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1524<br />

Rulers and dishonest judges.<br />

1525<br />

YHWH’s only eternal elect.<br />

1526<br />

Meaning: “straight and upright one.”<br />

1527<br />

Through Messiah.<br />

1528<br />

When Messiah comes to rebuild Yisrael, all His children will be known by the name of Yisrael, and no longer by<br />

other titles such as “Jew,” or “gentile.”<br />

1529<br />

Father YHWH.<br />

1530<br />

In Hebrew Ve goaloh YHWH tzevaot, and His Redeemer YHWH of Hosts, meaning the tool by which He Himself<br />

will save us, is also YHWH. This is another reference to the Savior, emanating from Father YHWH, without being the<br />

Father.<br />

1531<br />

So that the definition of Elohim is Father YHWH + His Redeemer YHWH=YHWH-Echad. Leaving out either power<br />

leaves one with error rather than truth.<br />

1532<br />

The ten tribes of Efrayim-Yisrael cannot be lost, or forgotten even in the nations.<br />

1533<br />

Through Messiah.<br />

1534<br />

Redemption and His glory of salvation, is found only in all who are redeemed Yisrael.<br />

1535<br />

Restored.<br />

1536<br />

Restored.<br />

1537<br />

YHWH raised up Cyrus/Koresh of Medo-Persia to restore Jerusalem. The reason that Cyrus was so benevolent<br />

towards Judah many say was because he read his name here in this prophecy some 150 years before he was born,<br />

and came to trust in YHWH. The restoration allowed by Cyrus is but a small foretaste of the restoration coming to<br />

both houses of Yisrael, through the eternal, Redeemer and King Yahshua.<br />

1538<br />

See note on Chapter 44 verse 28.<br />

1539<br />

YHWH introduced Himself to Koresh through the Scriptures.<br />

1540<br />

DSS.<br />

1541<br />

Father YHWH and His designated Maker for humanity the Messiah Yahshua (Colossians 1:16, John 1:3). In<br />

Hebrew: VeYitzro “and His Maker.” The plurality of one is seen.<br />

1542<br />

This does not mean believers can command YHWH around. It means in essence - let the nations ask Me and<br />

command Me to tell them what good things I have in store for My people Yisrael. We cannot order Him around to<br />

perform outside His will as some subtly teach.<br />

1543<br />

Jewish-Yisrael in the time of Cyrus, and both houses by Yahshua in the end times.<br />

1544<br />

But as YHWH’s servant, Yahshua will do the same in the remez/hint meaning, as Koresh does in the pashat/literal<br />

meaning.<br />

1545<br />

Many Yisraelite exiles from Efrayim not in Medo-Persia will also come to Cyrus requesting clemency and<br />

freedom. In the end times the exiles of both houses will come to Yahshua, who fulfills these prophecies in a unique<br />

end-time context. Former black Yisraelites who have escaped slavery are seen here in their return to the nation<br />

through Yahshua.<br />

1546<br />

Yisrael will be redeemed and restored. Each of us must choose individually if we desire to plug into that<br />

covenant and that promise.<br />

1547<br />

A call to two-house unity.<br />

1548<br />

Both houses that have escaped from the pagan ways of the nations are to assemble as one under Yahshua and<br />

draw near to Him.<br />

1549<br />

Told of Yisrael’s future.<br />

1550<br />

Literally El-Tzadik, u Messiah “a just El and a Messiah.” Another example that the Savior equals Father +<br />

Messiah, not one at the expense of the other.<br />

1551<br />

If YHWH is the only Savior, why do we need another Savior named Yahshua? All these verses do is prove that<br />

YHWH is the source and architect of salvation. However as He manifested His salvation through Moses in the First<br />

Covenant, He manifests Himself as Savior through the promised “Prophet like Unto Moses” (Deuteronomy 18:18) in<br />

the Renewed Covenant. In the cases of Yahshua and Moses, both received their saving power through the Source,<br />

who was and is Father YHWH, and both merely manifested that saving power. The Father saves through His Son as<br />

confirmed in Psalm 2:12. Moreover, the very fact that Yahshua is called Savior by His disciples without any rebuke<br />

proves two things. First, that Savior as a title is a direct link to YHWH, since all Yisrael knew that only YHWH carries<br />

that eternal title. By allowing that title to be used in reference to His mission on earth, He was ipso facto accepting<br />

the clear declaration that He was YHWH come in the flesh, as the direct and full manifestation of Father YHWH.<br />

Second, the Hebrew word “Savior” is the same root as “Messiah,” and so He allowed them to refer to Himself as<br />

both “The Savior” and “The Messiah,” whom they had long expected.<br />

1552<br />

Yahshua.<br />

1553<br />

He was sinless.<br />

1554<br />

In Isaiah 45:23 it is clear that YHWH is the one to whom every knee shall bow, since only in YHWH is<br />

righteousness, strength, and salvation. So some say in that case “who needs Yahshua?” Philippians 2:9-11 quotes<br />

this verse as applicable to Yahshua. Once again we are left with the plain understanding that if every knee will bow<br />

to Yahshua, and every knee will bow to the Father, then both the Father and the Messiah are one YHWH. Both<br />

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