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5911<br />

This is a clear reference back to Genesis 6 where women who were not under a spiritual authority, or covering<br />

like the one provided for them by Noah, were molested and had demons that cohabitated with them. Due to the<br />

reality of unclean demons desiring to physically violate and emotionally scar women through vaginal entry, women<br />

are strongly urged to do what is proper and not make this a contentious issue like some who feel this is not<br />

important.<br />

5912<br />

Worn like a woman, but OK for Nazarite vows and such other pursuits of YHWH.<br />

5913<br />

The point being that nature is the ultimate instructor. If women have longer hair, it is because YHWH is saying<br />

that women are to be covered. Nature and Scripture each teach likewise.<br />

5914<br />

The congregations of Yisrael have no custom that makes this a side issue, or worse yet a contentious one. It is a<br />

main issue showing rebellion, or submission to kingdom life and must not be treated as a side issue and must not<br />

be made into a contentious matter. It is given to the congregations as divine guidance. Paul states here clearly that<br />

this Corinthian custom of contention is not found in other congregations in Renewed Covenant Yisrael.<br />

5915<br />

In many issues, including the one he has addressed for 16 verses.<br />

5916<br />

Therefore believers are responsible for making sure that heresy is not being taught and thereby true teachers<br />

will be recognized as those approved by the word.<br />

5917<br />

The Aramaic states “the day of our Lord,” rather than the Greek “Lord’s Supper,” which does not fit the context,<br />

since gorging in food and drink is impossible with the tiny sacraments used in the so-called “Lord’s Supper”<br />

practiced by the Christian movement. Yahshua told His followers that the “day of our Master” was Shabbat,<br />

according to Matthew 12:8. So Paul goes on to remind Yisrael that Shabbat conduct, should match the orderly<br />

conduct of a Passover meal, as he outlines just a few verses later in verse 23, which is a Passover seder, or an<br />

orderly service of gathering.<br />

5918 th<br />

“As often as you do this” means that when the proper time rolls around annually on the 14 of Aviv between the<br />

evenings, that is to say 3-6 PM, then do it in remembrance of Me. This does not mean that a believing congregation<br />

is to do this as often as they feel like it. Rather they are to do it by submitting to the times and frequencies that<br />

Yahshua did, since after all, we are remembering what He did, not what the church council, or the elder board<br />

command us to do. Communion is taken once a year during Passover, not as an event divorced from Passover.<br />

5919<br />

Is later defined in verse 29 as not discerning His broken body for our sins, and the great eternal consequences<br />

associated with that, as well as not discerning the unity and love required in the body of Yisrael before this meal can<br />

ever be shared.<br />

5920<br />

See the note on 1st Corinthians 11:27.<br />

5921<br />

There cannot be unforgiveness and divisions in the camp during this solemn time. Many had already found that<br />

out the hard way.<br />

5922<br />

Note the tense here. These are non-Jewish Yisraelites and it’s time for believers to walk like Yahshua walked.<br />

5923<br />

Mar-Yah in Aramaic, showing Yahshua to be the Master-Yah Himself.<br />

5924<br />

YHWH works differently in every Yisraelite’s life.<br />

5925<br />

All these gifts of the Spirit will one day vanish away and cease. The question then is when?<br />

5926<br />

The Perfect One is Yahshua. When Yahshua returns, we will see Him and therefore all temporary manifestations<br />

will no longer be needed. “The Perfect” cannot be speaking of the completion of the <strong>Bible</strong>, as some believe, since all<br />

translations are not perfect and moreover as seen in verse 12 the Perfect object that comes has a face, not a book<br />

cover. Therefore all the gifts remain in full operation until His return. Of course, this means so do the abuses of<br />

those same gifts. Returning Efrayimites and Jews coming out of the Sunday system often are scared of these<br />

manifestations and merely dismiss them because they are too discomforting. However, that is sadly setting aside<br />

the written word in exchange for imagined emotional tranquility. Truth is truth, regardless of some people’s excess<br />

and abuse.<br />

5927<br />

The Perfect One with a face is Yahshua and when He returns we will be with Him face to face and all gifts of the<br />

Spirit naturally will cease.<br />

5928<br />

After all the gifts of the Spirit cease, these three things will remain: faith, hope, and love. Love lasts forever both<br />

in this world and the age to come.<br />

5929<br />

These tongues are not gibberish, or lip gyrations, but true and fully recognized languages spoken in the world<br />

today.<br />

5930<br />

Prophecy is a forth-telling of the written word more than a declaration of the future, which usually falls under the<br />

category of words of knowledge about specific things that YHWH reveals.<br />

5931<br />

As opposed to a Yisraelite speaking in prophecy, or tongues plus interpretation. If there are tongues without<br />

interpretation, then instead of the Yisraelites being built up and edified, Scripture compares that chaos to two<br />

pagans speaking to each other in different languages.<br />

5932<br />

Tongues were given to assist others in identifying the ten tribes of returning Yisrael. For an extensive teaching<br />

identifying Efrayim as those gifted in tongues with interpretation in the Renewed Covenant see The Promise To<br />

Efrayim at: http://restorationscriptures.org/page12.htm<br />

5933<br />

Meaning that no one with a word from YHWH has to do anything like interrupt, disrupt worship, or liturgy, or the<br />

like. If he has the true and pure gift, he can hold that word even for months, until he has an unction, or an opening in<br />

the service, to give it without causing confusion.<br />

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