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5957<br />

The greater beauty and greater administration of that beauty has exceeded that of the stone delivery and the<br />

human lawgiver, since now the Lawgiver is YHWH and the tablets are regenerated hearts.<br />

5958<br />

Kal vachomer. If this is true… how much truer is that? If this be done….aren’t we then to do that other thing even<br />

more? A basic principle of Torah understanding and interpretation from the first century school of Hillel.<br />

5959<br />

The veil covered the beauty that was passing away, since it was on a human being and not on the inner tablets of<br />

the heart, where it is now being guarded and can never fade, or pass away.<br />

5960<br />

The veil of focusing in on the lesser and temporal beauty blinds Jewish-Yisrael to the greater beauty, seen only<br />

when the veil is removed by Messiah. In other words, the veil of the beauty of the Torah still covers the beauty<br />

emanating from Torah, but only Messiah can lift that veil for Jewish-Yisrael to see the even greater beauty of the<br />

Renewed Covenant and its greater administration by Yahshua. The Torah remains the same, but its administration<br />

has changed.<br />

5961<br />

So they can't see the greater beauty of the covenant that removes sins, found by violation of Torah.<br />

5962<br />

Our own tifereth/beauty seen by gazing into a mirror is greater than that on Moses’s face. Why? Because the<br />

administrator is the Spirit of YHWH, or YHWH, as opposed to Moses the man.<br />

5963<br />

The promise to Renewed Covenant believers. This is one main reason why the beauty of the Renewed Covenant<br />

exceeds the beauty of the First Covenant. First Covenant believers went to Abraham’s Bosom, but now that Messiah<br />

has led captivity captive, our spirits have an abiding place in the heavens, and our bodies await the resurrection of<br />

the last day.<br />

5964<br />

The commission to all Yisrael. He has restored us to Him individually, as well as restored us as a nation. Now,<br />

having experienced this dual restoration, we have been ordained as Yisraelites to serve Him in the cause of<br />

reconciling other lost sheep back to Himself, and restoring all Yisraelites to each other, as YHWH rebuilds and<br />

restores the Tabernacle of Dawid, which had fallen.<br />

5965<br />

The Father was in Yahshua in a way unique to humanity, in that Yahshua’s body carried the fullness of all the<br />

power and attributes of YHWH. In Him dwelt the fullness of Eloah-El Shaddai in bodily form. This verse is a crystal<br />

clear look at His divinity.<br />

5966<br />

The message of restoration is both vertical and horizontal, and has been given to all believing Yisraelites.<br />

5967<br />

A reference to Efrayim-Yisrael, as Paul paraphrases Hosea 2:23.<br />

5968<br />

If we as Yisrael come out from among the nations of exile, and the pagan religions of exile, YHWH will surely<br />

restore and receive us back, both individually and as a nation. How does Yisrael achieve that separation? By not<br />

touching, or partaking of all the unclean things prohibited in Torah, as well as by walking out from the many<br />

cathedrals of error and anti-nomianism, which Scripture calls “Babylon.”<br />

5969<br />

Yisrael must respond in obedience to the clear purity laws of Torah in order to truly inherit the promises of<br />

YHWH regarding sonship and inheritance in the kingdom.<br />

5970<br />

The letter of stern and ongoing rebuke, found in First Corinthians, covering many areas of misbehavior and error<br />

in the Yisraelite congregation.<br />

5971<br />

When Yisrael is being restored, equality must be prevalent in all undertakings including giving to each other.<br />

This midrash, or explanation is not talking about tithing, or paying tithes which is an eternal Torah command<br />

starting at a minimum of ten percent of one’s gross income. Tithing is not something an individual does arbitrarily.<br />

Instead, what is being addressed here is free-will terumah offerings, or the care and maintenance of the people of<br />

scattered Yisrael, where one does have the freedom to dispense according to personal decisions, based upon one’s<br />

own abundance, however great, or small that may be.<br />

5972<br />

Speaking of YHWH’s equitable system of manna distribution. Note the Yisraelite connection, as Paul applies a<br />

Scripture about equity in Yisrael to the Corinthians, which is further evidence of their spiritual and physical roots as<br />

Yisrael.<br />

5973<br />

Again this speaks of free-will care giving for other Yisraelites, where the percentages are arbitrary. The tithe is<br />

not arbitrary, and is not an option, as Paul admits here by stating that he is talking and not the Torah.<br />

5974<br />

Messiah Yahshua.<br />

5975<br />

Obedience to community and Torah is always key.<br />

5976<br />

Yisraelites must compare their lives to Yahshua, not to one another.<br />

5977<br />

Which is why Peter warns those evil persons who take Paul’s hard-to-understand words, and then twist them<br />

into justifications for breaking Torah (Second Peter 3:16-17).<br />

5978<br />

The man is Paul talking in the first person.<br />

5979<br />

Three heavens of creation.<br />

5980<br />

Words, or conversations taking place between The Father and His Son, and/or their set-apart messengers.<br />


5981 Literally meaning “the exiles of Yah.” The Hebrew root for Diaspora is galut, hence the term Galut-Yah. According to<br />

Peter, these were the chosen people of the dispersion scattered through modern day Turkey and the former area of<br />

Aramea.<br />

5982 The English term “gentile” probably comes from the word galut (exile) by reversing the L and the T and adding an N<br />

thus the word “gentile,” which even etymologically has ties to the exiles of Yisrael. Ezra 4:1, First Chronicles 5:6, Ezekiel<br />

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