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2909 rd<br />

The third day is the start of the 3 set of 1,000 years after the offering of the kingdom by Messiah Yahshua.<br />

Beginning around 1996 CE, the third day began. Both houses are in a season of revival that leads to the resurrected<br />

life of the millennial kingdom. Two-house revival is the means to the end, with the end being the life of the kingdom<br />

restored in the millennial reign of Yahshua, which commences 7,000 years after Adam and Eve, or 3,000 years - 3<br />

days - after Yahshua’s first coming.<br />

2910<br />

When both houses have been given eternal life through Yahshua, we will live in His sight and in His presence, or<br />

literally “before YHWH,” as opposed to being broken and wounded, living out in the nations, away from His face and<br />

His presence.<br />

2911<br />

The whole purpose of the Renewed Covenant is to have both houses renewed by sins forgiven, so we can move<br />

on to “know YHWH” from the least of us, to the greatest among us according to Jeremiah 31:31-34.<br />

2912<br />

His coming, or going forth to meet with us, is from the dawn, or “morning of creation,” prepared for us from the<br />

foundation of the world.<br />

2913<br />

In Hebrew malchosh and yoreh are the root forms of “king” and “teach.” Kingly-rain, or latter-rain is ruling power<br />

and teaching-rain, or “early rain” is the learning experienced under the Set-Apart Spirit, prior to the kingdom on<br />

earth.<br />

2914<br />

YHWH has done everything He can to bring both houses to their senses.<br />

2915<br />

His desire is for both houses to know Him personally not merely be religious.<br />

2916<br />

Yahshua quotes this in Matthew 9:13, further substantiating that He is speaking to Yisraelites who are familiar<br />

with the Hosea 6:6 passage.<br />

2917<br />

Torah.<br />

2918<br />

Home to many priests.<br />

2919<br />

Efrayim is defiled by unclean spiritual and sexual practices.<br />

2920<br />

Personal salvation through rebirth.<br />

2921<br />

Judah will also experience a revival when Efrayim does, pointing out that the restoration and revival of all Yisrael<br />

is a simultaneous event, with no one left out. Judah will experience a harvest of souls, when Efrayim experiences a<br />

return to the Torah covenant and the land of Yisrael.<br />

2922<br />

We see the duality of one in this verse.<br />

2923<br />

Hot with desire for sin.<br />

2924<br />

In the history of Efrayim in the north, not one single king is ever recorded as being pleasing to YHWH, as<br />

opposed to Judah, that at least had a few whom YHWH commended.<br />

2925<br />

Efrayim’s desire was to mix and hang out with the nations and their elohim, so YHWH gave them their desire, by<br />

scattering them among the gentiles, so as to become one with the pagans.<br />

2926<br />

A cake, or loaf that has not turned back to YHWH, and is not ready to be nourishment for anyone, since Efrayim<br />

is like a loaf, or cake that looks good, but on closer examination is not ready, or fully prepared to give and provide<br />

life in YHWH. The expression can also mean that Efrayim tends to be a bit “looney” at times, like when they have<br />

services where people break out into sessions of “dog barking,” and “clucking” like chickens.<br />

2927<br />

“Strangers,” is an idiomatic expression for pagans, who have sapped his strength and his love to serve YHWH.<br />

2928<br />

Simply because he doesn’t know who he is. How can he know what has occurred to him in his walk with YHWH?<br />

2929<br />

He is from Yisrael of old, but does not realize it. And he will have been around a long time (gray hair) before he<br />

finally sees that his problem was his penchant for paganism.<br />

2930<br />

Ironically but not surprisingly, the dove is the symbol for returning Efrayim, or most in Christianity. That dove is<br />

a sign from YHWH to most Christians, as to who they really are, since Efrayim is likened unto a gullible and gentle<br />

dove, that believes anything, and worships anything.<br />

2931<br />

Without a heart to stand firm for truth in their own national heritage as Yisrael. That is why poor "dove-like" silly<br />

Efrayim runs to traditional synagogues, where they often find acceptance as “perceived” equal heirs in Yisrael. That<br />

is why Efrayimites with an inferiority problem often caused by vexation from Judah, run to undergo long and difficult<br />

conversion procedures to become “Jewish” and thus fit into Yisrael. Often they are so weak in heart, that they<br />

willingly deny Yahshua to be accepted back into Judah, or to make aliyah/immigration back to the land of Yisrael. All<br />

of those chasing the acceptance of men through a conversion process overseen by a Bet Din (traditional Jewish<br />

rabbinical court) are in fact worshipping at the throne of Judaism, acting silly, and displaying an unstable feeble<br />

heart.<br />

2932<br />

Efrayim has never met a false idol, or doctrine from which he did not seek help, or by which he was not allured.<br />

2933<br />

Here Efrayim, though a nation of people, is called a kehela, or eidta, or a “congregation,” as Efrayim is also<br />

called throughout the Renewed Covenant, as part of restored Yisrael.<br />

2934<br />

Today, though redeemed by Messiah’s blood, Efrayim sadly still misrepresents the true Torah-keeping Yahshua,<br />

and His true mission to restore Yisrael.<br />

2935 They assemble as one for the provision, but not for the Provider.<br />

2936 For falsely accusing YHWH.<br />

2937 Assyria and Egypt.<br />

2938 Broke and forsook Torah.<br />

2939 Torah.<br />

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