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514<br />

The USA and UK and other lands west of Cyprus, which according to Josephus and others is Chittim. They will<br />

destroy end time Islam and their leader “The Assyrian,” the anti-moshiach.<br />

515<br />

The word “ever” is not Hebrew, or Hebrews as is commonly translated, but is better translated as “bank,” as in<br />

the bank of a river. The end time USA-UK-European western nation coalition will destroy the anti-moshaich forces,<br />

so that YHWH will destroy both banks of the Euphrates River, once part of both ancient Assyria and Babylon,<br />

through the human weapons of His indignation.<br />

516<br />

Assyria and Babylon, or both banks.<br />

517<br />

A case where the death, or sacrifice of two people, through the act of one righteous man, resulted in an act of<br />

atonement for the entire nation of Yisrael, just as Messiah's death as Messiah Son of Joseph would atone for the<br />

nation as well.<br />

518<br />

The inheritance of property and royalty can pass through the daughter according to Torah. Therefore Yahshua as<br />

King could and did inherit Dawid’s throne through Mary His mother, as seen in Matthew chapter one. This is an<br />

eternal ordinance in Yisrael.<br />

519<br />

Labor, normal labor and labor for pay.<br />

520<br />

This is the true Yisraelite concept of binding and loosing spoken of by Yahshua. To bind means to disallow. To<br />

loose means to allow.<br />

521<br />

Caleb was considered a Jew, despite his father being a non-Yisraelite. All who join Yisrael are Yisrael, without any<br />

conversion process necessary. Beware of any manmade conversion process.<br />

522<br />

The correct attitude of all those called into Yisrael’s restoration. We will not return to our homes and agendas<br />

until all Yisrael has received their inheritance and place in Yisrael’s commonwealth.<br />

523<br />

A good warning to all who do not allow and do not fight for full equality and inheritance for both houses of<br />

Yisrael. Failure to do so is sin, and YHWH will expose that sin for what it is.<br />

524<br />

In a theocracy, YHWH chooses, calls, and names the leadership Himself.<br />

525<br />

Mercy.<br />

526<br />

This principle is still vital to the restoration today. Now that the two sticks of<br />

Ezekiel 37 are being made one, Judah must not seek to consume Efrayim by converting them to a different house,<br />

by becoming Jews. And, neither should Efrayim take Jews and demand that they join with Efrayim and any of their<br />

unbiblical manners in a Sunday church system. Rather, each house has a special and unique role to play, and that<br />

role in order to be preserved remains separate. Yet both houses are well on their way to becoming one reconstituted<br />

people in Torah and in Messiah.<br />

527<br />

See Tribal Choosing-Returning Regulations at: http://restorationscriptures.org/page42.htm<br />


528<br />

An intense recital of many of the key benchmarks in our nation’s history.<br />

529<br />

Four million Yisraelites including men, women, and children left Egypt. Yet Moses said that this number in order<br />

to fulfill the covenant of physical multiplicity would be multiplied by one thousand. That brings us to a latter-day<br />

total of approximately four billion, or four out of every six humans, whether they know who they really are, or not.<br />

530<br />

Considered Jewish even though his father was not a native.<br />

531<br />

Esau is not homeless. He has Mt. Seir but doesn't like his home, and due to anger and jealousy has come to the<br />

land of Yisrael to destroy Jews in his unresolved anger over selling his birthright.<br />

532<br />

The whole world fears Yisrael's power, influence and might, now and forever more.<br />

533<br />

Torah will separate us above all nations.<br />

534<br />

The nation didn’t see Yahshua, as did Moses.<br />

535<br />

Symbolizing His Torah for the eventuality of both houses of Yisrael.<br />

536<br />

This warning later repeated to Renewed Covenant Yisrael.<br />

537<br />

Few in recognizable numbers, not actual numbers since they will look and behave like gentiles.<br />

538<br />

Always the answer.<br />

539<br />

Generally any kind of tribulation, specifically the time of Jacob’s Trouble, or the Great Tribulation.<br />

540<br />

Efrayim has to exist and they cannot possibly disappear, or be lost. The same applies to Judah, since YHWH<br />

promised to never fully destroy any part of Yisrael.<br />

541<br />

A metaphoric expression referring to Yahshua as the right Arm of YHWH the Father.<br />

542<br />

Unmerited favor.<br />

543<br />

Vezot haTorah asher sahm Moshe used in the synagogue Torah liturgy.<br />

544<br />

Yahshua.<br />

545<br />

Bring it to nothing.<br />

546<br />

All Yisrael benefits from Torah.<br />

547<br />

Yisrael always needed an intercessor, as they were unable, or unwilling to hear directly from YHWH. The same<br />

holds true today for both houses, for without Yahshua, neither house will hear clearly and without fear.<br />

548<br />

Physical multiplicity.<br />

549<br />

The Shema. YHWH is echad not yachid, meaning He is, and always will be, a plurality in divinity.<br />

550 Known today as tefillin, or phylacteries.<br />

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