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87<br />

A Torah keeper.<br />

88<br />

YHWH fulfilled this promise in a sense when He spared the 10 tribes of non-Jewish Yisrael.<br />

89<br />

If wicked mankind doesn’t need a mediator as some claim, then why was the first father of Yisrael allowed to be a<br />

mediator by YHWH? Abraham was a mediator here, just like Yahshua would be one later.<br />

90<br />

Possibly at Passover.<br />

91<br />

YHWH’s mercy did not start at Golgotha.<br />

92<br />

Aramaic Memra, or Word.<br />

93<br />

Aramaic Targum considered authoritative and used in the ancient synagogues.<br />

94<br />

The Greater and Lesser YHWH. The Sender and the Sent.<br />

95<br />

Nation, not nations.<br />

96<br />

YHWH considers only the promised seed as Abraham’s son.<br />

97<br />

Mt. of Olives.<br />

98<br />

Faith in Isaac’s resurrection.<br />

99<br />

YHWH Himself will become the Lamb.<br />

100<br />

Olivet.<br />

101<br />

The Yisraelite nations would be among the world’s stronger end-time nations.<br />

102<br />

The repetition of this same promise seems redundant, but YHWH knew most wouldn’t grasp its full implication.<br />

Therefore, it needed to be repeated and expanded.<br />

103<br />

A Hebrew.<br />

104<br />

Separation unto YHWH.<br />

105<br />

Ten camels drinking in the land from a mother of Yisrael, shows beautiful typology of Efrayim’s return in physical<br />

abundance and in the Spirit.<br />

106<br />

Billions – Rivkah was said to have billions of biological offspring. These are those who would spring forth<br />

through Jacob/Yisrael and become biological Yisraelites.<br />

107<br />

Sign of authority and submission.<br />

108<br />

Due to covenant.<br />

109<br />

When a family member died in a Hebrew family he or she was placed on a burial bench in the tomb along with<br />

personal items such as vases and jewelry. After the dead body decayed, the bones were collected and placed in a<br />

bone repository located in a separate area of the same tomb, to allow for other family members to later be buried in<br />

the same tomb. This Hebraic practice is referred to as being “gathered unto his fathers.” This term used here in<br />

Scripture for the first time, is used many more times in the First Covenant. This key phrase helps to strongly<br />

establish the “One Yisrael” doctrine. The mention here of Abraham being gathered in this matter, lends further<br />

evidence that YHWH considered all those before Abraham to be faithful Torah keepers like Enoch, Noah, and Shem,<br />

who all walked in His ways. He honored them by calling them Abraham’s fathers. In YHWH’s view the nation and<br />

people that would become Yisrael, started long before Abraham, and as such were the physical and spiritual fathers<br />

to whom Abraham was gathered.<br />

110<br />

Tribes initially, that became Arabic nations, who will also make up the end time revived beast empire.<br />

111<br />

Notice Rivkah was not Jewish, but an Aramean who crossed over to be a Hebrew.<br />

112<br />

Yisraelite people and Edomite people.<br />

113<br />

In the natural, the twins vied for being the chosen seed of promise. But in the spirit all things were already<br />

decided. Yisrael was to be the chosen seed, YHWH’s Son, His firstborn.<br />

114<br />

Greater Yisrael is a massive land including many countries of Yisraelite seed, not merely one country, as many<br />

believe.<br />

115<br />

The promise of physical multiplicity renewed in Isaac.<br />

116<br />

Chosen because of his obedience to Torah, as revealed to him in stages.<br />

117<br />

As promised.<br />

118<br />

Isaac knew YHWH’s Name.<br />

119<br />

Deer meat eaten as food.<br />

120<br />

They go together as part of the birthright, as both were foreordained for Jacob. Both my birthright “bachorati”<br />

and my blessing “berchati” sound the same in Hebrew.<br />

121<br />

A key correction found in the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) taking this statement as a withholding from Esau, rather<br />

than as a blessing. In context, since Jacob already had taken the blessing, only the lack of blessing remained for<br />

Esau.<br />

122<br />

From about 600 CE with the rise of Islam to 1967 and Yisrael’s recapture of Jerusalem.<br />

123<br />

Kahal Goyim - an obvious reference to Messiah’s congregation, which is the physical and spiritual offspring of<br />

the redeemed remnant, from all the Yisraelite nations. Notice not a congregation of Jews only.<br />

124<br />

Uparatztah – Break forth.<br />

125<br />

Unmerited favor.<br />

126<br />

A plant and fruit used as a love, or fertility stimulant, sought by Rachel to overcome her barren womb.<br />

127<br />

Shnai Machanot - two camps. This has always been one of the main reasons for Yisrael being divided into two<br />

houses. For preservation from attack and annihilation. Jacob here operates in the full mind of YHWH.<br />

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