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5934<br />

This does not mean women cannot talk, or minister. It simply means that they cannot shout out questions to<br />

their husbands during meetings. They need to wait until they arrive home. This condition was caused because the<br />

first-century Nazarene Yisraelite synagogues met in places where the men and women sat separate, and had to yell<br />

across the room to get one another’s attention. The cause of this command to keep silent is not the women<br />

themselves, but rather the orthodox Jewish seating arrangement of the early Nazarene Yisraelites who met in<br />

synagogues until about 130 CE.<br />

5935<br />

Yisraelites should teach only those who want to be taught, not those who think they have nothing more to learn,<br />

or unlearn. Move on from these to others.<br />

5936<br />

Hosea 6:2 Yisrael and Yahshua both YHWH’s Son, were raised after 3 days to life.<br />

5937<br />

Yahshua was the Firstfruit and Nazarene Yisraelites are the firstfruits. Scripture does not teach that Messiah had<br />

to rise on the Feast of Firstfruits. Rather, it proclaims Him as The Firstfruit. He rose on Aviv 17, the day after the<br />

Feast of Firstfruits.<br />

5938<br />

When are wayward Yisraelites going to get this straight? The Father is never under Yahshua's authority nor does<br />

He take orders from Yahshua as an equal, but He was, is, and always will be in this age and the age to come, over<br />

Yahshua and not under Him.<br />

5939<br />

Let freedom's truth ring in this verse. When the age-to-come dawns and Yahshua rules on Dawid’s throne, He<br />

still takes all commands and orders from the greater part of YHWH.<br />

5940<br />

This is not approving of immersion by proxy as practiced by the Mormons. Rather it was a memorial service, or<br />

act to remember the memory of the blessed dead, similar to the modern rabbinical Jewish memorial service known<br />

as Yizkor, in the hope of resurrection.<br />

5941<br />

Local anti-Yahshua missionaries.<br />

5942<br />

In other words our body must - and will - be changed.<br />

5943<br />

One last final generation that will escape death and be changed without dying.<br />

5944<br />

Changed - not raptured. For more details regarding resurrection truth versus rapture fantasy see: A Stumbling<br />

Block To Restoration at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link24.htm<br />

5945<br />

In the Greek: kata mia sabbaton literally “after one of the Shabbats.“<br />

5946<br />

Giving should be prepared before and with thought, as a serious and conscientious worshipper of YHWH. He<br />

desired collections (not tithes) to be made before, or after Shabbat.<br />

5947<br />

Paul, like us, had to guard YHWH’s eternal feasts.<br />

5948<br />

An Aramaic term meaning “Master come.” In the Hebrew however, Mah-aaron-atah can mean “will you be at the<br />

coming,” or “will you be gathered at the coming.” Either, or both Semitic understandings remain Scriptural. Some<br />

claim that this phrase in the Hebrew served as a code word between believers, so as to differentiate their friends<br />

from their foes. By Paul placing the term here, he identifies his deep love and friendship even for the worldly<br />

Yisraelite believers at Corinth through a code.<br />


5949<br />

Yisraelite community living such as care, love, and discipline.<br />

5950<br />

A promise to Yisrael found in Ezekiel 36:25-27.<br />

5951<br />

Not a comparison between law and grace, but between Spirit-led Torah obedience versus mandated legalism.<br />

Legalism is man-imposed regulations upon another man, as found in Galatians.<br />

5952<br />

The subject in verse 7 is the beauty on Moses’s face that did not last. This does not say that the Torah does not<br />

last, or that the Torah was passing away, as many have falsely claimed. The issue is the fading cloud of beauty, on<br />

Moses’s face. The comparison here then is between the beauty of the First Covenant, compared to the greater<br />

beauty of the Renewed Covenant, since one is found on faces and tablets, whereas the other is found in the renewed<br />

heart.<br />

5953<br />

The comparison is between the greater beauty of the Renewed Covenant versus the fading beauty of the First<br />

Covenant. What was fading was the beauty, not the entire Torah.<br />

5954<br />

The beauty of the administration of condemnation does not mean that Torah-keeping and Torah itself is futile<br />

leading to death. It means that the knowledge of sin that leads to death comes from Torah. Torah, not the Renewed<br />

Covenant, defines sin. In that sense it was and continues to be the instrument of death in that it defines sin and the<br />

wages of sin, which is death. The comparison here is that if the Torah which pointed out our sins was full of His<br />

beauty, how much more the work of the Spirit in writing the same Torah in our hearts and Yahshua granting<br />

forgiveness of our sins. What has more beauty? The covenant that points out our sins, or the covenant that takes<br />

our sins away forever? The covenant that puts Torah on stone tablets, or puts Torah in our hearts? That’s the issue<br />

here. The Torah is not the issue. The beauty of the covenant that forgives is by definition more full of beauty, yet<br />

recognizing that Torah also has its own measure of beauty.<br />

5955<br />

The ongoing comparison is between administrations and not the Torah itself. What has more beauty? The<br />

administration that placed the Torah on stone tablets before Yisrael through a man, or the placing of the same Torah<br />

in men’s hearts by the Spirit without the administration of a man? Therefore the issue is between administrations of<br />

Torah and not the Torah itself.<br />

5956<br />

The issue again is tifereth/ beauty versus greater beauty, not grace versus law.<br />

- 963 -

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