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About The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong><br />

Why Now?<br />

The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> has been in the heart of Father YHWH from the very dawn of<br />

His covenant with Jacob/Yaakov. YHWH being in control of all things knew Yisrael’s entire future – including our exile,<br />

dispersion and regathering through the Moshiach. The Moshiach has come, and we are the result of His faithful mission,<br />

the return of all the believing exiles of all 12 tribes, both physically and spiritually.<br />

Meeting The Need<br />

In order to meet the needs of this growing remnant community, The Father ordained the vision for this edition around the<br />

year 2000 CE. We did not act upon the vision at that time for many reasons. One being that the task was so monumental<br />

and daunting for us, due to the fact that we would have to self-publish any such “two-house Scriptures.” However, after the<br />

strong and increasing frequency of the prompting by the Set-Apart Spirit, we decided that we could no longer postpone<br />

YHWH’s will. He desired a translation that would edify and confirm the renewed Yisraelite heritage and identity of many<br />

believers in the Moshiach Yahshua, who desired to live out their lifestyle as part of the true Commonwealth of Yisrael.<br />

Once we decided to obey our Father's orders, the world’s first two-house true Name <strong>Bible</strong> has now become a wonderful<br />

living reality.<br />

Underlying Text<br />

To publish the unique Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, we used the Masoretic Text as our<br />

foundational text for the First Covenant Tanach. We then proceeded to correct obvious anti-Yahshua redactions,<br />

shamefully tampered with by the Masoretic editors. Moreover, we reinserted the true Name back into this foundational<br />

source.<br />

For the Renewed Covenant, we have used many greatly appreciated and widely accepted sources. After prayerful<br />

consideration and scholarship, we have used key sources such as the Aramaic Peshitta, which we believe to be the actual<br />

autographs, holding to the strong view of Aramaic primacy, The Matthew Shem Tov, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The<br />

Septuagint, along with consulting many other legitimate later Greek sources. Most of the sources were Semitic, since we<br />

believe the Renewed Covenant was inspired in the Semitic languages of Aramaic and Hebrew.<br />

Our Purpose<br />

Our purpose in publishing The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is to give all Yisraelite believers a<br />

translation that first and foremost uplifts and proclaims the true Names of YHWH and Yahshua, as it originally appeared<br />

in the First Covenant almost 7,000 times, as well as restoring it in the Renewed Covenant directly from the Aramaic<br />

Peshitta, and other reliable Semitic historical sources. Additional insertions were based on the consistency and<br />

immutability of the Heavenly Father, whose Name did not change (Exodus 3:14-15) just because His Son came into the<br />

world, and was greatly misunderstood.<br />

A “Thought For Thought” Translation<br />

The Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> is not a “word for word” translation. It is not designed to be.<br />

First of all, all translations in a real honest sense are all paraphrases. Simply put, there is no such thing as a literal “word<br />

for word” translation. It is just that some publishers and editors are pretty crafty at covering up that fact. They don’t want<br />

you to know that they were forced by linguistic constraints and limitations to paraphrase, or add words, or even often<br />

reverse word orders. Some may find that shocking, but it remains nonetheless true. Therefore the Restoration Scriptures<br />

True Name Edition <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> has had to employ all of the above traditional translation methods. And we desire to be up<br />

front and honest about it.<br />

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