beall, Warren Sheldon<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

rayson, Ut<br />

Logan, Ut<br />

Salt Lake C1ty, Utal1<br />

Seattle ,Wash.<br />

Greene, Paul James 5<br />

Hanson, Melvin Richard 2<br />

Fonna.n,WadeKlet 3<br />

Millo, Ba.J1IOnd William 5<br />

Patton, Robert A. 5,<br />

seattle, Wash.<br />

Spokane, Wash.<br />

Albright, W.Va.<br />

ADawalt, W.Va.<br />

Ronceverte, Vi. Va.<br />

Cooper, Earl James 4<br />

Best. Everett W. 5.<br />

McBride, George Herman1<br />

Stevens Point, Wiso.<br />

Powell, Wyo.<br />

Atlanta.. Ga..<br />

The n1J!Ileralfollowing each name on the above<br />

list represents the <strong>Air</strong> Corps station at which<br />

the graduate was assigned to extended acti'179<br />

duty under his status as a second liBUtanant<br />

in the <strong>Air</strong> Reserve, viz:<br />

1. Brooks Field, Texas<br />

2. Hamilton Field, Calif.<br />

3. Le.ngley Field. Va.<br />

4. March Field, Calif.<br />

5. Randolph Fie14. Texas.<br />

As will be noted from'the above list, California,<br />

with a total of 19. leads the states<br />

in representation of native sons in the graduating<br />

class. followed by Texas with 12; Illinois<br />

and Oklahoma. 10 each; Ohio, 9; NewYork.<br />

8; Nebre.ska.and SuthCarolina., 5 each; Minnesota,<br />

Ii: Michigant Mississippi, Missouri t New<br />

Jersey, Utah, lVashington end West Virginia. 3<br />

each. Noneof the other States is represented<br />

by more than two graduates. "<br />

. Amongthe cities represented in the graduat-<br />

1ng class, Cleveland, Ohio. and its vicinity.<br />

leads with 5 students. followed by Los '<br />

~e1es. Calif •• end Oklahoma.City,Okla., •<br />

.l1th 4 each; Omaha,Neb•• NewYork Cityend"<br />

Dallas, Texas, 3 each. None of the other<br />

cities<br />

ates.<br />

are credited withDllre<br />

-.<br />

than t-.o gradu-<br />

-'--000---<br />


Polifka. 1l:lffett Field, Calif.;, and Thomas D,<br />

Brown, Fort Lewis, Wash.<br />

---000---<br />


Changes of'Station<br />

To Brooks Field{; ,Texas: Ce:ptain Richard C.'<br />

Lindsay, from 91t Observation ScJ.uadron,<br />

Mitchel Field, N.Y.,to'duty with 22nd Observat<br />

ion Squadron.'<br />

To-Chanute Field, Ill.: Major Harry A. Johnson,<br />

from duty as stUdent at Naval War College.<br />

Newport. R.I. '<br />

To Fort Monroe Va.,' Major Arthur 1.' Ennis,<br />

hom Off1ce of 'tJi~ef of tho <strong>Air</strong> Corps,<br />

Washington. D.C., for duty with the Staff end<br />

Fa.cul ty of the Coast Artillery School.,<br />

To Fort Lewis Wash.l Colonel Robert E;M.<br />

GoOlr1Ck, from !tHen Field. Calif.,; Cilptein<br />

George G.' Northrup; from MeCherd Field, Wash",<br />

for duty with 1st Photographic, Squadron.<br />

To Langley Field, Va.,: 1st Lieut. Arthur A.<br />

FiCkel. from Mitael Field, N.Y.<br />

To Lowry Field, Colo. , Lieut. Col. Early<br />

E.W. DUIiCan,from ass1gnmant am duty at Athens,<br />

Greece.<br />

To Lo~Beach Callf.: 2nd Lt. Wm. L. Travis,<br />

from Mar Jf1eIa, ealif., for duty with Organbed<br />

Reserves, 9th Corps Are....<br />

To London. ~. t Lieut. Col. Fre.nl< O'D.<br />

Hunter, for duy as Assistent Military Attache<br />

end Assistant Military Attach .. for <strong>Air</strong>, American<br />

J;lnbassy, from duty in similar capacity in<br />

France .<br />

To MacDill Field Tampa.Fl....I 2nd Lieut.<br />

Richard A; t1 vingston, from Barksdale Fie1d.L....<br />

, To Moffett Field, Calif.: Colonel Henry W.<br />

Harms, hom Headquarters. 9th Corps Area:<br />

,Majors Lelend R. Hewitt, from Randolph Field,<br />

Texas: ravid M. Schlatter am 1st Lieut.<br />

Harvey P. Huglin, ,from Kelly Field, Texas, all<br />

for duty at West Coast <strong>Air</strong> Corps Training<br />

I Cente:r.<br />

FOROFFICERS To MontIl:Omery.Lt;a.: Lieut. Col; floyd Eo<br />

• .' Gi>110way, l"rom War College. to duty at<br />

Six officers begaa a cOUrse in Aerial Photo-! Southeast <strong>Air</strong> Corps Training Center.<br />

gra.phy at LowryField, Denver, Colo., on <strong>Jul</strong>y To oxnard:hCalif.: 2nd Lieut. John R. Kil-<br />

1st. The class will run for a period' of six I gore. hom Ian I,JaneOCkCollege of Aeronaut-<br />

Dxmthsend,will cover the full course of sub- Ics . Santa Maria, Calif.<br />

jects from p~togra:phic chemistry ana optics' I To Washingt'.'n, D.C.i, Major John DeF. Barker.<br />

to the operahon of the most intricate aerial from duty '6.S lnstructor, Comnandend General<br />

cameras. The course will also include the es- Staff SChool, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., to duty<br />

sentials of aerial photogra:phic mosaic napping in the <strong>Office</strong> of the Chief of Staff; Major<br />

end in that respect this olass is very fortu- Pardoe Martin, from detail with Organized :Renate<br />

~n having an opportunity to study under serve~. 9th Co~s Area, Long Beach, Calif" to<br />

Capta.1nEdward]\ K~e • Corps of Engineers duty an the Off,ce of the Chief of <strong>Air</strong> Corps.<br />

who is a recent addihon to the school fe.cui- To Wright Field, Ohio: Major Charles W,<br />

ty end whowill treat the subject of Aerial I S.teinme'tz, from dU'tyas Asst. District Super-<br />

Mappingwith a view to coordinating it with visor, Central <strong>Air</strong> Corps Procurement Distriot,<br />

the needs and activities of the Corps of En- ~on, Ohio', end Major EdwardH. W1iite, from<br />

gineers. Military, authorities have long recog~ <strong>Office</strong> of the Chief of the <strong>Air</strong> 'Corps, Wa.shingnixed<br />

the need for such coordination, am Ca:p-!ton, D.C., for duty with Materiel Division;<br />

tein Kumpe's activity at the School of Photo- 'Captain Alfred R. Maotwell',for duty as Assistgraoh!<br />

should do much to fill this need.' I ant Conmmdent. <strong>Air</strong> Corps Engineering School.<br />

lIalnng up the class are the following <strong>Air</strong> i To Stocktont;Calif.: Colouel Leo A. Walton,<br />

Corps officers: 2nd Lieuts. M.R.Schoepboaster ,from duty as structor. <strong>Air</strong> Corps Te.oticel<br />

B?lling Field, D.C.; Albert .M.Welsh, Mexwall' I School, Maxwell Field, Ale..,to duty at the<br />

F1eld, Ale..; James F.' Setchell, Scott, Field, West Coast <strong>Air</strong> Corps Training Center.<br />

Ill.; P.C. Shaner, Mitchel Field, N.Y.;, Karl To West Point, N.Y.': 1st Lt. Marshall Bonner<br />

. from Kelly Field, for duty at U. S.Mil•.Acadenv •<br />

• -20- V-8499, A,C,<br />

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