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1768<br />

Yahshua is the Witness, Leader and Commander of all of Renewed Covenant Yisrael. He is called the “Faithful<br />

Witness” of Father YHWH in the Book of Revelation (1:5).<br />

1769<br />

The individual lost sheep will become a reconstituted nation in Yahshua.<br />

1770<br />

Yisraelite nations that had lost their identity as Hebrews. Yahshua knew them, but they did not know Him, but ran<br />

to Him when hearing the Good News of the kingdom.<br />

1771<br />

Messiah has an Elohim over Him.<br />

1772<br />

A call and a plea to both houses of Yisrael.<br />

1773<br />

YHWH stands ready to pardon all Yisrael.<br />

1774<br />

The Word has in fact accomplished His will and purpose, in bringing atonement to both houses of Yisrael, since<br />

Yahshua is, was and will yet be YHWH’s living Word, having now returned to the Father in great victory.<br />

1775<br />

DSS.<br />

1776<br />

Led forth from exile.<br />

1777<br />

The land will welcome Yisrael home.<br />

1778<br />

Kingdom joy. The trees as seen in Mark 8:22-25, are references to individual Yisraelites clapping their hands in<br />

celebration of the restoration of their nation.<br />

1779<br />

The curse on the land and on the earth is lifted.<br />

1780<br />

The regeneration of the land in the millennium will be for YHWH’s esteem, and for a place where His Name can<br />

dwell, without it being defiled any more by His people.<br />

1781<br />

Hebrew: yeshuati.<br />

1782<br />

Through His Son.<br />

1783<br />

Those who are heirs of salvation must guard the Shabbat and the other eternal ordinances in Torah.<br />

1784<br />

Anyone joining Yisrael through Yahshua must never ever utter these forbidden words. No one in the<br />

Commonwealth of Yisrael is a stranger, a sojourner, a visitor, a gentile, a eunuch, or any kind of a dry tree. The<br />

believer in Yahshua is declared to be righteous and part of the green olive tree of Yisrael. All separations, both<br />

physically and spiritually, are forbidden in confession and in practice.<br />

1785<br />

A Yisraelite must enter by the blood of Yahshua, but still must decide to “take hold” of Yisraelite culture and<br />

lifestyle on a daily basis.<br />

1786<br />

Within the walls of the Renewed Jerusalem.<br />

1787<br />

This falls in line with Matthew 5:19-21 where those not obeying Torah are least in the kingdom, yet by mercy<br />

remain sons and daughters, but have nothing to show for it. The ones here that are Torah-compliant and receive<br />

names and positions better than sons, or daughters, are the great ones in the kingdom, with great fruit in this age<br />

and the age to come. They will be known as remnant Yisrael, the everlasting name that will never be cut off.<br />

1788<br />

Loving the true and only eternal Name of YHWH, is a prerequisite for being, or becoming, or staying, Yisrael. The<br />

word is simple, and we ought to take heed to it. Learning to love the Name “YHWH” is part of the “taking hold”<br />

process, for the redeemed from both houses of Yisrael.<br />

1789<br />

Even non-biological Yisraelites become Yisrael when they receive salvation, guard His Shabbats and take hold of<br />

Torah and Yahshua. They will also be considered full and equal heirs in Yisrael.<br />

1790<br />

Mt. Zion.<br />

1791<br />

Yisrael restored.<br />

1792<br />

All nations are called to worship as one now and also in the millennial rebuilt Temple, when the Prince Messiah<br />

Yahshua, leads us in the true worship of His Father YHWH, using the true Name among all the people. The true faith<br />

must be one where all nations, colors, nationalities and races become Yisrael in accord with the “take hold”<br />

principle of His Torah.<br />

1793<br />

The Father.<br />

1794<br />

Efrayim.<br />

1795<br />

His chaverim, or companions, according to Ezekiel 37.<br />

1796<br />

The Father brings all to Yahshua and gathers all Yisrael by Yahshua.<br />

1797<br />

While all this restoration is going on, the beasts, or gentiles (heathens), will not be happy with the change in you,<br />

and will come to dissuade you in your personal return to Zion. Expect them to pop out of the forests of<br />

misunderstanding.<br />

1798<br />

Pagan watchmen, or religionists, or even non-believers in the YHWH of restoration. Or, even worse there are<br />

Jewish-Yisraelites, who stay in the one-house deception and are classified as watchmen asleep at the wheel, in full<br />

ignorance of YHWH’s faithful working amongst Efrayim-Yisrael in these last days.<br />

1799<br />

Metaphor for gentiles.<br />

1800<br />

Those ignorant of two-house restoration cannot bark out the sounds of the times.<br />

1801<br />

The true and most fabulous latter-day move of YHWH in the world.<br />

1802<br />

Historically accepted yet misguided definitions of essential biblical terms such as “Jew” and “gentile” and<br />

“Efrayim.”<br />

1803<br />

Temporal charismatic experiences.<br />

1804<br />

These false shepherds watch and yet are oblivious to Yisrael’s bright future, as the two sticks/trees become one.<br />

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