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1842<br />

Messiah Yahshua comes to all Yisrael, but specifically to those willing to turn from sin in Yisrael. This test ought<br />

to be enough for people to see that being Jacob is not the key to salvation, but turning from sin through the<br />

Redeemer to become redeemed, remnant Yisrael, is the key.<br />

1843<br />

Quoted in Romans 11 as applying to both houses of the olive tree, both to the cultivated and non-cultivated olive<br />

branches, or Notsrim.<br />

1844<br />

Father YHWH promises that part of this Renewed Covenant with those who turn from sin in Yisrael, will be to put<br />

His Ruach, or Spirit upon them, even as He has done upon Yahshua without measure. Here Yahshua is said to have<br />

many spiritual children, all born again through the Spirit, associated with the Renewed Covenant, and not the will of<br />

man.<br />

1845<br />

Messiah and His Yisraelite brethren are to carry YHWH’s eternal words forever.<br />

1846<br />

Messiah Yahshua our High Priest is the tifereth, or beauty of YHWH.<br />

1847<br />

Efrayim.<br />

1848<br />

Efrayim.<br />

1849<br />

Your advent.<br />

1850<br />

Yisrael will be gathered.<br />

1851<br />

Efrayim.<br />

1852<br />

With His bride.<br />

1853<br />

A metaphor found in Genesis and elsewhere, referring to the “sand of the sea,” or the physical multitudes of<br />

scattered and exiled Yisrael.<br />

1854<br />

Millennial Temple.<br />

1855<br />

The biblical and even modern symbol (doves) of wayward Efrayim, running to Yahshua to receive open windows<br />

of vision.<br />

1856<br />

Windows are symbolic of vision and understanding.<br />

1857<br />

All the earth.<br />

1858<br />

Spain/Europe.<br />

1859<br />

The returning exiles will come to Messiah, because Father has lifted Him up, and they will come to the true Name<br />

of YHWH that the Messiah proclaims.<br />

1860<br />

At Golgotha.<br />

1861<br />

All nations and kings will serve Yahshua and the Efrayimites and other biological foreigners will rebuild the<br />

nation and the walls of the nation, in their return to join redeemed Judah.<br />

1862<br />

Now through the lifted up Suffering Servant we have access to Father YHWH day and night in any place Yisrael<br />

finds themselves.<br />

1863<br />

The Millennial Temple will have all the former Temple's beauty restored. Jerusalem will also be renewed as the<br />

place of His footstool.<br />

1864<br />

In the age to come all the enemies of Yisrael and of Messiah Yahshua, will come to be fully subjected with a rod<br />

of iron. Yahshua Himself will be known as the safe and secure city of YHWH’s refuge, along with the city of<br />

Jerusalem.<br />

1865<br />

Yahshua.<br />

1866<br />

Now to get to YHWH, all men have to go through Yahshua according to John 14:6. This Scripture can also apply<br />

to Yisrael, as without being part of Yisrael, or going through her and her King, one remains outside the covenant.<br />

1867<br />

Through Messiah, all 12 tribes will know that YHWH has visited them with salvation and redemption.<br />

1868<br />

The Hebrew word for violence.<br />

1869<br />

No more Palestinian squatters.<br />

1870<br />

The New Jerusalem enters eternity.<br />

1871<br />

The mourning of exile will be over in the restoration of the nation.<br />

1872<br />

Branch. The Hebrew word netzer, from where comes the term Netsarim, or Nazarenes, the first century name for<br />

the redeemed followers of Messiah. In this verse Yahshua is the Hand of YHWH, or the Arm of redemption, planting<br />

branches, or Netsarim, who are said to be the work of His hand.<br />

1873<br />

A true millennial covenant promise.<br />

1874<br />

The promise of physical multiplicity will be realized, understood, and brought to pass in the last days of the age.<br />

When the exile is over, even just the remnant of Jacob will still be the largest nation on the planet.<br />

1875<br />

Gospel.<br />

1876<br />

Of Yisrael.<br />

1877<br />

In Isaiah 61:1 the Masoretic does not contain the phrase “recovery of sight to the blind.” Yet Luke 4:18 does, as<br />

does the LXX. Obviously Yahshua is being quoted in Luke 4:18, as He quotes from the LXX’s Isaiah scroll.<br />

1878<br />

Prisoners of exile from both houses.<br />

1879<br />

Over sin and exile.<br />

1880<br />

Yisraelites as per Mark 8.<br />

1881<br />

Those who receive Messiah Yahshua, enter His ministry of the restoration of all things.<br />

1882<br />

Yisrael will also have teachers, or rabbis to feed the sheep that are not Jewish but are Yisrael.<br />

1883<br />

All those not born Yisrael will all feed at and in the same pen.<br />

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