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2174<br />

The “catching away” is the regathering of both houses back to the land.<br />

2175<br />

YHWH leads us back to the land, not man.<br />

2176<br />

Torah.<br />

2177<br />

Here YHWH states that it is Efrayim (later to become the ten-tribes of Yisrael) that is always and eternally His<br />

firstborn. As YHWH’s eternal firstborn, he comes to a time of repentance through the Renewed Covenant. It is at that<br />

time that YHWH will be Master over all the tribes, or clans of Yisrael, according to Jeremiah 31:1. The one returning<br />

as part of the great congregation from the nations is Efrayim, YHWH’s firstborn. Hebrews 12:23 confirms the<br />

centrality and spiritual primacy of firstborn Yisrael, the redeemed gathering and “congregation of the firstborn,<br />

having been enrolled in heaven….” YHWH says that all believers make up the membership of the “congregation of<br />

firstborn Yisrael,” whose names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book Of Life.<br />

2178<br />

Yahshua.<br />

2179<br />

All Yisrael will return by the same one who was responsible for the scattering.<br />

2180<br />

YHWH will redeem Yisrael from the hands of the stronger gentile nations.<br />

2181<br />

Both houses will flow back together. Note that Efrayim won’t have to pander to orthodox separatists in unsaved<br />

Judah who are now back in the land since 1948. Rather, the redeemed of both houses return together, as today<br />

neither redeemed Efrayim nor redeemed Judah are welcome as citizens. Only the unsaved in Yisrael seem to be<br />

welcomed.<br />

2182<br />

The Messiah who is the Good Shepherd, the good Torah, and the good land.<br />

2183<br />

In the restored kingdom.<br />

2184<br />

The spotless virgin bride of Yahshua.<br />

2185<br />

In the literal pashat Rachel the wife of Jacob symbolically weeping over the Diaspora, or the exile of scattered<br />

Yisrael in the exile. She is weeping for all of Yisrael’s children, and her own children, Joseph and Benjamin, who are<br />

out of their homeland of Yisrael. Matthew chapter 2 quotes this on a remez/hint level. Bethlehem’s children were<br />

killed due to Yisrael’s disobedience of Torah, the very same reason Yisrael’s 12 tribes were scattered to the ends of<br />

the earth to their spiritual and physical death. Disobedience is the thematic cord Matthew uses to apply this verse in<br />

the remez/hint from its literal pashat.<br />

2186<br />

Despite her weeping and mourning, YHWH comforts her, as both houses will be returning. Efrayim represents<br />

Joseph’s return, and Benjamin represents Judah’s return, since Benjamin became part of Judah.<br />

2187<br />

The promised end of the exile comforts Rachel.<br />

2188<br />

YHWH comforts Rachel with proof of the end of the exile by telling her that He Himself has heard Efrayim, or non-<br />

Jewish Yisrael repenting.<br />

2189<br />

Efrayim laments his lack of instruction, or Torah understanding. Egele, or a bull is the tribal banner of Efrayim,<br />

later turned into idolatry by Efrayim.<br />

2190<br />

Efrayim cries for help in his repentance.<br />

2191<br />

Efrayim knows the love and patience of the Father.<br />

2192<br />

True repentance for breaking the Torah.<br />

2193<br />

Instruction.<br />

2194<br />

Efrayim becomes amazed at his own blindness towards the eternal precepts of Torah, not just Judah’s blindness<br />

towards Messiah.<br />

2195<br />

A natural reaction when true repentance takes place.<br />

2196<br />

Efrayim sees his punishment as bearing the stupidity of his youthful ways, which included lust and paganism.<br />

2197<br />

A rhetorical question. If Efrayim is YHWH’s dear eternal son, and furthermore is His firstborn, how can Efrayim<br />

not return together with Judah, despite not being recognized by the world, or often even by themselves?<br />

2198<br />

YHWH is troubled until Efrayim is fully restored.<br />

2199<br />

Literal landmarks set up by Jeremiah and spiritual guideposts as well. This is addressed in detail at:<br />

http://restorationscriptures.org/page19.htm<br />

2200<br />

Dolmans of stone. YHWH asks Yisrael to mark the route so they can return.<br />

2201<br />

Spiritually.<br />

2202<br />

All 12 tribes of verse 1.<br />

2203<br />

Physically.<br />

2204<br />

In prolonged exile.<br />

2205<br />

All Yisrael.<br />

2206<br />

This novum, or new thing, is directly linked to the healing of the backslidden daughter of Yisrael.<br />

2207<br />

In much Jewish literature, this was often viewed as a reference to the virgin birth of Messiah. How does this all<br />

fit? The new thing is a human being born of the “seed of the woman” in fulfillment of Genesis 3:15, and is the<br />

supernatural act that actually brings about Efrayim and Judah’s return. This is the reason that YHWH wants mother<br />

Rachel to stop crying.<br />

2208<br />

Caused by prolonged exile.<br />

2209<br />

Any dreams, or visions of YHWH’s restoration of Yisrael will indeed be a sweet time for the one understanding<br />

the message behind the dream.<br />

2210 Limited intermingling between houses.<br />

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