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1288<br />

Age to come.<br />

1289<br />

In the age to come, many scattered Hamites and Ishmaelites will cry out to Yahweh, and He will send them<br />

Yahshua the Savior to bring them peace, life and national Yisraelite citizenship. These same redeemed Semites and<br />

Hamites will be allowed into the rebuilt millennial Temple to make slaughter offerings, and to perform vows to the<br />

Prince and His Father, since they will be considered part of millennial Yisrael.<br />

1290<br />

After these individuals from Ham and Ishmael accept Yahshua, they will follow Torah as seen by their vows.<br />

1291<br />

After being smitten in the Great Tribulation.<br />

1292<br />

The full healing and acceptance of remnant Egypt into Yisrael.<br />

1293<br />

Age to come/millennial kingdom.<br />

1294<br />

Both Assyria and Egypt will have remnants that join Yisrael by trust in Messiah.<br />

1295<br />

Yisrael’s historic enemies now join with them.<br />

1296<br />

In verses 23-25 we see some of the greatest glimpses into the peace plan amongst Arab nations hostile to<br />

Jewish-Yisrael. In the days of Ishmael’s ingathering to the rest of Yisrael, there shall be a Torah highway from Egypt<br />

to Syria. Assyria and those from Assyria/Syria will go to Egypt, and those from Egypt will go to Assyria. It will be the<br />

highway, or path of return and repentance. Ishmaelites from both these nations are prophesied to come together in<br />

order to serve YHWH the Elohim of Yisrael. This renewed tripartite Yisraelite alliance in verse 24 that will enter the<br />

millennium under Messiah, is said to be composed of Efrayim/Yisrael, Jewish/Yisrael, and Ishmael/Yisrael. All three<br />

parts are Yisrael. And why not? In Solomon’s day before the Kingdom of Yisrael split, Ishmaelites in Lebanon and<br />

Syria, were already large parts of national Yisrael, as were Arab lands and governors (Second Chronicles / Divre<br />

HaYamim 8:6, 9:14). In that Great Day of final ingathering, symbolized by the 7 th day of the Feast of<br />

Sukkot/Tabernacles, Jewish/Yisrael will be one of three main branches of Yisrael (Isaiah 17:6). Yahweh wants to take<br />

all the descendants of Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and bring them all under the Captain of their<br />

salvation, the only brought-forth Son of Righteousness for all of mankind, seated eternally on Dawid’s Throne in<br />

heaven, and one day soon in the earthly Jerusalem.<br />

1297<br />

In the days of the great Semitic/Ishmaelite awakening, many of Ishmael's sons scattered in and among the<br />

nations, along with a small remnant of Edom/Muslims who willingly denounce falsehood, will be joined together by<br />

Messiah's blood, and will move Father Yahweh to pronounce a new bracha/blessing, patterned after the Aaronic<br />

Benediction of (Numbers 6:23-27). May Yahweh bless Egypt My people/Ami, May Yahweh bless Assyria, the work of<br />

My hands, May Yahweh bless Yisrael/My inheritance (Isaiah 19:25). And in so doing, all three parts of Yisrael, Judah,<br />

Efrayim, and Ishmael, will carry the Name of Yahweh and “I Myself shall bless them, for I have returned them,” says<br />

Yahweh (Numbers 6:27,10:36).<br />

1298<br />

Message.<br />

1299<br />

A deputy of King Hezekiah.<br />

1300<br />

Eliakim will be clothed with Isaiah’s authority.<br />

1301<br />

Eliakim is a clear type of Yahshua HaMoshiach.<br />

1302<br />

A dual prophecy showing that Messiah in the person of Eliakim will oversee all 12 tribes in the restored House of<br />

Dawid.<br />

1303<br />

Messiah like the House of Dawid before Him, was cut off, or destroyed.<br />

1304<br />

China; Aramaic Peshitta. Or Cyprus.<br />

1305<br />

Even Tyre and Zidon will be renewed in the millennial kingdom, as YHWH will appoint them, as food and supply<br />

centers for the kingdom of Messiah.<br />

1306<br />

During the awesome Day of YHWH. A day of dread and fear for all those who remain unclaimed by the blood of<br />

Messiah. Yisrael will be protected through preservation, or through martyrdom.<br />

1307<br />

The current earth.<br />

1308<br />

The chukim/statutes and everlasting covenant that were broken, in light of chronology, is the seventh-day<br />

Shabbat, since the everlasting covenant of Messiah was still some 700 years in the future.<br />

1309<br />

The current earth has an appointment with the cleansing fire of YHWH, as the first one had with water for 40 days<br />

and nights. A few will remain, as did 8 in Noah’s days.<br />

1310<br />

While the world burns, the olive tree of Yisrael is merely shaken.<br />

1311<br />

While the world mourns, the remnant of Yisrael sings the songs of deliverance.<br />

1312<br />

Since Yahshua returns to the Eastern Gate to deliver Yisrael.<br />

1313<br />

We must all learn to adore not only YHWH, but also His very Name.<br />

1314<br />

Efrayim’s dwellings.<br />

1315<br />

Efrayim’s music to Yahshua in the midst of the “Day of YHWH” judgments.<br />

1316<br />

The old world will not rise, but will be renewed.<br />

1317<br />

Fallen heavenly messengers.<br />

1318<br />

Both fallen messengers and fallen kings, will be put in the pit, or the Lake of Fire, with the messengers being in<br />

eternal torment, and the wicked kings being put to the second death.<br />

1319<br />

In the millennium His elders, or saints will be immortal, which is what the Hebrew indicates here.<br />

1320<br />

All these verses are a description of the kingdom restored to Yisrael.<br />

1321 Yisrael.<br />

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