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6322<br />

Yisrael contains both, as in days gone by, and as Messiah taught in Matthew 13.<br />

6323<br />

In context, arguments about doctrines that are known to be false. We are to rebuke them and avoid long-term<br />

entanglement with them.<br />

6324<br />

Eu-sebeia, or Shabbat piety in the Greek (Strong’s Greek #2150). See note on Second Peter 1:3.<br />

6325<br />

As mentioned in the Scroll of Jasher available at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link33.htm<br />

6326<br />

Those who devour the faith of others throughout the centuries, such as the anti-Yahshua missionaries.<br />

6327<br />

Torah itself served as the basis for Timothy to come to know Yahshua, since when he was a child, only the<br />

Tanach was written.<br />

6328<br />

Extra, non-Torah-based doctrines.<br />

6329<br />

A very commendable action, unlike the many unstable leaders of this age, who do not finish their assignment.<br />

6330<br />

It is not lashon hara/evil speaking to warn brothers of true wolves, if three credible Torah witnesses can<br />

establish their error. A true wolf would be someone who denies any of the basics of the faith, and has no heart for<br />

people to know truth.<br />

6331<br />

The scattered Yisraelite nations.<br />

TITUS<br />

6332<br />

Always and exclusively only a reference to the Commonwealth of Yisrael.<br />

6333<br />

See note in Second Peter 1:3.<br />

6334<br />

Every Yisraelite city of exile in that area.<br />

6335<br />

Polygamy is forbidden for leaders in Renewed Covenant Yisrael.<br />

6336<br />

Anti-Yahshua missionaries, as seen by their actions in the next verse.<br />

6337<br />

The anti-missionary scourge was common then as it is today, and Paul is warning Titus and giving the young<br />

leader guidance.<br />

6338<br />

Again we are confronted with an attitude problem towards non-Jews, and specifically returning Efrayimites who<br />

filled Crete. Crete was a Greek-influenced and populated area and was home to many of the exiles of Yisrael. So<br />

naturally these anti-missionaries would pervert the truth of Yahshua, as well as cloak their message with statements<br />

that were harsh towards the exiles in Crete, who desired a return to Yisrael through Messiah, rather than through<br />

traditional Judaism.<br />

6339<br />

Rebuke the anti-missionaries so that believers may remain sound.<br />

6340<br />

An eternal warning to Torah-keeping Yisraelites who love Messiah to stay clear of these sorts, who will come<br />

with fables and myths, designed to steal and subvert you and your family. Notice that the way Paul dealt with this is<br />

by addressing the shepherds, for it is the shepherds who are responsible for guarding the sheep before the poison<br />

is swallowed.<br />

6341<br />

This does not speak of lawless believers. It speaks of unbelievers who claim to know The Father, but hate the<br />

Son and are also committed to remove entire houses and families from the gift of eternal life, given by YHWH who<br />

does not lie. These persons are worse than mere unbelievers. They are abominations before YHWH, because<br />

besides their unbelief, they also work against others who do believe.<br />

6342<br />

Yisraelites are to be living examples, patterns and letters, open and available to the world, to read and consider.<br />

6343<br />

Employees must follow this pattern in service to their employers.<br />

6344<br />

Not that all men are saved, but that all men can be saved. Taken from the world, YHWH’s chosen and saved, then<br />

become Yisrael restored.<br />

6345<br />

See note in Second Peter 1:3.<br />

6346<br />

Isaiah 43:10-11.<br />

6347<br />

No evil speaking.<br />

6348<br />

Torah commands are eternal.<br />

6349<br />

Not the manmade variety, but Torah-prescribed commands.<br />

6350<br />

Peshitta.<br />

6351<br />

Paul says that we should be doing the Torah, and not quarreling about it with others.<br />

6352<br />

Torah principle of putting someone outside the camp, to allow for a season of repentance and restoration.<br />


6353<br />

Possibly Gabriel, since he is the chief messenger of communication and was sent many times by YHWH<br />

regarding Yahshua’s reality, both before and after His incarnation.<br />

6354<br />

“Today known as Asia Minor due north of the Middle East between Europe and Far East Asia. The former lands<br />

controlled by the Assyrians who were the conquerors of the ten northern tribes in 721 BCE, and the cities in which<br />

most of the early believers lived in outside of Jerusalem. Paul knew this and spent much time seeking the lost sheep<br />

of the House of Yisrael there. These Efrayimites would break into other nations such as the Scythians, Sacae, and<br />

Cimmerians.” Collins p. 127, The Lost Ten Tribes of Yisrael Found. Josephus, Antiquities 11, chap 5 verse 2.<br />

6355<br />

A dual reference to the 12 tribes of Yisrael and all the nations of the earth.<br />

6356<br />

Clearly a hard-to-contest reference to Yahshua-YHWH our Messiah.<br />

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