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5612<br />

Believers are called the chosen people, or Yisrael, and the non-believers who walk in lust are referred to as<br />

gentiles, confirming that the term “saved gentile,” or “believing gentile” is an oxymoron.<br />

5613<br />

Torah-keeping.<br />

5614<br />

The King Messiah is honored for starting the end of our exile, when we truly love each other as equal heirs in<br />

Yisrael.<br />

5615<br />

A promise given to Yisrael in Isaiah 53 and applied again to believers, because as Yisrael they are the heirs of<br />

that promise.<br />

5616<br />

“Returned,” or epistrepho in Strong’s Greek # 1994. These non-Jews were returning to faith, not coming for the<br />

first time, because they were the lost sheep.<br />

5617<br />

Metatron (Aramaic), the Guardian of Yisrael in the wilderness.<br />

5618<br />

Yisraelite women must not dress like the world. They ought to be fully covered, so other righteous men can<br />

focus in on YHWH alone. Dressing modestly is a very serious issue with YHWH, which no true woman of YHWH<br />

should take lightly. Scripture teaches us that the outward dress of a woman is indicative of the modesty in her heart<br />

towards YHWH.<br />

5619<br />

Many Yisraelites seek peace once, or twice, but don’t go on to pursue peace.<br />

5620<br />

A good word for all Yisrael after 9/11/01.<br />

5621<br />

According to Paul, the reason he was in prison and the reason we suffer is for the hope of Yisrael, which is the<br />

end of the exile and the regathering of both houses of Yisrael back into His kingdom (Acts 28:20).<br />

5622<br />

Tartaros: is a special place for the imprisoned spirits at the time of the flood (Genesis 6).<br />

5623<br />

Apparently immersion is an important part of Yisrael’s repentance. For some, the waters of Noah were a killing of<br />

filthy flesh, but for those chosen few, it was salvation. The same holds true today. If one is clean within, the<br />

immersion still saves. If one is not clean within, it is just a cleansing flood on one’s temporal flesh.<br />

5624<br />

Two shared Powers, two shared thrones (Revelation 22:1 Daniel 7:9) in one YHWH-Echad.<br />

5625<br />

Peter doesn’t consider you a gentile and neither should you.<br />

5626<br />

Gentiles still do these things. Yisraelites have overcome them.<br />

5627<br />

“A” gift. Not all gifts are tongues.<br />

5628<br />

Yah-shua.<br />

5629<br />

Great question. If many of the former faithful deny His divinity and His Messianic position, and we are then<br />

judged, what about the world? YHWH always cleanses Yisrael first (to obtain clean vessels for His use), before He<br />

tells them to go out and cleanse the world through the message of the Good News.<br />

5630<br />

Scattered Yisrael and her exiles are being tested in the entire world.<br />

5631<br />

The Jewish emissary in a congregation among the dispersed Jews in Babylon (many left from the 580 BCE exile<br />

choosing not to return) is finishing his letter to the exiles of Efrayim-Yisrael, also elected. We see one select house<br />

writing to the other select house, even as we see in the allegorical style of Second John.<br />

5632<br />

At that time, the largest population of Jews outside of Yisrael was in Babylon. These Jews stayed behind and did<br />

not return with Ezra and Nehemiah and they translated the Torah from Hebrew into the Aramaic language. Today we<br />

have this portion in the Peshitta Tanach. It is these Jews that Peter went to see, and he met with them in synagogues<br />

and huts. This verse has nothing to do with Rome.<br />


5633<br />

Strong’s Greek # 2150 eusebeia, literally meaning “good well-done Shabbat-keeping,” is a key word used<br />

throughout the epistles of the Renewed Covenant. The root word is # 2152 Greek root eusebia. There is no Greek<br />

word for Shabbat for obvious reasons and in the Hebraic mind (i.e., that of the authors of the Scriptures), a Shabbatkeeper<br />

was one whose lifestyle was pious, or eu sebio, or into faithful Shabbat-keeping, and all that it entails. One<br />

could not be considered pious without being a Shabbat-keeper, and it was considered a basic test of piety then, as it<br />

is now. Therefore the translators did not transliterate this word, but translated it, and put the word “godly,” or<br />

“godliness” in the text instead of the true meaning of a pious life bent toward Shabbat piety. The Restoration<br />

Scriptures has restored this key word in its correct context throughout the letters to Renewed Covenant Yisrael.<br />

5634<br />

One who does not walk in full Torah truth and a life of visible fruit in the Spirit, cannot see the Efrayimites who<br />

are “far off” in their ongoing return to our nation.<br />

5635<br />

The restored kingdom.<br />

5636<br />

According to the Torah requirement of two, or three.<br />

5637<br />

It belongs to all Yisrael.<br />

5638<br />

Prevalent in the ever-growing apostasy found in the Messianic movement from where the final apostasy comes<br />

from. For more information see Is It Us? at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link27.htm<br />

5639<br />

A special holding prison for unclean spirits before the flood.<br />

5640<br />

A metaphor for gentiles, or heathen.<br />

5641<br />

Spiritual matters.<br />

5642<br />

More evidence that all believers kept YHWH’s feasts.<br />

5643<br />

Yisrael is said to overcome, not be overcome. This confirms Hebrews 6:4 and the great dangers of falling away.<br />

5644 Torah and Messiah.<br />

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