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in the actual temple in heaven. This is the earthly partition Yahshua came to remove so that all true worshippers<br />

entering the temple of YHWH would be considered Yisrael.<br />

6143<br />

Messiah came to end the enmity, or hatred and enemy status between Yisrael’s two houses. Nevertheless, some<br />

still want to continue in that enmity despite Yahshua’s revealed will for all believers to be considered Yisrael.<br />

6144<br />

Yahshua came to abolish the human dogmas, or doctrines that fueled the enmity between the two houses, such<br />

as the partition barrier that established the unlawful court of the gentiles.<br />

6145<br />

From the multitudes of the two houses, He took those chosen, from the remnant of Judah and the remnant of<br />

Efrayim and has made them into one new man. Notice that the one new man is composed of those from these two<br />

prior entities. Like all men, the new man too has a name: Yisrael.<br />

6146<br />

See previous footnote for this verse.<br />

6147<br />

In fulfillment of many promises such as: Isaiah 11:13-14, Ezekiel 37:15-28 and Hosea chapter one.<br />

6148<br />

Both houses.<br />

6149<br />

Renewed Covenant Yisrael.<br />

6150<br />

To bring life and restoration between the two houses, Yahshua first had to destroy the hatred and enmity, before<br />

instituting peace through the one new man, with the name of Yisrael.<br />

6151<br />

Efrayim, or non-Jewish-Yisrael, as per Daniel 9:7, Ezekiel 11:16 and other places.<br />

6152<br />

Judah, near to home, or near to Jerusalem, the center of YHWH’s world.<br />

6153<br />

Not only are both houses Yisrael, but both houses share the same Messiah, Spirit, and homeland in the land of<br />

Yisrael.<br />

6154<br />

Non-Jewish believers must see themselves as Scripture declares them to be. Not as strangers, not as foreigners,<br />

not as aliens, but as citizens of physical and spiritual Yisrael, and as the set-apart ones, making up the renewed<br />

congregation of YHWH. Until Efrayimites see their heritage clearly, and receive it by faith in Scripture, the nation will<br />

remain divided and in exile.<br />

6155<br />

All true Yisraelite congregations will feature the Messiah, as well as a foundation in the writings of the Tanach<br />

(First Covenant), and the foundational writings of the apostles of the Renewed Covenant.<br />

6156<br />

Note that Yahshua’s first coming started an ongoing process of joining with each other, to be completed at His<br />

return, and not before by man’s efforts.<br />

6157<br />

This temple is called the Tabernacle of Dawid, which is being rebuilt, into a home for all Yisraelites, and also for<br />

YHWH through His Spirit. Through the ministry of our Messiah, the Booth of Dawid with all twelve tribes fully<br />

represented is being raised up.<br />

6158<br />

For what cause? The ones outlined in chapter two. To bring the non-Jews in and return them to Yisrael’s<br />

Commonwealth. Paul is going to the far corners of the globe, in all the “far away” places, to bring them into the<br />

Commonwealth of Yisrael. For more details see: http://restorationscriptures.org/link31.htm<br />

6159<br />

He was administering YHWH’s unmerited favor for salvation and their return to the nation of Yisrael.<br />

6160<br />

The mystery of Messiah regards the nature of His mission, which is the restoration and regathering of both<br />

houses of Yisrael. Paul states, that this insight into the true meaning of the Good News is given, administered, and<br />

received by revelation alone.<br />

6161<br />

See the footnote for Ephesians 3:4.<br />

6162<br />

That’s the crux of the message: The rebuilding and re-gathering of Yisrael, not the building of a gentile church.<br />

But this understanding will come only by the word of YHWH, and the illumination of revelation.<br />

6163<br />

A servant to the nations, to regather the wandering sheep of Yisrael.<br />

6164<br />

Paul prayed that all men would come to understand the real reason he went to the nations, which was not to<br />

meet pagans, but to bring Yisrael back into covenant.<br />

6165<br />

The Good News is the unveiling of the means and the reasons for Messiah's coming, to rebuild the Tabernacle of<br />

Dawid for YHWH to inhabit forever. The Creator is Yahshua, and He came to rebuild His nation and all who desire to<br />

be part of it under His leadership.<br />

6166<br />

Yahshua is the Creator.<br />

6167<br />

In scattering and then re-gathering His people, thereby using Yisrael as an object lesson to show His future and<br />

end-time faithfulness to all created spirits as well.<br />

6168<br />

The purpose He just outlined in the preceding verses.<br />

6169<br />

Yahshua is the personification of Yisrael and is called Yisrael in Hosea 11:1 and Isaiah 49:3. So if Yahshua’s<br />

Name is prophetically known as Yisrael, then we His people are the children of Yisrael, and all who belong to<br />

Yahshua in heaven and on earth, are surely part of the Yisraelite family. Moreover, if Yahshua carries the Name of<br />

His Father, as well as all of His titles, since they are one, then the Father is also “Father Yisrael,” or the Father of<br />

Yisrael and we the children of Yisrael.<br />

6170<br />

Be eager to guard the truth of the peaceful reunification of our people at all times.<br />

6171<br />

Both houses have been promised the same hope.<br />

6172<br />

As far as YHWH is concerned, there is only one faith and one people. That is the body of Renewed Covenant<br />

Yisrael, where there are no Jews, or Arameans, or Greeks but all are Yisrael.<br />

6173<br />

The righteous in Abraham’s Bosom. See notes on Luke 16.<br />

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