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5109<br />

These verses, from chapter 7:53 to chapter 8:11, are not found in either the Peshitta, or the four oldest Greek<br />

manuscripts.<br />

5110<br />

He upheld the Torah and the mercy of the Torah, all the while fulfilling prophecy by writing the names of those<br />

who were forsaking the living water, into the dust of the earth, as prophesied in Jeremiah 17:13.<br />

5111<br />

This passage gives insight into the two powers of the Father and Son that serve as dual witnesses. Yahshua<br />

Himself declares the Father and Son as one, yet two witnesses according to Torah, not one witness in different<br />

costumes.<br />

5112<br />

It is required that every man, or woman believe in Yahshua as the “I Am” of Exodus 3:14-15, or the<br />

consequences will be a second and eternal death. This includes all from the House of Judah.<br />

5113<br />

Full obedience to Torah that He learned from much suffering. He learned from the Father, and therefore is not the<br />

Father, who learns from no man.<br />

5114<br />

The test of discipleship is endurance to the end of one’s life on earth.<br />

5115<br />

The Aramaic word abdota more accurately means in a “debtor relationship” to anyone, and not their historical<br />

physical slavery which the Jewish leaders were certainly aware of. Yet their sin debt to YHWH which had not been<br />

paid, is what Yahshua is addressing.<br />

5116<br />

Even then the accusations of Yahshua being illegitimate were circulating.<br />

5117<br />

This is not to say all Jews are demons, since most of the multitudes and the writers of the Renewed Covenant<br />

were Jews. Rather any unbeliever that hates Yahshua is a child of s.a.tan. This is a general application text, not a<br />

condemnation of Jews.<br />

5118<br />

A dual accusation. That He is demon-driven, and is an Efrayimite, again displaying the contempt and hate<br />

between Yisrael’s two houses.<br />

5119<br />

Notice how He so identified with Efrayim-Yisrael as Messiah Son of Joseph, in that He refuses to answer the<br />

Samaritan accusation, seeing Himself as a Yisraelite in suffering, like they themselves were.<br />

5120<br />

Genesis 22.<br />

5121<br />

A claim to be YHWH.<br />

5122<br />

They understood His claim to be YHWH even if some today don’t.<br />

5123<br />

A child of the covenant, and thus 13 and older.<br />

5124<br />

The leaders agreed, not the people who heard him gladly.<br />

5125<br />

By definition this must include ancient “so-called” eastern masters like Buddha, Confucius and Krishna.<br />

5126<br />

Ezekiel 34:11-31 is where YHWH Himself promises to come to earth to look for and find His lost sheep. The<br />

speech here is used to alert anyone familiar with Scripture that Yahshua Himself is the one who has come to look for<br />

and return Yisrael’s wandering exiles back to the fold.<br />

5127<br />

A plain reference to the other fold, or flock of Yisrael, Efrayim-Yisrael, that Yahshua says He must bring in by<br />

command of the Father. Note that even before He died and rose, He had two existing Yisraelite flocks, not one.<br />

Through His mission as the Good Shepherd, both folds will become one.<br />

5128<br />

The Father loves Yahshua, because He is faithful to His primary mission of taking two Yisraelite folds, and<br />

making them one Yisrael, knowing YHWH.<br />

5129<br />

The mission to die for both houses is called a commandment by Yahshua.<br />

5130<br />

The truth about the true purpose of Yahshua's death, which is to restore and regather both houses of Yisrael,<br />

brings sharp division among the Jewish community. It seems like whenever Judah hears of YHWH’s love for both<br />

houses as in Luke 15, it brings out the worst in them. The message of the true kingdom always brings division, and<br />

those who teach the truth will always be labeled as divisive. Yet it is that message alone that heals and ends<br />

vexation and jealousy.<br />

5131<br />

Yahshua was called insane and demon-influenced due to His teachings regarding His Shepherd's role in the<br />

regathering of both houses of Yisrael. Today, those Jews who proclaim YHWH’s plan to reunite non-Jewish Yisrael<br />

with Jewish-Yisrael, are also accused of being insane and of promoting a teaching of demons, just like Yahshua was<br />

accused in this text. Nevertheless, YHWH is working in the earth, as more and more Jewish believers are seeing the<br />

two-house restoration.<br />

5132<br />

Both houses are being restored as blindness is removed. Judah’s blindness to Yahshua, and Efrayim’s<br />

blindness to Torah and their Hebraic identity, constitutes blindness removed from each house. This is healing and is<br />

not a demonic activity as Yahshua Himself taught us.<br />

5133<br />

Aramaic: “are of one accord.” Father and Son are both one, and in full power and authority sharing in full accord,<br />

yet all flows from the Father to Yahshua.<br />

5134<br />

Not true. He only stated the fact that He is one with YHWH, and is the same substance as YHWH. He didn’t make<br />

that up.<br />

5135<br />

Actual Hebrew says Elohim in Psalm 82:6.<br />

5136<br />

Psalm 82:6.<br />

5137<br />

The point made here is that all recipients of the word of YHWH are made mighty in inner strength, and are thus<br />

called “Eloah,” or “strong mighty ones.” Based on that word assignment, Yahshua asks the obvious question. Why<br />

is it not blasphemy for you and suddenly it is for Me? If you are “mighty ones,” how much more is the Creator Eloah,<br />

again proving that those arguing with Him were religious, but ignorant of Scripture.<br />

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