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4065<br />

When YHWH breaks forth in personal, or redemptive revelation as with Iyov, He uses YHWH and not Eloah, or<br />

Elohim.<br />

4066<br />

Job did not know it was Yahshua, since that was progressively revealed later on.<br />

4067<br />

Heavenly sons, or messengers.<br />

4068<br />

Great Tribulation.<br />

4069<br />

Messiah.<br />

4070<br />

In the literal, this is a ferocious perhaps extinct sea monster, or sea dinosaur. In the remez, or hint level of<br />

understanding, this is an allegory, or metaphor for s.a.tan himself.<br />

4071<br />

The trials brought Job from head knowledge to personal heart knowledge.<br />


4072<br />

In the remez, or hint level of Hebraic understanding, the entire scroll is a love letter between Yisrael the bride and<br />

YHWH her Maker and Husband. The so-called church, has claimed this love song as a love song between them and<br />

YHWH. This doctrine stakes a not so subtle claim to being the new Yisrael thus replacing Jewish-Yisrael. Their<br />

interpretation of this song in such manner is just one more attempt by the institutionalized church to replace the<br />

Scripture’s true intent. The so-called church has applied this entire scroll, to a new and improved gentile church<br />

bride, as opposed to Yisrael renewed, who in fact remains YHWH’s eternal bride. The very terminology that sees the<br />

so-called church, as Yahshua's bride, is pure doctrinal anti-Semitism.<br />

4073<br />

Rather than focus solely on the literal love displayed by a Hebrew couple, the far greater meaning is YHWH-<br />

Yahshua’s eternal commitment to Yisrael, and as such, we highlight this book with upper case references to YHWH-<br />

Yahshua.<br />

4074<br />

YHWH’s Name.<br />

4075<br />

Very possibly a reference in the literal/pashat to Solomon’s dark skin.<br />

4076<br />

Yisrael’s bridegroom is Yahshua-YHWH as viewed by Yisrael’s daughters.<br />

4077<br />

Of Zion.<br />

4078<br />

Yisrael has been brought to His feasts and His loving banner.<br />

4079<br />

The promise and anticipation of Yahshua’s return.<br />

4080<br />

The return of Messiah after the winter of the Great Tribulation.<br />

4081<br />

The millennium, or age to come.<br />

4082<br />

Yisrael will once again blossom over the entire earth as in Solomon’s days.<br />

4083<br />

Foxes are a type of demons who try and destroy Yisrael’s fruitfulness in Messiah.<br />

4084<br />

Ani dodi ve dodi lee. The eternal covenant between Yahshua and Yisrael, is beautifully expressed in these<br />

profound words.<br />

4085<br />

Redeemed Yisrael has no spot, or blemish because of the bridegroom.<br />

4086<br />

House of Judah.<br />

4087<br />

House of Efrayim.<br />

4088<br />

Yisrael has much fruit to offer her Beloved while she abides in the vine.<br />

4089<br />

Description of a man of color.<br />

4090<br />

Yisrael is likened unto a woman who returns to her bridegroom to be seen as the two rejoicing houses/armies of<br />

Judah and Efrayim. At their return to YHWH through Yahshua, both dance for joy in their renewal and restoration<br />

before their Beloved.<br />

4091<br />

The fruits found in both covenants manifest in a close bond between Yahshua and Renewed Covenant Yisrael.<br />

4092<br />

Redeemed Yisrael listens carefully for the voice of the Master Yahshua, both in and out of the vineyard.<br />

RUTH<br />

4093<br />

Noble Efrayimites.<br />

4094<br />

For a full study on the significance of this Scroll of Ruth, see: http://restorationscriptures.org/page39.htm<br />

4095<br />

A desire to become Yisrael.<br />

4096<br />

She desired to become Yisrael, and so she was Yisrael. No conversions were necessary. Men do not have the<br />

right to dictate to anyone the terms of engrafting, or being part of Yisrael. YHWH has made the way open and simple<br />

to all through Messiah’s blood and a personal desire. It’s a good thing Ruth was never dragged before any religious<br />

body before being recognized as a Yisraelite. Her citizenship was based solely on her confession of faith. Most<br />

modern Jewish legal courts (including vast segments of Messianic Judaism and the one-house movement),<br />

established and based on extra-Biblical Talmudic oral law, would not have found her qualified to be a Yisraelite.<br />

4097<br />

Biological non-Yisraelites are a part of believing Yisrael as was Ruth. They cannot be wished away. Why would<br />

we want to discourage those who desire to make a 100% commitment to Torah and to the Giver of Torah, leaving<br />

them instead to be classified as “gentiles,” unless we had an apartheid agenda for restoring Yisrael?<br />

4098<br />

That’s how a non-biological Yisraelite becomes Yisrael. Grab tight and don’t let go, when you are chased away.<br />

4099<br />

Here is a perfect example of YHWH’s Name being used in casual greeting. This shows that the usage of YHWH’s<br />

Name is not limited to liturgy, or congregational prayer. This also shows that using YHWH’s Name in casual greeting<br />

and conversation was never considered to be using His Name in vain.<br />

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