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Yisraelites began to intermingle with those of other nations producing a Yisraelite empire of global proportions. It<br />

was during the time of King Dawid that Yisrael’s seed started its global proliferation. This colonialism is confirmed<br />

in 1 Kings 4:20-26, which clearly states that the start of this accelerated phase of the “dust of the earth” promise,<br />

began when the concept of the two-houses began to emerge. The text states, “Judah and Yisrael were as many as<br />

the sand of the sea.” Not Judah alone. Even though both kingdoms acknowledged Solomon’s reign, we see YHWH’s<br />

promise to the patriarchs begin to accelerate through unchecked Yisraelite colonialism. What YHWH began via<br />

colonialism, He continued later via dispersion and scattering. Second Chronicles 8:2 shows how Hiram deeded<br />

Phoenician cities to Solomon, and how Solomon settled Yisraelites there. There were Yisraelites in every nation and<br />

city of the earth, since according to 1 Chronicles 9:23-24, all the subjected kings and their subjected empires<br />

appeared before Solomon annually to present gifts. The full documentation of Yisrael’s global colonialism under the<br />

reign of King Solomon is well chronicled and documented by many.<br />

856<br />

Unity and peace to both houses under Solomon.<br />

857<br />

The vine is a symbol of YHWH and the fig tree symbol is national Yisrael.<br />

858<br />

Worldwide Yisraelite empire.<br />

859<br />

Each cherub representing one house of Yisrael, each in the Speaking Place symbolizing YHWH’s desire to speak<br />

and meet with both houses of Yisrael. The design of each cherub was identical, thus indicating YHWH’s desire for<br />

equality to, for and between both houses of Yisrael. The annual Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement ceremony took place<br />

before YHWH, and Yisrael’s High Priest, the type and forerunner of Yahshua. The Holy of Holies itself is a detailed<br />

plan for Yisrael’s redemption and unity. For more details see: A Testimony of Yahshua at:<br />

http://restorationscriptures.org/page8.htm<br />

860<br />

According to Jeremiah 11 and Romans 11 the olive tree represents both houses of Yisrael. As such, each cherub<br />

representing one house of Yisrael was made from olive wood, or olive tree and served as a confirmation of the two<br />

trees of Ezekiel 37, becoming one in YHWH’s hands.<br />

861<br />

Equal weights and measures must be used - and were - for both houses of Yisrael.<br />

862<br />

When both houses treat each other with equal weights and measures, centering on the mercy seat and the blood<br />

of Yahshua’s atonement, then true unity will occur along with a manifestation of His shekinah (the divine presence).<br />

The presence of YHWH filled the Holy of Holies and will fill the restored Tabernacle of Dawid, if we truly put aside all<br />

past misunderstandings about Yisrael and adopt Scripture’s admonitions for all Yisrael. Let the two wings touch in<br />

your life, as you become a restorer of that bond of unity.<br />

863<br />

Symbolic of the King Messiah covering both sticks for both houses of Yisrael, as they reach out and touch each<br />

other, with His purity and kingly authority.<br />

864<br />

The two doors of olive wood represent both houses, and their entrance back to YHWH. All believers are to see<br />

themselves as part of the olive tree and thus that truth lies as the very entrance back into the presence of His mercy<br />

and forgiveness.<br />

865<br />

Both doors, or houses, covered with Messiah’s purity.<br />

866<br />

Two olive posts. A two-house symbolic reference.<br />

867<br />

Symbolic of both houses being flexible and led by YHWH’s Spirit, or wind.<br />

868<br />

A type of the 7-year time of Jacob’s Trouble, during which Yisrael's restoration and rebuilding will be fully<br />

completed by King Yahshua.<br />

869<br />

Eighteen in gematria is the numerical value of the word chai, or life. Both pillars of 18 cubits symbolize YHWH’s<br />

desire to bring life back to both houses of Yisrael.<br />

870<br />

One cubit for each of the 12 tribes on both pillars, indicating that both houses today contain a remnant of all 12<br />

tribes.<br />

871<br />

Two-house reference. Boaz means “fleetness,” Yachin means “He will establish,” so combined it means “with<br />

swiftness He will establish.” The two pillars indicate just what He will establish. Unity between the two houses of<br />

Yisrael to become His renewed Temple, for all those who seek Him.<br />

872<br />

The ceremonial washing of both houses of Yisrael symbolized by the two rows on the basin of ceremonial water<br />

cleansing.<br />

873<br />

Symbolizing the cleansing for all 12 tribes of Yisrael.<br />

874<br />

Symbolizing the future exile of all 12 tribes of Yisrael.<br />

875<br />

One thousand gallons of water, for the cleansing of each house of Yisrael.<br />

876<br />

The ten tribes of Yisrael, proclaiming the Light of Messiah after His first coming.<br />

877<br />

The four wings all symbolized Yisrael being scattered and dwelling in the four corners of the earth.<br />

878<br />

Not merely making repentance but confessing the Name of YHWH (not “hashem”). The Diaspora will not come to<br />

a complete end, until both houses learn and walk in his true Name.<br />

879<br />

Confess His true Name.<br />

880<br />

Non-Yisraelites.<br />

881<br />

Praying and worshipping with lifted hands is a Yisraelite custom, not one started by the so-called church.<br />

882<br />

Non-Yisraelites, or else the latter-day returning Efrayimites.<br />

883<br />

YHWH’s Name draws men into becoming Yisrael.<br />

884<br />

Sort of a renewal of the covenant as He did at Mt. Sinai the second time.<br />

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