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630<br />

Not just Anglo-Saxon nations as some erroneously teach.<br />

631<br />

Exile foretold.<br />

632<br />

Not totally, but until He has destroyed their pride and self-sufficiency.<br />

633<br />

Most likely Rome with the symbol of the eagle. Rome caused the dispersion of Jewish-Yisrael and swallowed the<br />

Greeks, among whom many Efrayimites dwelt.<br />

634<br />

Possible dual application, with the same thing occurring in the time of Jacob's Trouble, as in the days of the<br />

Roman exile of the Jews.<br />

635<br />

Few in recognizable, or identifiable numbers, not in actual numbers, since most Yisraelites live and act like<br />

gentiles thus are not distinguishable from them, unless a reawakening and regeneration occurs by faith in Messiah.<br />

636<br />

The exile of the whole nation to all nations.<br />

637<br />

This could be a spiritual Egypt, or at various points in later history, Yisraelites fled to Egypt for protection only to<br />

be discovered and captured. These isolated incidents were not national bondage, so there may be a spiritual deeper<br />

meaning here as well.<br />

638<br />

The same covenant renewed on the east bank of the Jordan. We see no new covenant, but a recital and renewal.<br />

The Renewed Covenant of Messiah should be viewed as the renewal and internalization of the Torah, as opposed to<br />

a totally new covenant with totally foreign concepts.<br />

639<br />

With us and our children forever.<br />

640<br />

Eretz Acheret-An interesting phrase, since all other Scriptures of exile, speak of all nations. Taken with those,<br />

here is a single nation of exile, singled out from other nations of exile. This could definitely be a clear reference to<br />

the United States of America, which houses literally hundreds of millions of both Jews and Efrayimites, in varying<br />

forms of Christian expression. The Mishna (part of Talmud) in Sanhedrin 10 opines that this verse in Deuteronomy<br />

refers to the lost ten tribes who are ordained to remain in "Eretz Acheret" until close to the end of this age. The<br />

American hemisphere when first revealed in our era to European eyes was known as "The New World,” another<br />

translation of the term “eretz acheret.” For more details see: http://restorationscriptures.org/page31.htm<br />

641<br />

In context, the secret things are the whereabouts of all of Yisrael’s exiles.<br />

642<br />

All nations.<br />

643<br />

Through and by the mission of Messiah Yahshua.<br />

644<br />

Physical multiplication.<br />

645<br />

Confession of faith in the Living Torah Yahshua and the written Torah.<br />

646<br />

Yahshua. Romans 10:8-10.<br />

647<br />

DSS, LXX. We are to carry out His word with action, not just faith. Faith without works is dead.<br />

648<br />

According to the Renewed Covenant, the Torah itself is the word of faith renewed through the Good News and<br />

proclaimed by the apostles, as opposed to a dispensationalist mindset of Torah versus a new faith.<br />

649<br />

Physical multiplicity.<br />

650<br />

Notice that the children did not go to separate children’s programs but were required to hear all of Torah with the<br />

adults.<br />

651<br />

Starting in circa 33CE.<br />

652<br />

A defining characteristic of the true Yisrael. Those who refuse to proclaim the true Name of the Father cannot be<br />

considered Yisrael, as both heaven and earth record and testify the same along with Moses’s Song.<br />

653<br />

Idolatry and forsaking His Name.<br />

654<br />

The concept of YHWH as Father is not a Christian invention.<br />

655<br />

Speaking of YHWH’s command for key heavenly messengers to guard specific nations (LXX and DSS).<br />

656<br />

Alternate translation according to the Peshitta and Masoretic texts reads: “According to the number of the sons<br />

of Yisrael.” If one accepts this rendering, then the nations were divided geographically based on the criteria of how<br />

many of Yisrael’s exiles that nation could hold. Based on that sole criteria YHWH would allot a certain amount of<br />

land. This rendering further displays the vastness of the billions of Yisraelites in the latter-days.<br />

657<br />

Jacob’s inheritance will eventually fill all nations.<br />

658<br />

Pet name for Yisrael meaning “Upright.”<br />

659<br />

This reference refers to Yisrael being stunned and angered by a people that resemble non-Yisraelites in culture<br />

and lifestyle, claiming to be the “Yisrael of YHWH” in the latter-days. From Scriptures in Hosea 1:9, First Peter 2:10<br />

and Romans 9:25-27, the Lo-Ami foolish, or goy-nation, was and is returning Efrayim-Yisrael.<br />

660<br />

Efrayim-Yisrael, all but forgotten by mankind until the last days, and the coming of Messiah Yahshua.<br />

661<br />

Speaking of Messiah Yahshua as quoted in Ivrim/Hebrews 1:6 and from the LXX.<br />

662<br />

From the LXX and quoted in Romans 15:10 validating this usage encouraging all nations to be Yisrael and join in<br />

with Yisrael, not Yisrael with other religions, or nations.<br />

663<br />

Reference to Messiah.<br />

664<br />

YHWH is truly King when He receives honor for gathering all Yisrael back as one in spite of their exile and hard<br />

hearts.<br />

665<br />

Just as a goring ox thrusts things forward and outward after wounding its victim, so will the multitudes of<br />

wounded Yisrael be found in Efrayim-Yisrael, or the collective term for the later 10 tribes of the northern kingdom.<br />

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