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years in the future. Even the anti-missionaries see Isaiah 53 as national Yisrael (not Yahshua) suffering for mankind<br />

in the future, despite the actual language being written in a past tense, or “prophetic perfect” verb usage.<br />

1695<br />

Isaiah 53 is banned in the Shabbat Haftarah (prophetic portions read in synagogues during Shabbat services)<br />

portions. If this chapter does not speak clearly about Yahshua then what are they running from?<br />

1696<br />

The report about Yisrael’s Suffering Servant Messiah from Yisraelites to Yisraelites, is not a “gentile” message.<br />

1697<br />

Metaphor for His deliverance, or redemption.<br />

1698<br />

Despite the telling and proclamation of the Good News, many in Yisrael from both houses will stumble over the<br />

report as prophesied in Isaiah 8:14, and turn the good report into one for stumbling and unbelief. This verse<br />

prophesies that the report of Messiah's death, would meet with much rejection.<br />

1699<br />

“Before Father YHWH,” where all sacrifices had to be presented according to Torah.<br />

For more details see An Altar Of Authority at: http://restorationscriptures.org/page7.htm<br />

1700<br />

Normal roots grow in fertile ground. This is a remez, or hint of the virgin birth.<br />

1701<br />

Messiah looked just like us and was not dressed in king’s clothing.<br />

1702<br />

“Men” is a synonym for the men of YHWH’s flock, or Yisrael. Both houses rejected His message. Efrayim<br />

rejected His Torah and Judah His blood atonement.<br />

1703<br />

Both houses still run from the true message, either rejecting it outright, or else changing it into a gentile western<br />

anti-nomian perversion.<br />

1704<br />

The “our” is a reference to both houses of Yisrael.<br />

1705<br />

Both houses thought His suffering was for His own sins and not ours.<br />

1706<br />

He brought peace and healing between YHWH and man, and between both warring houses of Yisrael, if the<br />

individual allows His work to be internalized.<br />

1707<br />

Physical and spiritual healing are both part of the benefits of the atonement.<br />

1708<br />

Matthew 15:24 reminds us, that He suffered for the lost sheep of Yisrael from both houses.<br />

1709<br />

All Yisrael’s sins fell on Him, since we were the former lost sheep of His fold.<br />

1710<br />

The Lamb of YHWH. Yisrael as a nation was never silent in the face of suffering.<br />

1711<br />

As seen by His refusal to defend Himself.<br />

1712<br />

Killed in violation of Torah and even Jewish law. Right-ruling was not enacted in His so-called trial. Yahshua arrived at<br />

trial straight from prison.<br />

1713<br />

Hebrew: Nigzar.<br />

1714<br />

Pesha ami, or the transgression of my nation. Yisrael as a nation cannot die for Yisrael, since in order to be a valid<br />

Torah sacrifice, the sacrifice must be a substitution, and vicarious in nature. He died for both houses of the nation.<br />

1715<br />

DSS. “They,” being the Yisraelites who prepared His tomb.<br />

1716<br />

DSS.<br />

1717<br />

DSS: In His tomb.<br />

1718<br />

As seen in His burial in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea (a rich man), and His death between two wicked thieves.<br />

1719<br />

Father YHWH declares the Lamb here as spotless and without sin.<br />

1720<br />

DSS.<br />

1721<br />

Literally a special substituted type of sacrifice. This word asham, Strong’s H # 817, is used very rarely and is<br />

specifically related to an offering for guilt. Here Yahshua dies for Yisrael’s collective guilt.<br />

1722<br />

In the very first book of Scripture, as in many other places “seed” can be used for seed other than human sperm as<br />

seen in Genesis 1:11, where fruit is seen to contain seed. The Hebrew word here and in other places is zera. Of course, it is<br />

metaphoric, and through the centuries Yahshua has had billions of faithful children, who look to Him for full adoption into<br />

YHWH’s eternal family. Both houses need that adoption.<br />

1723<br />

His life is prolonged after He is said to be dead, a reference to physical resurrection.<br />

1724<br />

Yahshua did have His human days prolonged on the earth by 40 days. This term yaarich yamim refers only to those 40<br />

days after death between His resurrection and His ascension. This term does not refer to His past life in heaven, in YHWH’s<br />

bosom, or now at YHWH’s right hand as YHWH, since Isaiah speaks of His earthly days being prolonged. Isaiah properly<br />

uses the term, yaarich yamim to refer to those 40 days. Were Isaiah referring to Yahshua’s eternality, He would have no<br />

doubt used a different term such as: le-olam, or le-olam-va-ed, or le-chayai-olam.<br />

1725<br />

In His hand mankind and Yisrael will be restored.<br />

1726<br />

The missing word “light” is found in the LXX (Septuagint), and in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Therefore we see the<br />

Messiah dying, and after death, seeing light again by His days being prolonged. By removing the word “light” after<br />

death, as in “light,” or “life after death,” the counter-missionaries have tried unsuccessfully to remove a clear<br />

reference to Messiah’s resurrection, after His death.<br />

1727<br />

YHWH’s wrath at Yisrael’s sin was fully brought forth upon Yahshua, and His righteous judgment upon that sin<br />

has been fully satisfied, which is why Yahshua cried out “It is finished.”<br />

1728<br />

Unlike the nation of Yisrael, Isaiah 53:11 calls the Sufferer “righteous,” and YHWH called Yisrael (as a nation)<br />

many things, but never called them blameless, or righteous as Isaiah 53, calls the Suffering Servant.<br />

1729<br />

“Justify” means they will become reborn, just as if they’ve never sinned.<br />

1730<br />

He (Yahshua) has carried away all of Yisrael’s sins, never to be brought back again.<br />

1731 Father YHWH.<br />

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