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2211<br />

A metaphor for gentiles, or heathens. Both houses have the seed of Jacob mixed all over.<br />

2212<br />

A clear-cut promise of full and total healing for both houses.<br />

2213<br />

At the time of restoration.<br />

2214<br />

An expression of those in exile.<br />

2215<br />

The Renewed Covenant was never cut with gentiles, or Christians but exclusively with both houses of Yisrael.<br />

This means all believers in the Renewed Covenant are Yisrael from either house, or those who join with either<br />

house. If both of Yisrael’s houses in fact became Judah, then why does YHWH specify another non-Jewish house by<br />

a different name 150 years after Efrayim had already gone into exile?<br />

2216<br />

It is this Renewed Covenant that ends the exile as renewal comes to both houses.<br />

2217<br />

The Aramaic Peshitta renders this as “basit” when translated into the Hebrew “bachalti” it means, “neglected, or<br />

despised” and is an alternative reading. YHWH was both a faithful Husband, as well as one whose covenant was<br />

despised and neglected by both houses of Yisrael. Thus both renderings make sense, as in the Hebraic mindset<br />

each verse has at least several understandings.<br />

2218<br />

Though YHWH was a husband to 4 million people that He personally took out of Egypt and then married at Sinai,<br />

only two stayed faithful to covenant. The Renewed Covenant is designed to make two houses faithful, not just two<br />

people.<br />

2219<br />

Both houses come into the Renewed Covenant, but only Efrayim-Yisrael needs a real introduction to Torah.<br />

Consequently after the days when the covenant is actually cut, there is an inner working in Efrayim out of a<br />

supernatural love to guard and perform Torah in their hearts. Judah on the other hand has the supernatural<br />

workings of the much-needed Set-Apart Spirit to bring their Torah walk to life. But these inward works are said to be<br />

ongoing, and subsequent to the actual spilling of Messiah's blood to cut the covenant.<br />

2220<br />

After the blood is spilled.<br />

2221<br />

“Knowing YHWH,” is a first step that takes place through regeneration. YHWH, through Yahshua, does that<br />

regeneration. Therefore the commencement of the regeneration process is between YHWH and man, directly through His<br />

Son. Therefore the need is bypassed for any human instruments, to teach and instruct humanity, on how to know Him<br />

initially. All who truly desire to know can and will know Him, courtesy of Messiah, without any human instrument. For the<br />

first time in Yisrael’s history, man can come to initially know YHWH’s plan of salvation and His good, without a human<br />

leader, or rabbi, by simply beckoning Yahshua to reveal the Father YHWH to him, or herself through the revealed word and<br />

its truth. Many have come to YHWH through His Son just by reading their Scriptures, without any human interference, or<br />

input. After salvation, there is still the need for teachers and instructors. But that teaching role is to raise up the Yisraelite<br />

for maturity and fullness, in a higher revelation of the word of YHWH. The ongoing need for teachers of the word, as it<br />

relates to the maturity of the individual, by no means negates the promise of the Renewed Covenant. All the teaching is<br />

instilled after YHWH Himself, through His Son, sparks the flames of regeneration that brings an individual to that first step,<br />

on a long and exciting journey of knowing YHWH.<br />

2222<br />

In the Renewed Covenant both houses can be fully and unconditionally forgiven of all sins and transgressions.<br />

2223<br />

All 12 tribes.<br />

2224<br />

Yisrael’s survival, the promised end of the exile, and Messianic redemption are guaranteed by the visibility of creation<br />

in the heavens. As long as these lights shine, the restoration and Messianic redemption, as well as the survival of both<br />

houses of Yisrael are personally guaranteed by Father YHWH.<br />

2225<br />

YHWH also challenges us to remember that even as the heavens cannot be literally measured, neither can Yisrael be<br />

literally removed, or replaced as the only single eternal elect and chosen bride of YHWH, when found in their redeemed<br />

virgin state.<br />

2226<br />

In verses 31-37, texts that speak of the 10 tribes of the north rejoining Judah, YHWH’s Name appears 10 times,<br />

once for each returning tribe of the north.<br />

2227<br />

Jerusalem.<br />

2228<br />

A description of Jerusalem rebuilt and restored ultimately in the millennium.<br />

2229<br />

“Jews” is a term that had begun to refer to the south (all three tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Lewi) at about this time<br />

and in other contemporary books like Esther and Nehemiah some 70 years later. This term, however, never refers to both<br />

houses anywhere in the First Covenant, and very rarely in the Renewed Covenant.<br />

2230<br />

Both houses need cleansing by Messiah Yahshua.<br />

2231<br />

Both houses.<br />

2232<br />

Both houses.<br />

2233<br />

Literally “The lord.”<br />

2234<br />

Both houses driven into exile and both will return together.<br />

2235<br />

Both houses must be in agreement over Torah and the identity of King Messiah. Until then, any attempt to<br />

reunite the two houses by changing immigration laws, is of the flesh and not of the Father.<br />

2236<br />

The one promised in Jeremiah 31:31.<br />

2237<br />

In compliance with Torah and Yahshua who is the Truth.<br />

2238<br />

Through the Renewed Covenant.<br />

2239<br />

Note how it is YHWH who will cause this, not man’s negotiations and outright compromise with unredeemed<br />

Judah, as is prevalent in the land today.<br />

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