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5752<br />

Circumcision is good after faith comes and after a slow progressive incorporation back into Torah life. To start a<br />

believer who had been wandering the nations for 721 years with circumcision, is the heresy proclaimed by the<br />

Jerusalem Council and rebuked by Paul in Galatians.<br />

5753<br />

The word for uncircumcision is akrobustia, meaning “tossed-away foreskins,” or those once Yisrael, previously<br />

confirmed by circumcision. Those who have now tossed it all away, including their obedience to Torah, and their<br />

precious heritage to become mixed with and become one flesh with the nations. This term appears throughout the<br />

Renewed Covenant when speaking of returning Efrayim-Yisrael. If these were true pagans in Rome, the Greek word<br />

to be used would be the word aperitome, or the negation of the word peritome (Strong’s Greek # 4061) for<br />

circumcision. This unique term gives us great insight that these were the lost sheep of Yisrael, the akrobustia and<br />

not the aperitome, or true pagans, that had never been circumcised. This word was put into the inspiration of<br />

Scripture, to differentiate between the "tossed away foreskinned ones," as opposed to the never-circumcised<br />

pagans. Even Greek scholars are stumped by this unique and unusual term, and cannot explain how and why it<br />

appears throughout Scripture. But with a proper two-house understanding, it makes perfect sense.<br />

5754<br />

Akrobustia is always a reference to Efrayim-Yisrael, who tossed away their rights and their benefits of belonging<br />

to the circumcision, or to the people of historic Yisrael.<br />

5755<br />

If returning Efrayim guards Torah, won't YHWH accept them back?<br />

5756<br />

Execute and perform. Strong’s Greek #5055 teleo.<br />

5757<br />

This does not mean that the real Jews are now the Christians. It means that a real Jew will have both the heart<br />

circumcision and the flesh circumcision, and the akrobustia, or returning Efrayimite will also have both. In this way<br />

all are equal in Yisrael having both the physical and spiritual circumcision in place. If either one is missing, then that<br />

person cannot be part of the true Yisrael of YHWH, despite their boasting.<br />

5758<br />

Aramaic Peshitta.<br />

5759<br />

By Messiah.<br />

5760<br />

Paul never taught, or allowed Torah-less living among his students, and those who accused him of such things<br />

were liars, as there remain many of those same liars today.<br />

5761<br />

A sober warning to all who insist that the Pauline epistles negate Torah for all believers.<br />

5762<br />

Both Torah-keepers and those who don’t obey Torah are all guilty before YHWH.<br />

5763<br />

Faith in Messiah is spoken of in Torah. Yet eternal life needs to be received apart from Torah, by an open heart to<br />

His corporal reality.<br />

5764<br />

No difference between both houses and pagans. All need Yahshua and Torah, and all receive Yahshua apart from<br />

Torah, by an expression, or exercise of personal trust.<br />

5765<br />

Will religion ever get this right? Faith in Yahshua brings us back home and establishes Torah.<br />

5766<br />

Father of all Yisraelite nations.<br />

5767<br />

He was saved by faith in the promise of physical multiplicity. If he is our father of faith, we must believe exactly<br />

what he believed. That Yisrael would become more than the sand of the sea and more than the dust of the earth and<br />

spread out to many nations.<br />

5768<br />

Some two-house critics use this single verse as some sort of alleged proof text, attempting to negate all other<br />

clear akrobustia references to Efrayim, by stating that Abraham was not an Efrayimite. They claim that because<br />

YHWH still called him akrobustia, then akrobustia cannot mean “tossed-away foreskins,” but simply means “never<br />

uncircumcised.” The problem with that is that through their ignorance, they forgot that as a descendant of Noah who<br />

knew right from wrong (i.e., Torah principles), paganism had set into the family – even into Abraham’s father Terah<br />

and all in his house. Therefore from YHWH’s point of view, Abraham’s house had tossed away all the truth and setapartness<br />

of Noah and his son Shem, and thereby the act, or covenant of circumcision was tossed away by<br />

Abraham’s house, only to again be renewed with Abraham. YHWH knowing that Abraham’s ancestors had become<br />

akrobustia, applies this term to Abraham before the renewal of the rite, as opposed to using the word aperitome,<br />

which would have meant that all of Abraham's ancestors were pagans and had no Torah knowledge.<br />

5769<br />

He was the father through Isaac and Jacob of both houses. Of the Jews, by being the father of the circumcised<br />

and of the akrobustia Efrayimites who are returning, by being himself a returnee - a crossover - or one who ev-ers as<br />

a returning Hebrew. In Hebrew, one who crosses over is called an Ivri. Ivri comes from the root word ev-er meaning<br />

“to cross over to truth from paganism.” So both before and after his circumcision, he still fathered one of the two<br />

houses of Yisrael, despite one being circumcised and the other akrobustia, since he at one time was both. YHWH<br />

accepted him in both states, even as He accepts both houses in their wanderings and their unfaithfulness, in their<br />

return through Messiah.<br />

5770<br />

Judah in first-century terms.<br />

5771<br />

Efrayim-Yisrael who shares the patriarchs with Jewish-Yisrael. This applies physically as well as spiritually.<br />

5772<br />

All of these chosen nations were to come through Jacob. Ishmael and Esau were never promised to birth nations<br />

but only a single great nation.<br />

5773<br />

Fill the world with his seed through Jacob.<br />

5774<br />

Aramaic Peshitta.<br />

5775<br />

Note: Before we were circumcised as an act of obedience.<br />

5776<br />

Both houses were restored even while in sin and of course we as individuals as well.<br />

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