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1585<br />

If Yahshua is the Messiah, by Scriptural definition, He must be raising up all of physical Yisrael wherever they<br />

are. If He is not, and is just restoring “Jews and gentiles” (non-Yisraelites) alone to Dawid’s Tabernacle, then He is a<br />

false Messiah. That is the issue at stake. The real Messiah must arrive and gather all the exiles of Yisrael in both<br />

houses and all their non-Yisraelite companions (Ezekiel 37:15-17). If Yahshua is Messiah, then rest assured that<br />

most of those being rescued from the nations are Joseph’s House, and his non-Yisraelite companions.<br />

1586<br />

In addition to the primary role of regathering all 12 tribes from both houses, Yahshua will also be a Light to the<br />

heathen, who desire to join the Commonwealth of Yisrael. Notice that His primary mission is not to build a “gentile<br />

church” and invite Yisraelites to join. Religion has fully and totally reversed the primary order and main focus of His<br />

mission.<br />

1587<br />

Just so Yahshua does not get bored with His easy mission to both houses of Yisrael, YHWH will give Him some<br />

true heathens to seek for as well.<br />

1588<br />

All who desire salvation must appoint Yahshua as Savior, and desire YHWH’s salvation, and desire to live in<br />

accordance with Yisrael’s eternal constitution called the Torah.<br />

1589<br />

The Set -Apart One for all 12 tribes, the Messiah Yahshua.<br />

1590<br />

Many men among Yisrael and Judah’s rulers hated this Yahshua, despite the fact that He came to search for<br />

them, find them, and forgive them. He came to be the ultimate server and laid down his life as a ransom for many.<br />

1591<br />

Father YHWH has chosen Yahshua to bring Himself worshippers, from the ends of the earth, including kings,<br />

rulers, and presidents.<br />

1592<br />

Quoted by Paul in Second Corinthians 6:2, that these promises to physical Yisrael applied to the congregation at<br />

Corinth. This is further evidence that they were Efrayimites in Greek exile.<br />

1593<br />

Those calling on Messiah will be the preserved of Yisrael, designated as a “brit am,” or “covenant people” to<br />

restore the land, and cause other redeemed remnant covenant people, to inherit all the pagan, or ruined inheritances<br />

and cultures, even those many of us once belonged to.<br />

1594<br />

Redeemed Yisraelites.<br />

1595<br />

Isaiah 9:1-3.<br />

1596<br />

The two-house message of restoration, is one that set the captives of both houses free from bondage and error,<br />

as well as guarantees their physical return to the land. Moreover, it cries out to the hidden, yet preserved of our<br />

people to stand up, declare themselves and show the world just who they are in Messiah and the Commonwealth of<br />

Yisrael. The restoration message allows former pagan prisoners to show and declare themselves openly, as Yisrael.<br />

1597<br />

The return will be with great and wonderful guidance back to His Torah. He will not leave us comfortless in our<br />

return to Zion, but will accompany us.<br />

1598<br />

This also speaks of the fact that the ten tribes of Efrayim-Yisrael will return and settle in an area not lacking in<br />

food and water.<br />

1599<br />

YHWH will open many roads of return to the 12 tribes.<br />

1600<br />

Efrayim-Yisrael coming from the farthest points from Jerusalem on the earth.<br />

1601<br />

Sinim, according to Rashi and the Aramaic translation of verse 12, is the land of the south. The land farthest<br />

away and furthest south from Yisrael is Australia. In the Latin Vulgate translation of the <strong>Bible</strong> by Jerome, the word in<br />

verse 12 for “Sinim” is “Australi,” or (in English) “Australia.” Rashi attributes the lost tribe of Simeon to Australia,<br />

the "Great Southland." The name Sinim contains the root word for Sinai, both the mountain and the entire Sinai<br />

Peninsula. The Sinai Peninsula hosted a large population from the tribe of Simeon. In many respects Australia is<br />

similar to the Sinai Peninsula.<br />

1602<br />

In the restoration, return and regathering of all Yisrael, both the heavens and the earth will join as one in great<br />

gladness.<br />

1603<br />

YHWH’s eternal love for Yisrael is greater than any human love, reason, or emotion.<br />

1604<br />

This passage has to be referring to the House of Yisrael (Efrayim), since neither of the two major Jewish<br />

Diasporas (586 BCE and 70 CE) had yet occurred, when Isaiah was written in 720 BCE.<br />

1605<br />

Through Yahshua’s impalement, He took the nails because of His love for you, and all Yisrael.<br />

1606<br />

Your earthly Tabernacle.<br />

1607<br />

In the restoration of all Yisrael, He will gather both houses as one, and we will respond to Messiah's mission by<br />

coming to Him and responding to His drawing power.<br />

1608<br />

In verse 18 of Isaiah 49, YHWH tells His Son Yahshua to put on regathered Efrayim as an ornament of YHWH’s<br />

remarriage to His people.<br />

1609<br />

In verses 19-21 of Isaiah 49, we see a divinely mandated, major role reversal. In Messiah’s days, we see Efrayim’s<br />

oppressors and captors being tormented with global dispersion, never to be regathered, while Efrayim-Yisrael has<br />

been regathered to the land of their former destruction. Those who did the swallowing will take Efrayim’s place in<br />

the exile, as the swallowed. This is exactly what happened to the now-defunct Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian<br />

and Roman gentile empires.<br />

1610<br />

Verse 20 shows that returning Efrayim will be so numerous, that the land of Yisrael as it appears today, will not<br />

have enough space to contain Joseph’s seed, let alone Judah’s.<br />

1611<br />

In verse 21, the amazed peoples of Efrayim are flabbergasted at the fact that their brethren (other lost<br />

Yisraelites), are not only still extant, but, in fact, numerically multiplied and prosperous.<br />

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