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2014<br />

These are the leaders of Nazarene believers who love Yahshua, both covenants, and all things that pertain to the<br />

restoration of our nation.<br />

2015<br />

In the restored kingdom, the splendor will be so strong and the two-house reunion so central, that all searches<br />

and discussions over the ark of the covenant will not even come to mind, as Yisrael is multiplying and filling all of<br />

the original land given to the patriarchs. If there are ongoing discussions about the Ark of the Covenant and its<br />

location, that means that both houses have not been restored, and that the promised reunion has not taken place as<br />

many falsely teach.<br />

2016<br />

In the Temple service that is restored in Ezekiel chapters 40-48, we see sacrifices restored but no Yom<br />

Kippur/Day of Atonement sacrifice is expressly mentioned, thus obviating the need to find and restore the Ark of the<br />

Covenant.<br />

2017<br />

In the millennium.<br />

2018<br />

The kingdom will be restored.<br />

2019<br />

Note that in the kingdom all nations will be gathered to the true Name of YHWH, not the names of false deities<br />

and false names for the true deity. The regathering is not only to the land, but also to the Name. So those who are<br />

truly the lost sheep of Yisrael, will find themselves being drawn back to the Name of YHWH.<br />

2020<br />

Remnant Yisrael will not invent and imagine names for YHWH from their own hearts anymore.<br />

2021<br />

The days when the ark and its location no longer come to mind.<br />

2022<br />

This verse alone proves that Torah-keeping Efrayim is not called to learn Torah from the orthodox Jews in<br />

Yisrael. This and other key verses makes it clear that when YHWH opens the door of aliyah/immigration, both<br />

houses go together - rather than Efrayim running to apostate Jews now living in the land. Any aliyah/immigration<br />

without both houses having the same open door is a flesh trip of man’s flesh and shall not stand.<br />

2023<br />

Aramaic Peshitta.<br />

2024<br />

In the days when the two houses walk together back to the land, He will place all Torah-keepers in among the<br />

children of Yisrael and in their inheritance. These are the companions, or friends of Ezekiel 37.<br />

2025<br />

All 12 tribes.<br />

2026<br />

Both houses.<br />

2027<br />

Become born-again.<br />

2028<br />

Judah and Efrayim are both the natural branches of the olive tree, as seen in Romans 11 and Jeremiah 11:16-17.<br />

2029<br />

Both houses rebelled thus calling for two separate exiles.<br />

2030<br />

All 12 tribes.<br />

2031<br />

Babylon.<br />

2032<br />

Both houses.<br />

2033<br />

The counting of the omer and the Shavuot harvest.<br />

2034<br />

The men of the flock of Yisrael.<br />

2035<br />

Both houses.<br />

2036<br />

The healing for Yisrael is found in a return to the paths of Torah and the marriage covenant of Sinai. In that<br />

return there will be purpose, understanding, and rest for our souls. Yisrael must seek things that are renewed - not<br />

new things. For a full treatment of this subject, see: http://restorationscriptures.org/page16.htm<br />

2037<br />

Typical of Efrayim’s reaction to the ancient Torah over the last 2,000 years.<br />

2038<br />

Efrayim.<br />

2039<br />

Judah.<br />

2040<br />

Both houses need Messiah's truth. One house is not to depend on the other in the return, since each house has<br />

its own unique evil to deal with.<br />

2041<br />

Judah’s fate has been sealed.<br />

2042<br />

Today known as sinless “Mother Mary,” the mother of G-d, but in the past known by many other names.<br />

2043<br />

DSS.<br />

2044<br />

How can men know that the Torah is with us? One of the reasons Yisrael was judged was the changing of the<br />

Torah by lying scribes. These were the men who deliberately changed the Hebrew and Aramaic texts, so that<br />

translators cannot know for sure what YHWH wrote, in the original autographs. This is not a rebuke of translators<br />

and editors of later translations who vary on word meanings, but a rebuke on those who actually heard the word,<br />

recorded it and then later changed the original scrolls. To them the warnings of Deuteronomy 12 and Revelation 22<br />

apply.<br />

2045<br />

Judah’s lament and ongoing condition. The end of the age is at hand, and it’s almost too late.<br />

2046<br />

In context, this means “I am sick at heart over the judgment coming upon my people.” It does not mean that<br />

YHWH is literally black, or white, or pink, as some racist <strong>Bible</strong> thumpers have tried to maintain.<br />

2047<br />

Yahshua is that prescribed balm, and without Him no healing of Judah can ever take place.<br />

2048<br />

The two houses must rely on YHWH and His Son alone for instruction in their return, since both houses remain<br />

full of doctrinal error and each house has their share of liars.<br />

2049 False doctrines of redemption.<br />

2050 Theological, social confusion and upheaval.<br />

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