News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office

News Letter 1940 Jul-Dec - Air Force Historical Studies Office


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.Ambrose,Joseph Richard<br />

As the result of an examiJlll.tionheld in Newton, Dorr Ellsworth,Jr.<br />

April, <strong>1940</strong>, to fill vacancies authorize,d in Filer, Williem Alfred<br />

. the Appropriation Act ,for the Fiscal Year Reynolds, John Uorton, Jr.<br />

Ar,r111!:> ..,e~,la.<br />

'Dmvill:,,; .Pa.<br />

Mal,vern, Pa.<br />

MatD.e'i; ;,"Be..<br />

Philadelphia, Pe,<br />

1941, 69 <strong>Air</strong> Reserve officers were selected<br />

for appointment as second lieutenants in the<br />

<strong>Air</strong> Corps, Regular Army, effective <strong>Jul</strong>y 1,<br />

<strong>1940</strong>. • . ,.<br />

Reeve, Ralph 1lm:ls<br />

Hendric,.Wm. Murray<br />

Snelder, Harold Caldwell<br />

Looke, Cecil Jexms, Jr.<br />

Milbank, S.D.<br />

Cookeville,Tenn.<br />

'. N8.shville>3T~<br />

__ _ ' ,Austin"T~,<br />

• The War Department llJJIlOuucedthat 441 Reservo<br />

officers took the e:mxnination.end that,<br />

~le, 'Charles Afton -. ~<br />

Winningham, Rollin Murmy<br />

_ BellEii"e-,,,T~~ ,<br />

,_, Edinbuig, ,Te"""<br />

in addition to the 69 to be comnissioned, 212<br />

others qUalified, but there are DOvacancies<br />

at this tilDa. Of the reIIainder, 147 failed<br />

the lOOntalexaminations, 6 failed in the<br />

James" WeldonMarion<br />

McEntire. William Elm<br />

HarPer, Carl , '<br />

Gloner. George Edward<br />

Fort,Worth'.:Tems .<br />

Fort WorlJ,.,;Te;;",;<br />

LUbbOCk;,T~#S<br />

Sen Angelo~,,:Te$ ,<br />

p»ysical tests, 2 were over age for Regular<br />

Army conmiSsions, 3 were killed, one withdrew,<br />

and one was restricted to co-pilot duty.<br />

Unfortunately, one of the 69 Reserve officer<br />

s selected for pernsnent eppointtoont, 2nd<br />

Lieut. Richard M. Bylender, <strong>Air</strong> Reserve,......<br />

killed in an airplane accident at JaIIaica,<br />

!lew York,-on June 17, <strong>1940</strong>. His home was in<br />

Little Rock, Ark. _<br />

The 68 Reserve officers, to, be conmissioned<br />

second lieutenants in the Regular Army .<strong>Air</strong><br />

Corps on <strong>Jul</strong>y 1, <strong>1940</strong>, are listed below, as<br />

follows: , ~,<br />

, ", !<br />

Breck~n:ridge, Johh Prestorl 't>e.kgcu.ldl, J4'k.<br />

Schriever, 'Gerhard John Sen Ahtonio~T;"xas<br />

Hubbard, i\in. Edward, 2d 'Sweetwater,.'Telias<br />

Sanders, Richard Condie Salt Lake CitY.;',Uteh<br />

Jeffrey, Thomas stanley ,Jr. Ar:von1a,::;Va:.<br />

Harris, Robert Fleming ".' RoaDOke;;JTa,.<br />

McElroy, stephen Davenport Upp~rvill'6,~V:a;<br />

Martin, Maurice Leslie Vancouver:"WasJ;:.<br />

MJrrell, Carroll Thumsn BerraCkville, 'W;:Va:.<br />

Cunningham, Joseph Austin Clerksblp'lf,"W;Ylf<br />

Richardson, John Luverne Ea.uClllJ.re.1;Wisch<br />

Wood,Frank Lee, Jr. Lai'emie;"1'/y6,.<br />

Ford, ThomasRobert 'Shelby,'Miiili:.'<br />

---000---: f.'i~:Ol<br />

'~;,.~e£.j<br />

MiFFEl'T F:tll.DTRA!IUNGCENT!:R '<br />

Hebert, Alvin EdTiard LOs Angeles, Cilll.£. t, .','. "d~'<br />

:Page, Jerry Dentler Les Angeles, Calif. Official ccnfirrm.tion of the War Departia

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