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5197<br />

Because he was a priest and could not defile himself with the dead. That’s also the reason John the Beloved was<br />

well-known by the High Priest of Yisrael.<br />

5198<br />

Only after Peter became defiled, and so John was not defiled, since contact with the dead had already been<br />

made.<br />

5199<br />

Isaiah 53:10-11 and Psalm 16:10.<br />

5200<br />

See Updated First Response Nazarene/Messianic Handbook pages 136-138 at:<br />

http://restorationscriptures.org/link11.htm<br />

5201<br />

See Home and Garden at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link12.htm<br />

5202<br />

He had not yet ascended to offer his blood in the Most Set-Apart Place in the heavens, and as such could not be<br />

ceremonially defiled by sinful flesh.<br />

5203<br />

Note that Yahshua Himself has an Eloah, and even after His ascension into heaven, He has The Father as His<br />

Eloah, as seen throughout the Book of Revelation. Regardless of the approach one takes, one is always left with the<br />

eternal truth of YHWH the Greater, and YHWH the Lesser, being one for all eternity.<br />

5204<br />

One must be very careful here to understand this in the light of all of Scripture, including Yahshua's admonition<br />

to Yisrael to forgive all men 70 times 7. This declaration can be understood only in terms of evangelism and sharing<br />

the Good News (glad tidings) of eternal life in Messiah. When we proclaim as we are sent by YHWH, and men<br />

respond to the Good News of Messiah, that person has been forgiven by us personally, in the sense that we were<br />

the ones delivering the message. Likewise, when we do not deliver the message of the only One by whom man can<br />

be saved, we do not allow for forgiveness to flow through us. Thus in essence, we don’t forgive others their sins.<br />

This declaration is all about delivering the message, and not about the establishment of a religious hierarchy that<br />

has power to send people to a second death.<br />

5205<br />

Future generations.<br />

5206<br />

The right side is symbolic of mercy in the understanding of a Hebrew, and the phrase “right side,” or tsad<br />

hayamin, has a numeric Hebrew value of 204, the same as the word tzadik, or “righteous one.” Here at the command<br />

of the “Righteous One” in a sea of mercy, fish will be caught. The fish of course are Yisrael (see Gen. 48:16) and the<br />

sea of course is the nations.<br />

5207<br />

Bringing the scattered fish of lost Yisrael back to the land of Yisrael.<br />

5208<br />

Genesis 48:16 where Yisrael is prophesied to be like multitudes of great fish in the earth’s midst.<br />

5209<br />

153 is the numerical value of the name Betzalel, the maker of the wilderness Tabernacle after the pattern received<br />

from YHWH. This means the children of Yisrael would be made into YHWH’s image and pattern, into a renewed<br />

congregation, after the disciples drew them out of the sea of nations. For more details see:<br />

http://restorationscriptures.org/link13.htm<br />

5210<br />

Mar-Yah in Aramaic, improperly translated in Greek simply as “Lord,” instead of “Master-Yah.”<br />

5211<br />

This conversation took place in Aramaic. As such, unlike the Greek, there are three different words used in<br />

verses 15-17 for sheep, or lambs. The first reference is to amrea, or young sheep, or young disciples, the second to<br />

male adult sheep with the term aerba, and the final reference to sheep is niquia, a female word used to refer to His<br />

adult female disciples. The Aramaic challenges Peter to look after all three categories of His disciples, thus<br />

explaining the repetitive nature of Yahsha’s questions.<br />

5212<br />

By hanging bound hand and foot upside down. Then this prophecy was fulfilled.<br />

5213<br />

For more information on John being one of the two end-time witnesses see: Is Yochanan the Beloved Still Alive?<br />

at: http://restorationscriptures.org/link46.htm<br />

5214<br />

The four evangels are summations of the major events of Messiah's life. Were all His teachings and miracles<br />

actually recorded, that would entail the finite and the mortal, capturing in words the infinite and immortal Son of<br />

YHWH, which is beyond human limitation and possibility. But enough has been recorded, so that mankind is without<br />

excuse, real, or imagined.<br />

ACTS<br />

5215<br />

See note on Luke 1:3.<br />

5216<br />

Aramaic Peshitta.<br />

5217<br />

When there is togetherness in believing Yisrael, the main concern will be the restoration and regathering of the<br />

two houses. These folks hardly agreed on anything, but with one accord were concerned that Yahshua was<br />

returning to the Father without Efrayim and Judah first being joined again as one in YHWH’s hand. This question set<br />

in a future tense, is valid and ample evidence that the restoration was paramount in Yahshua’s ministry, and<br />

moreover had never fully taken place previously, at the time of the Jews’ return from Babylonian exile, nor in<br />

Hezekiah, or Josiah’s days, as some erroneously claim.<br />

5218<br />

Yahshua answered them in the future tense in verses 7-8, illustrating that His Father had not yet revealed the<br />

exact future timing of the full restoration to anyone. The question posed by the disciples and Messiah’s answer,<br />

forever dismisses any attempt to contrive, or fabricate some supposedly well-known, past reunion of the two<br />

houses, five hundred years before Yahshua came in the flesh.<br />

5219<br />

Note the plan for regathering Yisrael clearly outlined. In context, this commission is given in response to the<br />

disciples’ question on how to restore Yisrael. He told them that they could not know when it would be fully<br />

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