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6388<br />

They were killed because of their loyalty to Torah and the witness of Yahshua, by the Babylonian system being<br />

propagated in the end times from Mecca by a revival of fundamentalist Islam. Islam teaches that Allah has no Son<br />

and that the Jews corrupted the Torah. Moreover, Mohammad himself was a Torah breaker changing the eternal<br />

Shabbat, killing in cold blood, and committing many other violations of Torah including bearing false witness. True<br />

believers are just the opposite of the beast and are targeted for their righteousness during the Great Tribulation<br />

when Islam fully inflicts Jacob’s Trouble upon Jacob.<br />

6389<br />

Some Torah-guarding believers are chosen to be martyred during the time of Jacob's Trouble by Islamists. This<br />

may not be popular theology, but it is Scripture.<br />

6390<br />

Cosmic disturbance is the sign that He is soon to return at the end of the Great Tribulation, not immediately upon<br />

the initial manifestation of the disturbance itself, as taught by some. There is a time gap between Matthew 24:29 and<br />

30. The cosmic disturbance starts here but remains until after the 70th week of Yisrael, when the Master will return.<br />

6391<br />

Strong’s Greek #2064 erchomai, meaning “still,” or “yet to come.” This sheds a different light on this text,<br />

showing that His wrath is yet future at the end of the 70 th week of Yisrael, when the world is judged, not at some mid,<br />

or early point, or here at this point, where allegedly the Tribulation ends and the wrath starts. That misunderstanding<br />

is just more eschatological dispensationalism dividing the last seven years of the age into more bits and pieces of<br />

man’s flawed timetables.<br />

6392<br />

These are not 144,000 Jews, since all 12 tribes are represented. These 144,000 are also not “Jewish Billy<br />

Grahams,” since unlike those folks, these Yisraelites all use the true Names and are sealed with it, as seen in<br />

Revelation 14:1.They are sealed to proclaim the Name and His kingdom during the Great Tribulation.<br />

6393<br />

Joseph is substituted for Efrayim and Dan. For Efrayim because Scripture often uses Joseph and Efrayim<br />

interchangeably, and Dan is replaced by Joseph because from Dan came much idolatry in the past. This is YHWH’s<br />

judgment on Dan, by refusing to seal his children during a time of judgment, when Dan himself will be judged and<br />

not sealed. However, in the age to come, or the millennium, Dan does reconstitute its tribal inheritance in the land of<br />

Yisrael, as well as in the New Jerusalem coming out of the heavens to the earth. So the judgment appears for a brief<br />

point and time only.<br />

6394<br />

Obviously the ten tribes are not lost, and this is proof that YHWH knows who they are and where they are.<br />

6395<br />

Believers that were martyred - not raptured - during the Great Tribulation.<br />

6396<br />

See the footnote for Revelation 7:9.<br />

6397<br />

s.a.tan preparing the final beast system to destroy Israel.<br />

6398<br />

Hebrew word for locusts is arov, or arovim in the plural, the same root word for Arabs, or Araveem in Hebrew.<br />

This gives us a clear clue as to the makeup of this demonic locust force heading towards Jerusalem.<br />

6399<br />

His Name YHWH is upon their minds and hearts to protect them from radical Islam in the time of Jacob’s Trouble.<br />

6400<br />

Abaddon is Allah the head of the bottomless pit. Both Abaddon and Apollyon mean destroying, or in bondage<br />

and or destruction. One of the 99 “beautiful names” of Allah, the mark of the beast system, is the 62 nd name of<br />

Al- Mumit, or the one that can destroy.<br />

6401<br />

Fallen demons kept in Tartoros (Second Peter 2:4) from the time of the flood for their forbidden activities in<br />

Genesis 6, until the last years of this age, only to be released for YHWH’s Tribulation purposes in raising the beast,<br />

and then tossed into the Lake of Fire. The fallen star that unlocks Tartaros is none other than s.a.tan/Allah himself.<br />

6402<br />

Please see The Four Unclean Spirits Of Eden at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link35.htm<br />

6403<br />

As with 666, this is not a literal number, but rather a multitude of Islamists crossing the Euphrates coming<br />

through Iraq towards Jerusalem. From the 52 official Islamic nations, plus 1.5 billion followers, it is easy to see a<br />

formation of 200 million men loudly proclaiming ‘Allah hu Akbar/g-d is great.’ Note that John hears a number, or an<br />

Islamic multitude, but not a numeral as a numeral cannot be heard.<br />

6404<br />

The Islamic armies of the revived beast empire coming from parts east to Jerusalem to surround the city. This<br />

has nothing to do with the Chinese. It’s Islam that has set its sights on Yisrael.<br />

6405<br />

The mystery of the kingdom being restored to Yisrael being finished in its hidden stage, about to be fully<br />

revealed at long last.<br />

6406<br />

“John the Beloved” is ordained to prophesy again as one of the two end time witnesses, as YHWH clearly states<br />

here that he will prophesy again, after the Scroll of Revelation is written and recorded. See Is Yochanan the Beloved<br />

Still Alive? at : http://restorationscriptures.org/link46.htm<br />

6407<br />

The new and rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem will have no court for the gentiles, simply because all who worship<br />

YHWH are Yisraelites, confirming the whole purpose and core of the two-house message.<br />

6408<br />

John and Elijah. See footnote for Revelation 11:4 below.<br />

6409<br />

The two witnesses are Judah and Efrayim, as both houses are ordained to rise up and teach truth during the Day<br />

of YHWH, during Yisrael’s 70 th week. We know that these two witnesses are the two houses, because they are called<br />

two lampstands, or two menorahs. The seven congregations in Asia are called seven lampstands in<br />

Revelation 1:20. So each congregation of believers is one menorah. Therefore two lampstands are two<br />

congregations, or groups of believers. This confirms the entire revelation to Zachariah in chapter 4 of the two<br />

anointed olive trees who stand before YHWH. From each of these two houses comes one witness, or two individuals<br />

who represent the two houses. John from Judah, since Lewi was and is part of Judah, and Elijah from Efrayim. They<br />

do their ministry for 3½ years before being killed for the first time and then rising in Jerusalem. YHWH will never<br />

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