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5886<br />

Yisraelite congregations are expected to provide for their hard working leaders.<br />

5887<br />

“Under the Torah” means guarded, or protected by its loving boundaries. Yisrael and specifically Jewish-Yisrael<br />

were all protected under the Torah’s covering from pagan dominance.<br />

5888<br />

House of Judah.<br />

5889<br />

Efrayim-Yisrael, or House of Yisrael.<br />

5890<br />

How many born again people sadly remain ignorant of the fact that their physical fathers were the ones coming<br />

out of Egypt? This chapter is written so that your ignorance in this area can pass.<br />

5891<br />

Paul, a Jewish Rabbi and Pharisee, stated that the physical fathers of the Corinthian congregation, or eidta, were<br />

the very ones who along with his physical fathers (notice the term "our"), left Egypt, and disobeyed YHWH in the<br />

wilderness. Also note the term “all our fathers” which means all the patriarchs we share, and also can mean the<br />

fathers of us all. All Jewish believers along with the Efrayimites at Corinth, had the same biological fathers who<br />

experienced the same historical events.<br />

5892<br />

Notice that the Rock (Yahshua-YHWH) was spiritual. But the physical ancestors of our Corinthian Efrayimite<br />

brothers were physical.<br />

5893<br />

These things that happened to our forefathers to serve us as our examples that we should not repeat the very<br />

same mistakes of our Yisraelite forefathers.<br />

5894<br />

The warning is simple. It happened to Yisrael before and it can happen to the last few generations of Yisrael as<br />

well.<br />

5895<br />

If Efrayim is going to truly be repatriated back into Yisrael with Judah, he has to fully and completely renounce<br />

all forms of idolatry on an ongoing basis.<br />

5896<br />

From this verse alone, all faith in separate entity theology is shown to be from the devil. Any division of YHWH’s<br />

people into Jew and Gentile, or any other form of division outside Yisrael’s Commonwealth, is seen as the<br />

establishment of a separate entity, or expression. Once we understand that YHWH has only one elect, and we<br />

understand that it is not for Yisraelites to run to gentile practices, but for redeemed non-Jews to run to Yisraelite<br />

practices, all our understanding of the rest of Scripture will fall neatly into line.<br />

5897<br />

An obvious reference to unsaved parts of Jewish-Yisrael.<br />

5898<br />

The mixed worship of Corinthian Yisraelites is compared and contrasted to the worship of gentiles, who by<br />

definition are pagans. One cannot be a “saved gentile” any more than one can be a clean pig. Gentiles worship<br />

demons. Yisraelites worship YHWH through His Son. Born again believers were from the first century onward seen<br />

as Yisraelites.<br />

5899<br />

This may seem harsh but Scripture is clear here. A Torah-guarding born-again Yisraelite cannot have close<br />

fellowship with anyone who sees himself as a gentile, for by biblical definition, gentiles worship demons.<br />

5900<br />

Yisraelites become one with others when they worship. We should neither have close fellowship with Yisrael<br />

after the flesh (unregenerate Judah) as stated in verse 18 nor with gentiles in false systems of worship, or with other<br />

pagans. Our shared community is to be with other Nazarene Yisraelites.<br />

5901<br />

This does not mean we can eat unkosher (unclean) foods. Rather if an animal is clean as defined in Torah, the<br />

people of Yisrael should just eat, since they are not held responsible for the origins of the meat. In pagan areas, it<br />

was not always possible to determine beyond any doubt, whether, or not the meat had been used in a pagan temple<br />

rite.<br />

5902<br />

Meaning as long as it is clean/kosher and the origin cannot be determined, a Yisraelite may eat with a clear<br />

conscious.<br />

5903<br />

Unbelieving Jews.<br />

5904<br />

Unbelieving Efrayimites, or pagans.<br />

5905<br />

The redeemed of both houses and those who join them.<br />

5906<br />

Statutes and judgments of Torah.<br />

5907<br />

The Father is the head of Yahshua, not His co-equal, for The Father was, is, and always will be greater. That is<br />

Scripture. But we cannot inherit eternal life without the Son.<br />

5908<br />

Head veiled (Strong’s Greek # 2596 kata, meaning hanging down). This is not any kind of prohibition against<br />

yarmulkes, or skull caps, since all the priests of Yisrael as well as the kings wore them. As His kings and priests,<br />

Revelation 1:6, we also as Yisraelite men are required to wear head coverings especially in public worship and in<br />

times of ministry. The prohibition here is against veils hanging down like a woman, since that was a sign of crossdressing<br />

which is forbidden in Torah as found in Deuteronomy 22:5. Also the veil even if in the form of long hair<br />

worn over the forehead as a woman, is also a type of cross-dressing, or gender confusion, and as such the principle<br />

being taught here is the Torah warning against all cross-dressing, whether it be veiling the face as the temple<br />

prostitutes did in Athens and Corinth, or using long hair for similar purposes. For more details on this subject see:<br />

Reclaiming A Lost Priestly Tool available at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link30.htm<br />

5909<br />

Denominations can and indeed have fought over ladies’ head coverings. For Yisraelite ladies however, this is not<br />

an option but like their male counterparts their head must be covered in public worship settings, and by choice in<br />

private settings. If a woman does not wear a head covering, she is acting like a pagan, since pagan female temple<br />

prostitutes shaved their heads as seen here.<br />

5910<br />

With a hang-me-down veil, or long hanging frontal hair.<br />

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