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2754<br />

Both houses. Therefore our correction and learning must come from redeemed Judah, not unregenerate<br />

Orthodox Judah.<br />

2755<br />

In Hebrew we find an amazing prophecy here , as the word is Ha-Allah the definite article or The ALLAH the<br />

future Muslim deity. Due to Israel’s disobedience and failure to listen to and heed YHWH’s voice, Daniel declares<br />

prophetically that YHWH will send The Allah. This will see its total fulfillment in the Great Tribulation.<br />

2756<br />

Yah-rushalayim and Yah-huda both contain the Name Yah.<br />

2757<br />

Both houses.<br />

2758<br />

The 70 weeks of Yisrael not Daniel.<br />

2759<br />

Jerusalem.<br />

2760<br />

Bring in final and full atonement and end Yisrael’s rebellion.<br />

2761<br />

Between Yisrael and YHWH and between Efrayim and Judah.<br />

2762<br />

Eternal life clothed in His purity.<br />

2763<br />

Seal up and fulfill all the prophecies of Messiah Son of Joseph, or the dying suffering Messiah that brings<br />

Daniel’s people final atonement and an end to their iniquity.<br />

2764<br />

Until the kingdom comes, and Yahshua is anointed on Dawid’s throne.<br />

2765<br />

The prophet Daniel gave us the time frame so that we could narrow down who Messiah would be.<br />

2766<br />

The year 445 B.C.E. was the 20th year of Artaxerxes, when Nehemiah said the king let him go to rebuild<br />

Jerusalem, on the new moon of Aviv (Neh. 2).<br />

2767<br />

Note: Definite article “the.” Not one of many Moshiachs, as Orthodox Judaism teaches today.<br />

2768<br />

Messiah had to come before the Temple was again destroyed. That places Him before 70 C.E. The term "weeks"<br />

here means "sets of seven (years)," therefore 69 weeks (7+62 years), or 69 sets of seven totals 483 years. The<br />

Messiah had to come 483 years after this decree was issued.<br />

2769<br />

69 weeks of years, or 69 times 7, or 483 years.<br />

2770<br />

483 years from then would appear to come out at 38 C.E., but there is another factor. Prior to 701 B.C.E., a year<br />

was exactly 360 days long, which is why a circle has 360 degrees. That year, calendars around the world all had to<br />

be recalculated due to a planetary pass-by that changed an earth-year to 365 days. In the 19th century, Sir Robert<br />

Anderson recognized that any prophetic year has 360 days. All together we are dealing with 173,880 days, as we<br />

count them today, or 476 years and 25 days. Taking into account lunar cycles and intercalculary years as measured<br />

prior to 360 C.E., Anderson calculated that this 483-year period ended in 32 C.E. on Aviv 10 – the day Yisrael is<br />

commanded to select a lamb, four days before Passover, the very day on which Yahshua, upon seeing Jerusalem,<br />

said, “If only you had known this, your day, that which belongs to your peace, but you did not recognize the time of<br />

your visitation” (Luke19: 42-44). This was the day anyone reading Daniel should have known the Messiah was to<br />

appear.<br />

2771<br />

As told in Nehemiah and Ezra.<br />

2772<br />

The Actual Hebrew.<br />

2773<br />

Ye-karet Messiah, or Messiah will be killed, or slaughtered.<br />

2774<br />

Of the 483 years from the command to rebuild until the Messiah, 49 of those years were given over to full<br />

completion of the rebuilding. From that time, it was 434 years to the crucifixion, or cutting off of Messiah.<br />

2775<br />

For both houses of Yisrael in answer to Daniel’s petition in Chapter 9 verse 7.<br />

2776<br />

Rome in the person of Titus in 70 CE, and the end-time revised Ottoman Empire in the person of anti-messiah,<br />

coming from Turkey, the eastern leg of the Roman Empire and the same place the 70 CE legions came from. This is<br />

a dual prophecy, with both a historical and an end-time application.<br />

2777<br />

Temple on Mt. Moriah.<br />

2778<br />

The flood of exile.<br />

2779<br />

To the end of the Jewish revolt against Rome, only ruin will occur.<br />

2780<br />

The end time anti messiah.<br />

2781<br />

The Hebrew word kanaf, or corner/wing indicates the Al Aqsa Mosque on the corner of the temple mount where<br />

anti messiah will declare his intentions speaking the words of Islam after he causes the sacrifices and offerings to<br />

cease in the rebuilt Temple/Hekel just a few yards away on Mt. Moriah where the Dome of The Rock now stands. The<br />

“corner of abomination” stands today awaiting the appearance of Islam’s end time spokesperson.<br />

2782<br />

A yet-future event speaking of Islam’s anti messiah, like in the time of Antiochus Epiphanies in 150 BCE, who<br />

perpetrated the same abomination. Another dual prophesy, with both a historical and an end-time application.<br />

2783<br />

Three applications here. First the historical Antiochus Epiphanies, second the literal end-time Islamic anti<br />

messiah, and lastly the non-historical “Jesus,” who has been disguised as a gentile, who eats bacon and worships<br />

on Sunday, standing in the Renewed Covenant congregation, as YHWH, but is in fact a false messiah, unlike the true<br />

Yahshua who loved, lived, and taught His Father’s Torah in the Moriah Temple.<br />

2784<br />

Yahshua again.<br />

2785<br />

The same Yahshua described in Revelation chapter 1 and in several places in Ezekiel.<br />

2786<br />

A governing demonic principality.<br />

2787<br />

Not that Yahshua needs help, but He asked the warrior messenger to do what he normally does and thereby<br />

assist.<br />

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