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2413<br />

Nations.<br />

2414<br />

This speaks of spiritual death in the Lake of Fire, since all humanity dies physically both sinner and saint. The<br />

spirit of the lost does not live forever in hell, but is burned and dies.<br />

2415<br />

Yahshua taught us from this Ezekiel chapter in Matthew 24:13, when He reminded us that it is not how you start<br />

to walk with YHWH in your Yisraelite return, but rather will you be walking with Him, His way, at the end of your race,<br />

the end of your earthly sojourn.<br />

2416<br />

Certainly we need His ways in order to treat both houses equally.<br />

2417<br />

The calling for the new birth and renewal of Yisrael.<br />

2418<br />

King Jehoiakim.<br />

2419<br />

Zedekiah blinded and taken captive to Babylon.<br />

2420<br />

Exile of both houses.<br />

2421<br />

We are not called to study Hebrew roots as some wrongly teach, but we are to live in them as a lifestyle.<br />

2422<br />

All 12 tribes.<br />

2423<br />

Degradation into things such as Easter, Christmas, and Lent.<br />

2424<br />

The promise of restoration.<br />

2425<br />

YHWH pleads His offer of imparted righteousness to Yisrael while they still are in the nations, before their return<br />

to the land.<br />

2426<br />

Scattered Yisrael enters the eternal Renewed Covenant in the exile, as we pass under the rod of correction.<br />

2427<br />

Not all will be brought back. Only those who are chosen. None of the elect will be left behind in the nations.<br />

2428<br />

Those who name the Name of YHWH must remove themselves from all ties to paganism.<br />

2429<br />

Judah.<br />

2430<br />

Both houses.<br />

2431<br />

YHWH’s son is Yisrael as well. See: Eternal Sonship In The End Times at:<br />

http://restorationscriptures.org/page24.htm<br />

2432<br />

A pattern set to emerge on Judah’s throne.<br />

2433<br />

The crown of Judah would go from Jehoiachin to Zedekiah and then to Gedalyahu the caretaker governor. The<br />

crown would remain vacant and “be no more” until the first coming of Yahshua, or the one to whom it really<br />

belongs. This has nothing to do with British Israelite fantasy involving Scotland, Ireland and England.<br />

2434<br />

The Ammonites taunted the Jews when Nebuchadnezzar decided to invade Jerusalem rather than their land.<br />

YHWH assures them that their turn will come in their own land by the same sword.<br />

2435<br />

Babylonians.<br />

2436<br />

Those given a prophetic anointing by YHWH can judge by the Word and the Spirit.<br />

2437<br />

Sadly this has not changed.<br />

2438<br />

Incest.<br />

2439<br />

That’s where you’ll find Efrayim. “Among the gentiles.”<br />

2440<br />

No human mediator did qualify. It was also extremely early to send the true Mediator, the Messiah Yahshua, as<br />

per First Timothy 2:5.<br />

2441<br />

The two sisters are the two houses. The one mother is Jerusalem, the capital of a united monarchy before the<br />

division of the kingdom. This chapter is compared to Second John, which is a complimentary book to this entire<br />

chapter. For a deeper study, go to Twisted To Chosen Sisters http://restorationscriptures.org/page25.htm<br />

2442<br />

Efrayim never cared what kind of paganism it was, as long as it was some form of it.<br />

2443<br />

721 BCE.<br />

2444<br />

Judah.<br />

2445<br />

Judah was worse than Efrayim. Thus why would an Efrayimite run to unbelieving Judah for Torah, or any other<br />

instruction? Instead, that task has been assigned to the remnant of believing Judah.<br />

2446<br />

Babylonian idolatry.<br />

2447<br />

Judah sought idolatrous lovers from both Assyria and Babylon.<br />

2448<br />

Both sisters added yet more lovers.<br />

2449<br />

Against Jerusalem.<br />

2450<br />

YHWH is the jealous husband over Yisrael.<br />

2451<br />

YHWH allowed both houses to literally become one with the heathens that they lusted for.<br />

2452<br />

Judah will inherit the same cup of judgment and exile as Efrayim.<br />

2453<br />

Orgies.<br />

2454<br />

Jerusalem and the loss of his own wife.<br />

2455<br />

Yisraelite men wear head coverings.<br />

2456<br />

A clear reference that all Yisraelites, not just priests, wore head coverings.<br />

2457<br />

YHWH alone is allowed to discipline Yisrael. If man attempts to harm either house they will be destroyed.<br />

2458<br />

Babylonians.<br />

2459<br />

Today as promised, the Ammonites are extinct as a distinct nation.<br />

2460 Tyre.<br />

2461 Possible location of the Lake of Fire.<br />

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