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eturn to his possession.<br />

28 But if he is not able to restore it to him, then that<br />

which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that has<br />

bought it until the year of yovel: and in the yovel it shall<br />

be released, and he shall return to his possession.<br />

29 And if a man sells a bayit in a walled city, then he may<br />

redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; within a full<br />

year may he redeem it.<br />

30 And if it is not redeemed within the space of a full<br />

year, then the bayit that is in the walled city shall be<br />

established le-olam-va-ed to him that bought it<br />

throughout his generations: it shall not go out in the<br />

yovel.<br />

31 But the houses of the villages, which have no wall<br />

around them, shall be counted as the fields of the country:<br />

they may be redeemed, and they shall go out in the yovel.<br />

32 As for the cities of the Lewiym, and the houses of the<br />

cities of their possession, the Lewiym can redeem them at<br />

any time.<br />

33 And if a man purchases from the Lewiym, then the<br />

bayit that was sold, and the city of his possession, shall<br />

go out in the year of yovel: for the houses of the cities of<br />

the Lewiym are their possession among the children of<br />

Yisrael.<br />

34 But the field of the suburbs of their cities may not be<br />

sold; for it is their perpetual possession.<br />

35 And if your brother becomes poor, and he falters in<br />

your area; then you shall strengthen him; that he may live<br />

with you, like a ger, or sojourner.<br />

36 Take no interest from him, or increase: but fear your<br />

Elohim; that your brother may live with you.<br />

37 You shall not give him your money with interest, nor<br />

lend him your supplies for your profit.<br />

38 I am vuvh your Elohim, which brought you forth out of<br />

the land of Mitzrayim, to give you the land of Kanaan,<br />

and to be your Elohim.<br />

39 And if your brother that dwells in your area becomes<br />

poor, and sells himself to you; you shall not force him to<br />

serve as an eved:<br />

40 But as an employee, and as a resident, he shall be with<br />

you, and shall serve you to the year of yovel:<br />

41 And then shall he depart from you, both he and his<br />

children with him, and shall return to his own mishpacha,<br />

and to the possession of his ahvot shall he return.<br />

42 For they are My avadim, which I brought forth out of<br />

the land of Mitzrayim: they shall not be sold as avadim.<br />

43 You shall not rule over him with harshness; but shall<br />

fear your Elohim.<br />

44 Both your male and female avadim, which you shall<br />

have, shall be from the heathen that are all around you;<br />

of them shall you buy male and female avadim.<br />

45 Moreover from the children of the gerim that do<br />

sojourn among you, from them shall you buy, and of their<br />

mishpachot that are with you, which they shall bring forth<br />

in your land: and they shall be your possession.<br />

46 And you shall take them as an inheritance for your<br />

children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they<br />

shall be your avadim le-olam-va-ed: but over your<br />

brothers the children of Yisrael, you shall not rule one<br />

over another with harshness. 432<br />

47 And if a resident, or ger grows rich with you, and your<br />

brother who dwells with him grows poor, and sells<br />

himself to the resident, or sojourner with you, or to a<br />


- 92 -<br />

member of the ger's mishpacha:<br />

48 After that he is sold he may be redeemed again; one of<br />

his brothers may redeem him:<br />

49 Either his uncle, or his uncle's son, may redeem him,<br />

or any that are close relatives to him of his mishpacha<br />

may redeem him; or if he is able, he may redeem himself.<br />

50 And he shall reckon with him that bought him from the<br />

year that he was sold until the year of yovel: and the price<br />

of his purchase shall be divided according to the number<br />

of years, according to the time of a paid eved.<br />

51 If there be yet many years, according to them he shall<br />

give again the price of his redemption out of the money<br />

that he was bought for.<br />

52 And if there remain just a few years to the year of<br />

yovel, then he shall count with him, and according to his<br />

years shall he give him again the price of his redemption.<br />

53 And as a yearly hired employee shall he be with him:<br />

and the other shall not rule with harshness over him in<br />

your sight.<br />

54 And if he be not redeemed in these years, then he shall<br />

go out in the year of yovel, both he, and his children with<br />

him.<br />

55 Because the children of Yisrael are My avadim; they<br />

are My avadim whom I brought forth out of the land of<br />

Mitzrayim: I am vuvh your Elohim. 433<br />

26<br />

You shall make no idols nor graven image, neither<br />

rear up a standing image, neither shall you set up any<br />

image of stone in your land, to bow down to it: for I am<br />

vuvh your Elohim.<br />

2 You shall guard My Shabbats, and reverence My<br />

Kadosh-Place: I am vuvh.<br />

Torah Torah Parsha Parsha 33<br />

33<br />

BeChukkotai BeChukkotai 26:3 26:3-27:34 26:3 27:34<br />

In In regular regular 12 12-month 12 month years read with Parsha 32, in years<br />

with with 13 13 months, months, read read separately.<br />

Haftarah Haftarah Yirmeyahu Yirmeyahu 16:19 16:19-17:14 16:19 17:14<br />

Brit Brit Chadasha Chadasha Ephsiyah Ephsiyah 2: 2: 11 11-19 11 11 19<br />

3 If you have your halacha in My chukim, and guard My<br />

mitzvoth, and do them;<br />

4 Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land<br />

shall yield her increase, and the eytzim of the field shall<br />

yield their fruit.<br />

5 And your threshing shall reach to the vintage, and the<br />

vintage shall reach to the sowing time: and you shall eat<br />

your lechem to the full, and dwell in your land safely.<br />

6 And I will give shalom in the land, and you shall lie<br />

down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil<br />

living beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go<br />

through your land.<br />

7 And you shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall<br />

before you by the sword.<br />

8 And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of<br />

you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies<br />

shall fall before you by the sword.<br />

9 For I will have respect to you, and make you fruitful,<br />

and multiply you, and establish My brit with you. 434<br />

10 And you shall eat old supply, and clear the old<br />

because of the new.<br />

11 And I will set My Tabernacle among you: and My<br />

being shall not reject you.

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