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5138<br />

The one difference between YHWH’s Son and all the other mighty ones in Yisrael, is found in the same Psalm,<br />

Psalm 82 v. 7: “but as men” you shall die. Yahshua in His eternal existence is distinguished from other human<br />

mighty ones.<br />

5139<br />

Jewish-Yisrael.<br />

5140<br />

The House of Judah.<br />

5141<br />

The children of Yisrael, or Eloah that were already “scattered abroad” can only be referring to non-Jewish, or<br />

Efrayim-Yisrael, from the ten northern tribes. No other group of people possibly fits this description. Note that they<br />

were not pagans, but already covenant people in exile. Note also that they are called “children of Eloah,” an endtime<br />

term referring to the 10 tribes of the north according to Hosea 1:10. Since Judah was mostly in the land of<br />

Yisrael at the time of this prophecy, it certainly points to Efrayim-Yisrael. Ciaphas pronounces this, and the Spirit<br />

elaborates by saying that it is far better for Yahshua to die than for both houses to perish. Both those in the land,<br />

and those “scattered abroad,” return by His death according to Ciaphas and John, so that both folds can become<br />

one again.<br />

5142<br />

Once the Spirit had declared the reason for Yahshua's death, we see an immediate remez, or hint application, of<br />

the gathering of the exiles of Efrayim back home. Rather than walk in Judah, where He would be prematurely<br />

arrested, Yahshua went into the wilderness to a city called Efrayim. Since Efrayim is in the wilderness of the nations,<br />

and since Judah’s leaders no longer welcomed Him, He continued in Efrayim and remained there with His disciples.<br />

This is again a prophetic declaration by the Spirit in the remez/hint, that Yahshua will be rejected by Judah's elders,<br />

only to find refuge among scattered Efrayim in the wilderness of the nations. In so doing, He would remain there<br />

with His disciples for the better part of the next 2,000 years. The Spirit places these Scriptures in spiritual sequence<br />

and the message is clear. Yahshua has found His disciples primarily among returning Efrayim, and will continue to<br />

do so until His return.<br />

5143<br />

This could have been one of those pre-Pesach rehearsal meals, done by most rabbis in the first century that<br />

Yahshua later did with the 12 disciples.<br />

5144<br />

A true thanksgiving offering by Mary for what Yahshua did by raising her brother. This is the true worship, that<br />

doesn’t seek a gift, but returns in pure adoration.<br />

5145<br />

See note on John 7:35.<br />

5146<br />

What prompted Yahshua to say this at this juncture was the return of these select Efrayimites, who were<br />

attending the feasts, and wanted more perfect instruction and so came to seek Messiah. When Yahshua perceived of<br />

the return of the children of exiled Yisrael scattered abroad, He knew that His time had come to bring back not just<br />

these few, but the “fullness of the gentiles,” as seen in Genesis 48:19.<br />

5147<br />

In context, Efrayim's massive return depends upon the grain of wheat (Yahshua) falling into the ground at death,<br />

in order to bring forth much fruit among the exiles of non-Jewish Yisrael.<br />

5148<br />

In the ministry of Messiah, and in the future ministry of His people among His people by the Spirit. The<br />

esteeming of YHWH’s Name is an ongoing restoration work as well.<br />

5149<br />

That we would know of a certainty that the Father expects us to esteem and proclaim His true Name.<br />

5150<br />

The drawing back of Yisrael.<br />

5151<br />

Peshitta.<br />

5152<br />

One of the saddest verses in Scripture.<br />

5153<br />

Peter realized that this was not a mere ritualistic bathing, or washing, but a symbolic act, and therefore realized<br />

his need for full and total cleansing by Messiah.<br />

5154<br />

True and contented believers know Yahshua as YHWH manifested fully in flesh, but also know that the Father is<br />

greater. For more details see: http://restorationscriptures.org/link7.htm<br />

5155<br />

Psalm 41:9.<br />

5156<br />

John the author.<br />

5157<br />

A double infilling of s.a.tan after the initial influence of v. 2.<br />

5158<br />

Dual application. Heavenly dwellings, and earthly dwellings, in the Renewed Jerusalem on earth.<br />

5159<br />

Greater numerically and quantitatively, not in terms of actually raising dead people on a weekly basis. This<br />

means that Yahshua’s followers not having the full measure of the Spirit, cannot possibly do what only He could do.<br />

5160<br />

Prayers in Nazarene Yisrael must be sealed in Yahshua’s Name.<br />

5161<br />

In His Name and according to His will (First John 5:14).<br />

5162<br />

A short but sweet warning to all who love Yahshua. The proof is full Torah compliance.<br />

5163<br />

Torah-keeping is a precondition, in order for Yahshua to reveal Himself to individual Yisraelites.<br />

5164<br />

Please see: http://restorationscriptures.org/page41.htm for more details.<br />

5165<br />

This discourse is given in light of Isaiah 5, where the vineyard is Yisrael and the Beloved who owned the<br />

vineyard is The Father-YHWH.<br />

5166<br />

Both literally and figuratively.<br />

5167<br />

Those who deny Him, after having at one time believed in Him.<br />

5168<br />

Both Yahshua and Yisrael must guard YHWH’s Torah as a sign of affection, submission and obedience. To claim<br />

a love for Yahshua apart from Torah obedience, will result in being cut off from the Vine, along with suffering the<br />

consequences of that removal.<br />

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