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5047<br />

Yahshua alone while in heaven, has seen and heard things from the Father and desires to reveal them to us if we<br />

know who Yahshua truly is.<br />

5048<br />

The need was the actual calling by His Father to open up the door to the former capital of Efrayim.<br />

5049<br />

This entire fascinating event takes place in a land given to Joseph and his children Efrayim and Manasseh. Later<br />

on, Samaria would be the actual capital of the northern kingdom.<br />

5050<br />

That was an understatement. The animosity between them was thick and traced back to the split in the House of<br />

Dawid back in 921 BCE. The Samaritans were half-breeds (a mixture of Assyrian settlers and those from Efrayim<br />

who remained behind) who, while claiming to be Yisraelites, practiced many expressions of paganism, mixed into<br />

their lifestyle.<br />

5051<br />

For more details, see these audio selections: Good Samaritan Bad Samaritan at :<br />

http://restorationscriptures.org/link2.htm also: The Yisraelite Woman Of Shechem at:<br />

http://restorationscriptures.org/link5.htm<br />

5052<br />

She makes a direct claim to being a Yisraelite from Jacob's loins in the land of Joseph. It was common<br />

knowledge at the time that despite Jewish objections, Samaritans were in fact children of historic Yisrael.<br />

5053<br />

The woman at the well represents Efrayim Yisrael in the dispersion. She confesses to Yahshua as to not having a<br />

Husband. This is just like the majority of Efrayimites, who do not have their Husband, YHWH, His Torah, and His<br />

Son. Yahshua corrects her confession by stating that she has actually had five husbands, showing her utter<br />

depravity before her Bridegroom.<br />

5054<br />

Meaning Yahshua Himself, making sure she has no ideas.<br />

5055<br />

Note that Yahshua rebuked her immoral lifestyle, but never responded to her claim to be a Yisraelite connected<br />

to Jacob, since that was common knowledge. Also from history we know that many early first-century believers<br />

came from Samaria. We have to assume they had offspring in later generations of believers, meaning many of their<br />

children today are still in the believing community.<br />

5056<br />

Yisraelites.<br />

5057<br />

Mt. Gerazim.<br />

5058<br />

A strong statement regarding Efrayim's spiritual ignorance and depravity, without Messiah and Torah. In their<br />

return they must grab hold of Yahshua and those from Judah who follow Yahshua, in order to return in a manner<br />

pleasing to the Father. We see that in Zechariah 8:23, where all ten tribes grab the tzitzit of regenerated Judah.<br />

5059<br />

Those who do so are called in Scripture the “Yisrael of YHWH.”<br />

5060<br />

It was unheard of for a rabbi to be alone with a woman, let alone a Samaritan woman who was considered to be<br />

less than a pagan.<br />

5061<br />

This was said around The Feast of Weeks, the early, or spring harvest, referencing the four months until the fall<br />

harvest of the latter ingathering at Sukkot, or Tabernacles. The very terminology of the feast that references<br />

Yisrael's final ingathering from the nations, is a statement about the nature of His mission in coming. He also<br />

reminds the disciples, that because he has reached out to Efrayim here for the very first time in such a bold manner,<br />

the door to Efrayim has been opened, and the harvest was white and ready for immediate restoration in the northern<br />

kingdom. This is why He prohibited the 70 from going to Samaria earlier, until He had shown them His love for<br />

Efrayim by modeling what they were to do. Then in the Great Commission, He allows them to go to Samaria, since in<br />

this interaction, He has officially opened the doors to Efrayim’s return.<br />

5062<br />

Yisraelites are the reapers, and the Son of Man is the sower of the word of reconciliation.<br />

5063<br />

He stayed for two days, or 2,000 years, and has been staying primarily (not exclusively) in the House of Efrayim<br />

for that time.<br />

5064<br />

From one former territory of the north to another.<br />

5065<br />

Efrayimites at the feasts.<br />

5066<br />

House of Mercy.<br />

5067<br />

For the five books of Torah, symbolizing the great mercy outlined in the Torah.<br />

5068<br />

This does not mean that Yisrael can now work on Shabbat. It means when it comes to the Father’s work of<br />

rebuilding Yisrael, and healing injured sheep, we are to do the Father's work without cessation, seven days a week.<br />

Worldly and personal labors, especially labor for pay as an employee of another, remains forbidden.<br />

5069<br />

A false accusation.<br />

5070<br />

Another false accusation. Throughout the scroll of John, He says that while being YHWH, He is the lesser YHWH,<br />

subject and in full dependence on The Father YHWH. At no time does He equate the Sent One as equal to the<br />

Sender.<br />

5071<br />

Here Yahshua clarifies that He is fully reliant on the Father, thus negating their false accusation.<br />

5072<br />

This is a clear warning, to those running to embrace any faith system that leaves out Yahshua as YHWH’s Son.<br />

5073<br />

Note the Father is a second witness and thus must be the other power in the plurality of one.<br />

5074<br />

First Covenant.<br />

5075<br />

Some of the saddest words in Scripture.<br />

5076<br />

YHWH saves and became Yahshua, and thus the Son’s Name contains both the Name and the action taken by<br />

the Father on our behalf. Since Messiah is a literal person on earth, so is the end-time anti-messiah, who will come<br />

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