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4709<br />

We were choked in the sea of nations.<br />

4710<br />

Meaning “ten cities” symbolic of the ten tribes of Efrayim-Yisrael receiving the Good News, and the healing<br />

emanating from that message.<br />

4711<br />

The multitudes of Yisrael.<br />

4712<br />

The woman is Yisrael. The twelve years of pain are one year for each tribe, and the tzitzit/fringes are symbolic of<br />

remembering all YHWH's torot/laws and the power that goes from the Torah and Messiah that flows back to Yisrael,<br />

who then is made whole.<br />

4713<br />

Biblical faith in Yahshua and Torah will lead us to peace and wholeness.<br />

4714<br />

An alternate rendering for Talitha Cumi would be “you who are under the tallit/prayer shawl rise.”<br />

4715<br />

When this child of Yisrael is healed, she represents all Yisraelites who receive the message of the kingdom as a<br />

little child, and each of those twelve years of age, represents the resurrection of all 12 tribes to new life by Messiah.<br />

Once alive they are given new manna, or bread to eat as seen in verse 43.<br />

4716<br />

He chose not to do so, because there was no faith there to move Him into action.<br />

4717<br />

Yisraelites.<br />

4718<br />

He was moved by Yisrael’s lost sheep who lacked any true guidance and provider.<br />

4719<br />

See note on Matthew 14:19.<br />

4720<br />

He came for those two groups of fishes that were divided.<br />

4721<br />

From the two fishes and the five loaves, He filled 12 baskets, meaning that He takes a divided people and<br />

regathers them neatly placed into 12 baskets full, symbolizing the fullness of the tribes in the regathering.<br />

4722<br />

See notes on Matthew 15:5-6.<br />

4723<br />

Yahshua in no way is reversing any laws of kashrut/ permitted clean foods, for if He even considered reversing<br />

one, He could not by definition be the Messiah. No, instead the topic here regards the traditions of washing hands<br />

so as to be considered ritually pure. This was pure tradition finding no basis in Torah instructions. Yahshua gives<br />

Yisrael the understanding that washed, or unwashed hands do not change a man, or woman’s heart. That is all that<br />

is taking place here.<br />

4724<br />

See comments Matthew 15:24 and 15:26.<br />

4725<br />

Ten towns full of Efrayimites from the north.<br />

4726<br />

Of Yisrael.<br />

4727<br />

Without Messiah, Yisrael’s multitudes remain hungry for truth.<br />

4728<br />

Division is not the answer to our hunger for truth. Our own houses are not what He came to build.<br />

4729<br />

Efrayimites.<br />

4730<br />

Before two-house restoration is revealed, a man is blind to his own heritage, and that of other men. Men all look<br />

fuzzy and all look the same, like gentiles, among gentiles. But when Yahshua touches us a second time, or returns<br />

to this earth to restore perfect understanding and vision completing the restoration process, then instead of seeing<br />

men of Yisrael as mere uniform trees, the Master’s touch will open our eyes to restoration, with our vision having<br />

fully been restored. Ezekiel 34:31 refers to Yisraelites as the men of YHWH's pasture, thus when restoration truth<br />

affects an individual, the trees come into focus and the trees of Yisrael are clearly seen for who they truly are.<br />

4731<br />

Because the restoration of Yisrael is by a personal revelation.<br />

4732<br />

Yisraelites according to the biblical definition of men.<br />

4733<br />

Dawid’s throne, back on earth and restored, ruling all 12 tribes.<br />

4734<br />

Speaks of a time just six days later, when the disciples see the kingdom come in a vision before they taste death.<br />

They see this on the 7 th day after Yahshua's prophesy, a type of the millennium, or the age to come.<br />

4735<br />

According to Luke and Matthew about His soon-coming atonement in Jerusalem, that opens the way for kingdom<br />

entry.<br />

4736<br />

They thought that the kingdom had come, not realizing that it was just a vision of the kingdom, and as such they<br />

were required to build booths and celebrate Tabernacles according to Zachariah 14:16-21. So actually, Peter makes<br />

a pretty sharp discernment of kingdom responsibility.<br />

4737<br />

Kingdom shechinah, or presence.<br />

4738<br />

Notice this is My Son, not the Father’s New Covenant Name.<br />

4739<br />

At the return of Messiah the literal Elijah will appear. Malachi 4: 5-6.<br />

4740<br />

John the Immerser came for the first advent of Yahshua, in Elijah’s spirit and power.<br />

4741<br />

A principle for Yisraelite living. Service is the road to greatness. Among gentiles rulership leads to domination.<br />

4742<br />

The little children are the children of Yisrael.<br />

4743<br />

All Torah sacrifices were seasoned with salt a preservative. “Have salt in yourselves” is a Hebraic idiomatic<br />

expression, saying in essence “you are the new living Yisraelite sacrifices, and as such must season all you do in<br />

the kingdom with salt.” For more details see: http://restorationscriptures.org/page32.htm<br />

4744<br />

“One with another” is a two-house reference.<br />

4745<br />

Applies to Yahshua and Yisrael becoming one flesh, as well as the two houses being one again, as well as a man<br />

and his wife.<br />

4746<br />

In essence Yahshua is asking, “Do you realize what you’re saying by calling Me good?” That is freewill<br />

recognition of His deity by the young ruler, and a confirmation of Yahshua's own testimony about Himself, when in<br />

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