Pdf version (3.2 MB) - Kesko

Pdf version (3.2 MB) - Kesko

Pdf version (3.2 MB) - Kesko


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(Translation from the Finnish Original)<br />


REPORT<br />



We have been engaged by the Management<br />

of <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation to perform a limited<br />

assurance engagement on the information<br />

on economic, social and environmental<br />

responsibility for the reporting period of<br />

January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 disclosed<br />

in <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation’s Corporate<br />

Responsibility Report 2011 (hereinafter “Corporate<br />

Responsibility information”).<br />


The Management of <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation is<br />

responsible for preparing the Corporate<br />

Responsibility information according to the<br />

Reporting criteria as set out in <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation’s<br />

corporate responsibility reporting<br />

instructions, the Sustainability Reporting<br />

Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative<br />

(<strong>version</strong> 3.0), as well as AA1000 Accountability<br />

Principles Standard 2008 issued by<br />

AccountAbility.<br />


Our responsibility is to express a conclusion<br />

on the Corporate Responsibility information<br />

based on our work performed. Our assurance<br />

report has been made in accordance<br />

with the terms of our engagement. We do<br />

not accept, or assume responsibility to anyone<br />

else, except to <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation for our<br />

work, for this report, or for the conclusions<br />

that we have reached.<br />

We conducted our work in accordance<br />

with the International Standard on Assurance<br />

Engagements (ISAE) 3000 ‘Assurance<br />

engagements other than audits or reviews<br />

of historical financial information’. This<br />

Standard requires that we comply with<br />

ethical requirements and plan and perform<br />

the assurance engagement to obtain limited<br />

assurance whether any matters come to our<br />

attention that cause us to believe that the<br />

Corporate Responsibility information has<br />

92<br />

<strong>Kesko</strong> Corporate Responsibility Report 2011<br />

not been prepared, in all material respects,<br />

in accordance with the Reporting criteria.<br />

In addition, we have conducted our work<br />

in accordance with the AA1000 Assurance<br />

Standard 2008. For conducting a Type 2<br />

assurance engagement as agreed with <strong>Kesko</strong><br />

Corporation the AA1000 Assurance Standard<br />

2008 requires planning and performing of<br />

the assurance engagement to obtain limited<br />

assurance on whether any matters come to<br />

our attention that cause us to believe that<br />

<strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation does not adhere, in all<br />

material respects, to the AA1000 Accountability<br />

Principles (inclusivity, materiality<br />

and responsiveness) and that the Corporate<br />

Responsibility information is not reliable, in<br />

all material respects, based on the Reporting<br />

criteria.<br />

In a limited assurance engagement the<br />

evidence-gathering procedures are more<br />

limited than for a reasonable assurance<br />

engagement, and therefore less assurance<br />

is obtained than in a reasonable assurance<br />

engagement. An assurance engagement<br />

involves performing procedures to obtain<br />

evidence about the amounts and other<br />

disclosures in the Corporate Responsibility<br />

information. The procedures selected<br />

depend on the practitioner’s judgement,<br />

including an assessment of the risks of<br />

material misstatement of the Corporate<br />

Responsibility information. Our work consisted<br />

of, amongst others, the following<br />

procedures:<br />

■ Interviewing senior management of<br />

<strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation.<br />

■ Interviewing relevant employees from<br />

various organisational levels of <strong>Kesko</strong><br />

Corporation with regards to stakeholder<br />

expectations towards <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation,<br />

the meeting of those expectations<br />

as well as stakeholder engagement.<br />

■ Assessing stakeholder engagement and<br />

responsiveness based on <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation’s<br />

documentation and internal communication.<br />

■ Assessing <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation’s defined<br />

material corporate responsibility<br />

aspects as well as assessing Corporate<br />

Responsibility information based on<br />

these aspects.<br />

■ Performing a media analysis and an<br />

internet search for references to <strong>Kesko</strong><br />

Corporation during the reporting<br />

period.<br />

■ Interviewing persons responsible for<br />

the collection and reporting of Corporate<br />

Responsibility information at group<br />

level as well as at site level in Russia.<br />

■ Assessing the systems and practices<br />

used for the collection and consolidation<br />

of quantitative information.<br />

■ Testing the accuracy of the information<br />

from original documents and systems<br />

on a sample basis.<br />

■ Testing the consolidation of information<br />

and performing recalculations on<br />

a sample basis.<br />


Based on our limited assurance engagement<br />

nothing has come to our attention that<br />

causes us to believe that <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation<br />

does not adhere, in all material respects, to<br />

the AA1000 Accountability Principles.<br />

Furthermore nothing has come to our<br />

attention that causes us to believe that<br />

<strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation’s Corporate Responsibility<br />

information has not been prepared,<br />

in all material respects, in accordance with<br />

the Reporting criteria, or that the Corporate<br />

Responsibility information is not reliable,<br />

in all material respects, based on the reporting<br />

criteria.<br />

Our assurance report should be read in<br />

conjunction with the inherent limitations<br />

of accuracy and completeness for Corporate<br />

Responsibility information. This independent<br />

assurance report should not be used for<br />

interpreting <strong>Kesko</strong> Corporation’s performance<br />

in relation to its corporate responsibility<br />


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