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732<br />

A parable, or drash given by Gideon’s son, to show how self-promotion in Yisrael never works, and that just like<br />

Yahshua taught us, the road to greatness in Yisrael is in service to others.<br />

733<br />

The fruit of rebellion is corruption, death, and the devouring one of another.<br />

734<br />

Dual application in both the historic setting and also to both houses, as they enter the Great Tribulation.<br />

735<br />

This is not about human sacrifice. This is about keeping vows to YHWH. The point being that YHWH can deliver<br />

your enemies without you putting your foot in your mouth. Once the vow was made, eternal binding Torah principles<br />

kicked in which were irreversible. Moreover, nowhere does the text state that YHWH required the daughter as a<br />

human sacrifice. Rather that YHWH accepted the vow to receive the daughter in some fashion, not necessarily in the<br />

fashion, or manner in which Jephthah offered her to YHWH. Jewish tradition teaches that the vow of this offering<br />

was carried out figuratively by the daughter living in seclusion as a perpetual virgin devoted to prayer and to YHWH.<br />

736<br />

This trait as stated earlier, is a battle within Efrayim that manifests against others including Judah when he feels<br />

neglected and left out, or when his inferiority complex kicks in. This trait is still found in Efrayimites today. It is<br />

designed to be removed only by Messiah Yahshua, as ordained by Father YHWH.<br />

737<br />

Efrayim enters civil strife with other tribes in Yisrael. We see this unrest in an embryonic stage, even before the<br />

actual division of the nation some 400 years later.<br />

738<br />

Apparently different dialects had set in, even amongst the different tribes.<br />

739<br />

Yahshua directing all worship to His Father, His Elohim, even as He did in the Renewed Covenant.<br />

740<br />

A temporary secret to be revealed only in the fullness of times.<br />

741<br />

The Son worshiping His Father.<br />

742<br />

They knew this was no ordinary messenger.<br />

743<br />

Women in Yisrael are often more spiritually discerned and sensitive than the men who trust YHWH.<br />

744<br />

A head-start to trouble. Torah is clear. Nazarene Yisraelites must not marry outside of the faith, or even outside of<br />

those who dwell with Renewed Covenant Yisrael in their daily lifestyle.<br />

745<br />

A Hebraic idiomatic expression meaning completely, or fully.<br />

746<br />

A beautiful type of Yisrael, called to be separate from their birth at Sinai, just like Samson the Nazarite, that had<br />

gone whoring after other deities in spiritual adultery and becoming fully blind to the things of YHWH, forcing YHWH<br />

to remove His favor and His Set-Apart Spirit, causing both houses symbolized by both pillars to bring the entire<br />

house of Yisrael to ruin.<br />

747<br />

A nice Efrayimite religion, void of YHWH’s counsel and mind.<br />

748<br />

We’ll see this again later. Part of Efrayim's appeal to Judah was to come north and be priests for Jeroboam's new<br />

calendar and holidays, as Efrayim-Yisrael wandered further and further away from YHWH.<br />

749<br />

Dan, seeing Efrayim's little “in-house setup,” was impressed, and demanded that the false priest relocate,<br />

offering him a bigger ministry with a better salary, even though it would be false worship. Today not much has<br />

changed, as many of Dan and Efrayim’s sons seek crowds and vain reputation, rather than truth and heavenly<br />

treasures.<br />

750<br />

A sad and yet somewhat humorous fight between Efrayim and Dan, over who gets to control the idolatry and<br />

rebellion against YHWH. We see this again later after the split of the two houses, when Efrayim demanded to control<br />

the false worship, and wound up putting one of two golden calves in Dan to please Dan’s desire to lead in the<br />

north’s abominations before YHWH.<br />

751<br />

This pattern continued, especially as Dan later worked their way west into Europe, where many peoples and<br />

places are named after Dan, like the Dan-ish, or Dan from Layish.<br />

752<br />

A perfect example of tribal infighting way before the official split.<br />

753<br />

This ought to be Judah's heartfelt cry for any Efrayimites still not present in the congregation of YHWH. Rather<br />

than rejoice, they ought to be heartbroken, crying and even looking for the tribes that cut themselves off like<br />

Benjamin due to Torah violation.<br />

754<br />

Yabesh Gilead was east of the Jordan River, and as such housed the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of<br />

Menashsheh. Apparently these tribes were missing from the congregation.<br />

755<br />

This should be the cry for all Yisrael when there is any breech among the tribes.<br />

756<br />

The elders found a way around this vow to YHWH, in order to preserve Yisrael. Technically through this plan, not<br />

only was Benjamin preserved in Yisrael, the other tribes did not break their vow. This was done by giving the<br />

Benjamite men wives from the other tribes who had not made the vow before YHWH, and who were not in a vow of<br />

marriage. The men of Benjamin “took” the wives from Shiloh, so they technically were not given but taken. This<br />

great wisdom preserved a tribe on the verge of extinction due to sodomite behavior and lewdness. Therefore<br />

Benjamites today are full of the blood from many other tribes, as is all of Judah, since Benjamin settled in Judah<br />

after the split of the kingdom in 921 BCE.<br />


757 Every prince, or great man that arose in Yisrael was given the name Ephrati. Ephrati is defined as one who is an<br />

aristocrat, or noble man. The Talmud believed that descendents of the House of Efrayim became noble aristocrats<br />

wherever they were scattered. In the Babylonian Talmud Yalkut Shimeoni A77, commenting on 1 Samuel 1:1, Rabbi<br />

Raddak states "Ephrati is taken to mean someone from the tribe of Efrayim and of noble birth.”<br />

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