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Efrayim as the eternal apostates, or the “black sheep” of the family. This denial, or vexation even resulted in madeup<br />

doctrines of men, whereby Efrayim was said to be lost, or the “lost ten tribes,” thereby affording Judah the luxury<br />

of not having to extend recognition to Efrayim, since they were allegedly missing in action. This vexing continues to<br />

this day as most “Messianic” organizations do not recognize Efrayim, and have not reckoned them as returning<br />

Yisrael, but as being merely “Messianic gentiles,” or gentiles with a “Jewish heart.” But when Messiah returns, both<br />

houses will be in peace with each other, and Judah will no longer be allowed to vex his brother.<br />

1217<br />

Both houses.<br />

1218<br />

Arabs in Gaza, the same home of the ancient Philistines. Even without a physical connection to the Philistines,<br />

they both live in the same land, and both are led by the same hatred of Zion.<br />

1219<br />

Fly them westward.<br />

1220<br />

Together both houses will fight the eastern front as well as the west.<br />

1221<br />

These verses 14-15, and Obadiah 1:18-19 teach in the simplest possible terms, that the Jewish people will never<br />

ever conquer the Palestinians, Arabs, Edomites, or the sons of Esau, until they are reunited to Efrayim with one<br />

heart, one Spirit and one accord, into one massive army, through the reconciliation of Jewish-Yisrael with non-<br />

Jewish-Yisrael. We (believers) will continue to struggle and fight ourselves, over the question of “who is the real<br />

Yisrael,” instead of both camps recognizing the other house as also being legitimate heirs in Yisrael. Only a reunited<br />

Yisrael in these final last days of humanity will be able to overthrow the nefarious forces of Islam. This can become a<br />

reality in our lifetime. Islam cannot stand against a united Yisrael, for greater is He that is in us, than He that is in the<br />

world. We must look upon Efrayim in our midst, with great favor and grant them the recognition they deserve, so<br />

that they can take their rightful place in national Yisrael as physical, Spirit-filled, co-heirs, who are willing to join in<br />

military and spiritual warfare operations against Yisrael’s historic enemies. We will receive the consolation of Jacob,<br />

only when we preserve the revelation of Jacob, found in Genesis 30:25.<br />

1222<br />

With a reunified Yisrael, the Middle East problem will end according to Scripture, when the west, along with all<br />

Yisrael, puts the Palestinians on airplanes and sends them away. Isaiah 11:14 in its most literal translation reads<br />

“they shall fly the Philistines away westward.” Those, who in ignorance fight the two-house restoration, are actually<br />

postponing the inevitable Yisraelite victory over our enemies. Instead of worrying exclusively about learning Hebrew<br />

and keeping kosher, we should be concerned with victory. Biblical victory can be achieved only by a reunified twohouse,<br />

two-front (spiritual and military) solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict (Obadiah 1:18). The spiritual part is our<br />

task as we abide in Him who is Yisrael’s Prince. The military part is His work not ours. This truth by no means<br />

suggests that militarism is the answer, or militia-type theology, which is anti-Netsarim and wrought with doctrines of<br />

hate and superiority. When both houses are back in the Promised Land however, we will be at full force and in our<br />

most effective position to finally overcome our enemies.<br />

1223<br />

When both houses come together, another enemy that will be subdued are the strange languages that came forth<br />

from the Tower of Babel, as Hebrew is restored to the globe, so that the knowledge of YHWH can fill the earth in the<br />

language of revelation.<br />

1224<br />

Euphrates.<br />

1225<br />

YHWH finalizes the restoration with a perfect (7 streams) way of escape for all the seed of Yisrael stuck in<br />

countries influenced by the Egyptian tongue, and the pagan manners of that culture.<br />

1226<br />

YHWH always deals with only the remnant, while the world and the church systems attempt to deal in large<br />

numbers.<br />

1227<br />

Efrayim.<br />

1228<br />

Efrayim has great hope, as they look back on YHWH’s faithfulness in the historic Egyptian redemption.<br />

1229<br />

When a highway of return is made for all Yisrael.<br />

1230<br />

There are those who falsely claim that Yahshua's Name as Savior, or as Yisrael’s salvation, is found nowhere in<br />

Tanach/First Covenant Scripture. Yet here in the actual Hebrew it reads, "YHWH my strength, and my song, has<br />

become my Yahshua.” That’s what the Good News is all about: YHWH clothing Himself and manifesting as flesh, or<br />

YHWH becoming Yahshua.<br />

1231<br />

The fulfillment is found in John 7:38, and Isaiah 44:3, where Yisrael’s seed receives the water of YHWH's Spirit.<br />

1232<br />

Where Yisrael is scattered.<br />

1233<br />

When both houses are restored as one, in the day of salvation/Yahshua, the Name will be declared along with the<br />

Good News. The restoration itself will proclaim the Name.<br />

1234<br />

Salvation is the recognition of the fact that the Set-Apart One Himself, came to pitch His Tabernacle among us, in<br />

the flesh of mankind.<br />

1235<br />

Generally understood as the last seven years of this age, a time of judgment on the nations, or the Babylonian<br />

world system, and a time of freedom for Yisrael’s exiles.<br />

1236<br />

This grand and unprecedented cosmic disturbance during the Day of YHWH is the actual sign of His soon<br />

second coming (Matthew 24:29-30).<br />

1237<br />

As is often the case with an end-time text, there is also a prior historical fulfillment.<br />

1238<br />

In the two-house regathering.<br />

1239<br />

Aliyah/going up back to the land led by Yahshua and not man.<br />

1240<br />

All nations will join the 12 tribes, in the single olive tree, which is the community of Yisraelite faith.<br />

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