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HEalTHINEss<br />

and muscle, are monitored on a monthly<br />

basis. Many people have succeeded in losing<br />

a lot of weight simply by starting to eat<br />

properly and regularly,” says Pirkko Laine,<br />

Occupational Health Nurse at the Katajanokka<br />

clinic.<br />



Rehabilitation is organised in cooperation<br />

with Kela, the Social Insurance Institution<br />

pIRKKa OMEga-3 pRODUCT<br />


<strong>Kesko</strong> Food and K-food stores are actively<br />

increasing their selections of healthy<br />

and balanced foods, and more functional<br />

products are also being added to the<br />

Pirkka range. K-food stores want to help<br />

their customers make healthy choices<br />

when shopping for daily groceries.<br />

One basis of a healthy diet is a sufficient<br />

amount of omega-3 fatty acids.<br />



Rautakesko and Indoor Group started a<br />

'Quitting smoking' campaign in September<br />

2011. The aim of the campaign was to<br />

encourage <strong>Kesko</strong> employees to test their<br />

lung capacity and stop smoking.<br />

The good results achieved in the<br />

non-smoking campaigns of other divisions<br />

were made use of in the campaign.<br />

VV-Auto implemented a campaign called<br />

'Put it out!' in 2010 and Kespro organised<br />

a 'Towards less-smoking Kespro' campaign<br />

in 2010–2011. K-supermarket Peltola<br />

in Järvenpää has had the principle of<br />

non-smoking staff since the store opened<br />

in 2009.<br />

40<br />

<strong>Kesko</strong> Corporate Responsibility Report 2011<br />

of Finland. The ASLAK vocationally oriented<br />

medical rehabilitation for those with<br />

early symptoms and the TYK rehabilitation<br />

courses aimed at maintaining the ability to<br />

work are courses that are annually applied<br />

for groups of employees operating in various<br />

duties. Five ASLAK courses were granted in<br />

2011 and 49 employees started rehabilitation<br />

on them.<br />

AD Sirkka Paldanius from Anttila department<br />

store marketing and Anneli Teräspää,<br />

The Pirkka vegetable fat spread 38%<br />

omega-3 improves the fatty acid composition<br />

of a diet. Fish oil has been added to<br />

the spread, which makes it rich with omega-3<br />

fatty acids. Furthermore, the spread<br />

is salt-free and fortified with vitamins A,<br />

B, D and E.<br />

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated<br />

fatty acids, which should make up<br />

In September, <strong>Kesko</strong> organised two<br />

events in Hakkila, Vantaa, where employees<br />

were given advice, lung capacity tests<br />

and carbon monoxide measurements.<br />

The events attracted 88 people, of whom<br />

24 were smokers, 26 ex-smokers and 38<br />

non-smokers.<br />

All those who had low values at blow<br />

tests or had symptoms were advised to<br />

contact the Occupational Health Service<br />

for evaluating the need for and performing<br />

more detailed inspections.<br />

Ten people started the 'Quitting smoking'<br />

campaign and three of them stopped<br />

smoking. There was also a peer group in<br />

Anttila's Purchasing Specialist, attended the<br />

ASLAK course organised at the premises of<br />

Kuntoutus Orton Oy in Helsinki in 2011.<br />

During the four weeks, Sirkka and Anneli<br />

had an opportunity to focus on themselves<br />

and learn how to control stress. They tried<br />

many new sports – from qigong and Flexi-<br />

Bar to various types of aquabics.<br />

one percent of our daily intake of energy.<br />

Good sources of omega-3 are fish oil<br />

and vegetable oils. According to Finnish<br />

nutritional recommendations, the daily<br />

diet should contain around 2–3 grams of<br />

omega-3 fatty acids.<br />

Hakkila, which met once a month. Participants<br />

of the peer group considered the<br />

support given there as important.<br />

Rautakesko and Indoor Group contribute<br />

to successful quitting of smoking by<br />

paying for the expenses of withdrawal and<br />

medical treatment.

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