News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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.. By Fl:>.mgCadet William M. llowden,<br />

Class. 4O-C,<strong>Air</strong> Ccrps 'AdvencedFlying School<br />

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Student training b.t the <strong>Air</strong> b6ti:l~Ail,,: ~he,t'bn and-thrill 'Of, flY!-ng'Qn.tal,m.<br />

o1!d'.~<br />

vanced Flying SchOol, located at kelly At 8:08 I started the mbtor;:.checteed:;K<br />

Field', Texas, is divided into,several 'my lights, switches, end themagsT';!lhd~~;<br />

distinct phases :- which ~be classi- at 8:10 released the brakes.totax~:;'oJ.\t<br />

f'Led- as follows: a trensitlon period, to the runway for the take-off ;'" .~tr:f?J:',Ii<br />

formation flying, beam end instrument . so good.. I was on time. on the:~?':~;;5<br />

work, end cross-countries. It mi/dlt be at least, end t..texa.ctly, '8: l3:by>tli~:;'~~:l<br />

added that the latter group cen 3Isobe clock in the centrol tower IgaV'e.'~er L'j;! •<br />

subdiV1-dedinto t~ee classes, namely: the gun. . . ... . , ~ .' " :.y~,..~L<br />

day, IUght .. and tlJile end distence prob- The take-off wasn't bad consldep.ng L$2<br />

lams. ',' . the fact that I couldn't see'vety:well, 'n<br />

~O\Vmasmioh as' I. have had, at. this iI?- the: dark end 11£.d to pull one.of~'InY,~:lj<br />

~mt, a few morEthours end consader- mngs up to get over the portable f10'O.0, j<br />

ablY.l!!ore "expenence" in night work lignts on the far end of the ramp,'ll.aq;c...~<br />

(flymg) then have any of my fellow came the throttle end':proppitch,. end.. c':; students, I have been honored with the away I'went into the n1ght: 1IJ8king:a,,;;:,<br />

request to publish a short treatise on wide circle, I gained my 'altitude over;~<br />

just. wha~ to do and how to ~rive at my the field end was ready tObegi~;.t~~rbI.i~<br />

destlnatlon. on a sllIIDlelito~e problem prol'lem at band.. , . . . ": ~'r;irlj'<br />

such as a mght fli@lt from Kelly to" L1/dlts of San'Antonio'were plalnly~,,' a<br />

Pa~ee to ~ Marcos end back to Kelly visi1i1e end I caugh~ the double, beaco~~<br />

again. The Ldea of the problem is to of Brooks end the smgle beacon .of,?' ;~"..<br />

take off from Kelly, fly over the sever- stinson on rrw left. Off to the s'otith"a:t<br />

al points as mappedout in ~he flight couple of pin points madeperiodical t1"<br />

plan, and return to Kelly w1thout unne- flashes, so I settled back end headed'll.YJ{<br />

cess1;l.Tyside. trips (SUchas a jaunt to out.: . . "':,::", ;~;.~'"<br />

AustlI,l, ~ay). ~t JIllght be added, too, . "Oh, what a breeze ." I thou/dlt'r TheSI':'s<br />

that 1t 1S p~lcularly.helpful to fly h/dlts downthere rr:ust be on lhe.s9)l~tl.?f<br />

onlY,for the allotted hme as allow~blE3.ana: of.-the lake, .N.d that cluster:jnus~.r~~<br />

by mnds aloft and arather meager sup- .be Loso;ra. I.th1nlC'Illl easeover 't(r~::~<br />

ply of 100 octane fuel. ."; , get on bhe light. line so I 'canread"tliei~<br />

But I digl:ess; The best wa:;;out flas.c'1i~ code beacon on the rear Of .thEi"{<br />

seems to be a little personal excursion li,ghts. . '. '.' .,~,;,."<br />

on the above mentioned route, with a • With this on my mind I be~easini:'.~~<br />

cOjIDleof side trips so here goes. . over end when I got to the H" light.'I<br />

"~et Is see nc;>w .... Pawnee 15~ degrees, could see t~e Pawneebeacon wi~li.ft.s;, ..;(.~~<br />

a minus-f'our wind factor, making 1t 'green flashmg code only two ll,ghts '-.;:"~<br />

147, and a minus-ten v?Tiatic;>n... that Is aYfay. Checking ~he 90mpass, I found??,.:_"<br />

137; then, of course; 1f I f'Lnd any that I had to mamtaln a course. of ap::o: .?,<br />

IOOre. ~nd drift I can a.+ways90rrect it :proxilll13.tely130 degrees tc;>keep ah~?d':'n:'.<br />

by Im1ng up with the hght Lmes , This lIlg toward Pawnee. The \Vlndwas a :.':_"';.,<br />

is going to be a cinch. I kdnda wish little stronger than I had expected:~~~'::<br />

nOVlt~t I had called that blonde I met Finally, I reached a point over PCl-l'!nee.<br />

last mght and have her mset me.when I where I could see the green dotted ;01.l,t,.~<br />

gl3t in. .. . line of the landing fiela., so I. Cir'plj3d; ~<br />

"FromPawnee I III fly about 360 end once to the left end headed out fro.in.' 'a-.~;;:<br />

catch Fal~s City, sto~e, Se~l .slJot directly over the center of th~:o~'<br />

end the highwa:;;;and coming back 1t 11 f1eld. " '-:,::':, r<br />

be a breeze along the light line to Sen Things had gone pretty smoothlYj,~i!i'~,;:ii'<br />

Antonio, so there's not much sense to fact too smoothly, thus far, but'lt.Wa.s;.~<br />

even bother about figuring a course.". just the calm before the storm, 'end}it. ~3<br />

Thus pla.'1s'were madefor the expected' wasn 1t long before I realized that~:B:il';~';;'<br />

"cinch" night cross country' on the tri- good t;1in~ must end. First I it'seemetl:~<br />

angular course from Kelly to Pawneeto that heading away from the hghts"!t. ~.:.~<br />

Sen Marcos end back to Kell;r again. was wch darker, and the to\11Ilsthat,' .~_".<br />

Take-off time was'on the Hi,ght board were su~posed to be sprll.l\'ledalong;tlie~,'j:g<br />

as E plus 1: 13,putting me in the air railroaa. were not materializing 'as. :~::;~[<br />

at 8:13, end, if all went well, back rapidly as.they should have'... Soon"r'sonu:;<br />

hc;>me ~ain at 9:15, or thereabouts. So forei~ bug in J!!Y brain reminded niet,)1!l't}~<br />

wlth llght heart 'I,got out _my 'headset , the ~nd ~ drifted me on the way./iB'Wil:i.<br />

gomes,end parachute, stUIfed'm:/ ears I the llght lme and even now.must":be,;t'f<br />

wHli cotton end sauntered out to good drifting me off my course. - ~" :.,,' ~ ; .<br />

old 124 , with nothing but thoughts of "That town below me cenItbe"F~lll.I.rIf'1<br />

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