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359<br />

DSS.<br />

360<br />

Yom HaKippurim (literally, the Day of Atonements) for all Yisrael. All Yisrael was cleansed of both willful and<br />

unintentional sin by this annual atonement. The same “one for all ordinance” is found in Messiah’s one time offering<br />

of Himself. This is the only day of the year when YHWH deals with and forgives willful rebellion and sin. Other<br />

sacrifices were for errors, or unintentional sin, or various ordinances that needed to be performed.<br />

361<br />

In Yisrael’s history, only Yahshua was a fit Man forever by reason of His immortality. In addition to being the fit<br />

Man, He also was the Azazel scapegoat Himself.<br />

362<br />

Azazel in addition to being the very scapegoat itself, is considered in Hebraic literature the wasteland of spiritual<br />

destruction, or even Gehenna/hell. The symbolism is that YHWH loves Yisrael so much, that He annually sent their<br />

sins far away to a place called Azazel, far outside the camp, never to return. This was done yearly to portray YHWH's<br />

forgiveness for all Yisrael, as well as the future redemption through the “fit Man” chosen for Yisrael by YHWH<br />

Himself (First Tim. 2:5, Isaiah 59:16).<br />

363<br />

Could mean fasting but fasting is not clearly specified.<br />

364<br />

Shabbat-Shabbaton - The same term used for Messiah’s resurrection in Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:2, Luke 24:1, and<br />

John 20:1, since there is no Greek word for Shabbat. He rose on the first of the 7 weekly Shabbatons between<br />

Firstfruits, Aviv 16, and the Feast of Weeks 50 days later.<br />

365<br />

Continued in and by Messiah Yahshua, in the true Tabernacle - not pitched with men’s hands - in the heavens.<br />

366<br />

A rejection of Messiah’s blood leaves a person with no atonement, hence no forgiveness. Thankfully YHWH’s love<br />

for Yisrael has never changed, and this is seen in the provision of YHWH Himself as the Lamb.<br />

367<br />

Meaning if a Yisraelite just likes killing and is not killing the animal for use in the direct worship of YHWH.<br />

Misusing the offerings by not offering them to YHWH, was considered an act of demonic allegiance worthy of death.<br />

How many offerings in modern religion are not truly offered to YHWH? Those people are at the very least removed,<br />

or cut off from Renewed Covenant Yisrael and live as saved individuals separate, or cut off from community.<br />

368<br />

Demons and s.a.tan are not Christian inventions but are recorded in the First Covenant.<br />

369<br />

Meaning for all time Yisrael must forsake all forms of worship that does not honor YHWH and His Son in a Torah<br />

foundation, including anti-nomian pagan systems.<br />

370<br />

Let all those who pursue Judaism in any form without YHWH’s Son and His blood take careful note.<br />

371<br />

This does not mean that Torah keeping alone brings eternal life as some teach. Rather, those who do them shall<br />

live their lifestyles in a full commitment to them.<br />

372<br />

Homosexual behavior is called an abomination.<br />

373<br />

By implication, honor and fear their Shabbats as Yisraelites.<br />

374<br />

All service to YHWH must be by choice and not compulsion.<br />

375<br />

An example of YHWH’s mercy that is eternal and did not start with the coming of Messiah as so many teach.<br />

376<br />

This is not any kind of a prohibition against using YHWH’s Name. Rather it is a prohibition about using it to lie, or<br />

perpetuate falsehood.<br />

377<br />

It seems that daily pay is the Torah way not monthly, or weekly pay.<br />

378<br />

Spilling blood with the tongue. All forms of evil speech are forbidden.<br />

379<br />

Yahshua renewed that Torah in our hearts.<br />

380<br />

Nothing to pray about.<br />

381<br />

This is a positive proof that all believers in the Messiah are part of the olive tree of Yisrael, for if the non-Jews<br />

truly were gentile pagans they would not be considered part of the olive tree, since that would be a violation of the<br />

law of mixing seed, or kilayim. For more details see Kilayim at: http://restorationscriptures.org/page33.htm<br />

382<br />

Shatnez: A prohibition of wearing two specific fabrics, linen and wool, in one garment. Not a general prohibition<br />

against mixing other fabrics, since others are not specifically mentioned.<br />

383<br />

Applies only in the land of Yisrael.<br />

384<br />

Pagan calendars and reckoning of time.<br />

385<br />

Notice that Yisraelite men were expected and commanded to wear beards. Also this does not specifically prohibit<br />

the trimming of side locks, or peyot. Rather the command is to not destroy them, or be fully clean-shaven as are<br />

many Sunday pastors.<br />

386<br />

Judah must learn how to end his pre-disposition to vex Efrayim through the love of Messiah according to Isaiah<br />

11:13.<br />

387<br />

When dealing with what would become the two houses of Yisrael, we must always apply equal weights and<br />

measures by treating both houses with equity, not treating one as better than the other, and by recognizing both as<br />

legitimate equal heirs in Yisrael.<br />

388<br />

True Yisraelites confront paganism that has crept into the faith, and failure to do so is forsaking our calling as<br />

Yisrael. To confront and rebuke paganism is a loving act and are matters of obedience to YHWH.<br />

389<br />

Yisraelite men are eternally called to wear head coverings, if they claim to be a royal priesthood of the chosen<br />

nation of Renewed Covenant Yisrael.<br />

390<br />

As opposed to pagan religions, Yisraelite priests in Yisrael are encouraged and even commanded to marry.<br />

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