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6237<br />

Not literally killed, but Paul speaks specifically of those leaders who were involved in the conspiracy according<br />

to Psalm 2 and Acts 2:23. The charge here is directed at the unbelieving Jewish leaders, not the nation, since many<br />

Jews followed Him, and without them there would not be a Renewed Covenant, or a Savior.<br />

6238<br />

Efrayim-Yisrael in this latter-day context.<br />

6239<br />

In addition to conspiring against Messiah, some Jews (not those like Shaul himself) who did not believe (not all<br />

Jews) also tried to stop Efrayim from returning home as seen in Galatians. They caused confusion and corruption to<br />

enter into both houses of Yisrael, fighting against her promised restoration by Yahshua.<br />

6240<br />

It is their Torah breaking behaviors, not their ethnicity, that is the problem.<br />

6241<br />

The Great Tribulation.<br />

6242<br />

Nothing can be clearer. Gentiles are pagans and don’t know YHWH. Non-Jewish believers are Yisraelites who do<br />

know YHWH.<br />

6243<br />

At the ingathering of Yisrael.<br />

6244<br />

Gabriel.<br />

6245<br />

Strong’s Greek #109 meaning “air,” or lower denser air around the earth, not heaven itself. The clouds belong to<br />

the earth’s atmosphere, not the heavens. This is the first and blessed resurrection, held in two brief stages as<br />

Messiah returns just prior to the 1,000-year reign. This concept is simple, when we allow YHWH to renew our minds.<br />

Yahshua makes things as plain as He can in John 17:15, where He prays that believers are not removed from the<br />

earth, thus eliminating any chance of an alleged rapture.<br />

6246<br />

He meets us to change us in the air, since the earth is under a curse. Then after rising to be changed, we return<br />

with Him to reign.<br />

6247<br />

For unbelievers.<br />

6248<br />

“Peace and security,” as in today’s Middle East peace processes.<br />

6249<br />

In Hebraic thought, this is called the birth pains of the Messiah, or shivlai ha Messiah that precede His<br />

anticipated arrival. The woman in labor is Yisrael, as seen in this letter to an Efrayimite congregation.<br />

6250<br />

No such thing as an imminent return, but rather an anticipated one.<br />

6251<br />

Aramaic Peshitta.<br />

6252<br />

Deliverance from the hour of testing, not removal from the hour of testing. We will experience His trials, not His<br />

wrath, which is poured out fully at His return. See: John 17:15.<br />

6253 All three parts are considered one.<br />


6254<br />

The enemies of the Good News will get their reward during the Great Tribulation.<br />

6255<br />

Gathering into the kingdom, not a flight to rapture. In Hebraic understanding this is the kevutz galuyot, or the<br />

return and gathering of Yisrael’s exiles from the four winds. This is the subject here.<br />

6256<br />

Apostasia in Greek, rebellion in Aramaic. See: Is It Us? at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link27.htm for the<br />

teaching.<br />

6257<br />

The revealing of anti-messiah from the revived Ottoman Empire the fourth and final beast of Daniel 7.<br />

6258<br />

The word used here means ‘neged’ in Hebrew, opposed to, or opposite, contrary and against. He opposes, or is<br />

against the teachings of Yahshua of Nazareth by proclaiming himself as the way to YHWH by good works alone,<br />

while Scripture teaches faith and obedience and the need for blood atonement; the Muslims practice a works based<br />

redemption, as will this Islamic leader who will do likewise.<br />

6259<br />

Showing himself which means to prove. He is trying to prove to himself that he is YHWH, because he controls<br />

the destiny of people who follow him. This person, the anti-messiah is possessed by s.a.tan. So we have to<br />

remember that s.a.tan wanted to sit in the seat of YHWH. So when the anti-messiah sits in the seat of YHWH on the<br />

Temple Mount, he sits in the Muslim shrine of Al Aqsa Mosque and thinks to himself that he is YHWH. It is clear that<br />

this person is not saying to the world ‘I am YHWH almighty’ because of the text in Daniel 11:38 which gives us<br />

balance. “But in their place he [the anti-messiah] shall honor an elohim of fortresses/brutality [Allah] and an Elohim<br />

which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things.”<br />

Daniel’s text shows us that the anti-messiah himself worships an Elohim of jihad. The anti-messiah is not<br />

proclaiming himself to be YHWH, he is in essence saying ‘look at me. I am like YHWH and I can control the destiny of<br />

all people just like YHWH here on earth, and at my command I can have someone killed or give someone life.’<br />

6260<br />

Actually the anti messiah speaking the words of Islam will enter the rebuilt Temple on Moriah as the Aramaic<br />

word Heykhala indicates. However part of the rebuilt temple compound, or Hekel in Hebrew will include the existing<br />

abomination of desolation the Al Aqsa Mosque situated in the southwest corner of the temple mount today. Anti<br />

messiah will first cause the sacrifices to cease in the rebuilt Temple, then walk just a few yards to the mosque and<br />

attempt to deceive the world that he is the Almighty. Both these events could conceivably happen in one day. See<br />

key notes on Daniel 9:27.<br />

6261<br />

The text is saying that he sits in the sanctuary. The word for sanctuary can also be translated as a heathen<br />

shrine, as opposed to the actual Temple. This is where anti messiah is sitting, in the Al-Aqsa mosque “the<br />

abomination of desolation” upon, or within the site of the ancient Moriah Temple, YHWH’s former and future house.<br />

6262<br />

A false and self deluded declaration as anti messiah himself worships Allah, the deity of brute violent force.<br />

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